4,090 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Operational Correspondence (Technical Report)

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    Encodings are the main way to compare process calculi. By applying quality criteria to encodings we analyse their quality and rule out trivial or meaningless encodings. Thereby, operational correspondence is one of the most common and most important quality criteria. It ensures that processes and their translations have the same abstract behaviour. We analyse probabilistic versions of operational correspondence to enable such a verification for probabilistic systems. Concretely, we present three versions of probabilistic operational correspondence: weak, middle, and strong. We show the relevance of the weaker version using an encoding from a sublanguage of probabilistic CCS into the probabilistic pi-calculus. Moreover, we map this version of probabilistic operational correspondence onto a probabilistic behavioural relation that directly relates source and target terms. Then we can analyse the quality of the criterion by analysing the relation it induces between a source term and its translation. For the second version of probabilistic operational correspondence we proceed in the opposite direction. We start with a standard simulation relation for probabilistic systems and map it onto a probabilistic operational correspondence criterion. This technical report contains the proofs to the lemmata and theorems of [8] as well as some additional material

    Probabilistic Operational Correspondence

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    Encodings are the main way to compare process calculi. By applying quality criteria to encodings we analyse their quality and rule out trivial or meaningless encodings. Thereby, operational correspondence is one of the most common and most important quality criteria. It ensures that processes and their translations have the same abstract behaviour. We analyse probabilistic versions of operational correspondence to enable such a verification for probabilistic systems. Concretely, we present three versions of probabilistic operational correspondence: weak, middle, and strong. We show the relevance of the weaker version using an encoding from a sublanguage of probabilistic CCS into the probabilistic ?-calculus. Moreover, we map this version of probabilistic operational correspondence onto a probabilistic behavioural relation that directly relates source and target terms. Then we can analyse the quality of the criterion by analysing the relation it induces between a source term and its translation. For the second version of probabilistic operational correspondence we proceed in the opposite direction. We start with a standard simulation relation for probabilistic systems and map it onto a probabilistic operational correspondence criterion

    Automated wetland delineation from multi-frequency and muliti-polarized SAR Images in high temporal and spatial resolution

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    Water scarcity is one of the main challenges posed by the changing climate. Especially in semi-arid regions where water reservoirs are filled during the very short rainy season, but have to store enough water for the extremely long dry season, the intelligent handling of water resources is vital. This study focusses on Lac Bam in Burkina Faso, which is the largest natural lake of the country and of high importance for the local inhabitants for irrigated farming, animal watering, and extraction of water for drinking and sanitation. With respect to the competition for water resources an independent area-wide monitoring system is essential for the acceptance of any decision maker. The following contribution introduces a weather and illumination independent monitoring system for the automated wetland delineation with a high temporal (about two weeks) and a high spatial sampling (about five meters). The similarities of the multispectral and multi-polarized SAR acquisitions by RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X are studied as well as the differences. The results indicate that even basic approaches without pre-classification time series analysis or post-classification filtering are already enough to establish a monitoring system of prime importance for a whole region

    Encodability Criteria for Quantum Based Systems (Technical Report)

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    This technical report contains the proofs to the lemmata and theorems of [15] as well as some additional material. The main contributions of [15] are the analysis of the applicability of several quality criteria for encodings within a quantum based setting and a discussion on new, quantum specific criteria. Therefore, an encoding from one quantum based process calculi into another is presented and the quality criteria are applied to it. The separation result proves the absence of an encoding the other way around

    Bulk viscosity in 2SC and CFL quark matter

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    The bulk viscosities of two color-superconducting phases, the color-flavor locked (CFL) phase and the 2SC phase, are computed and compared to the result for unpaired quark matter. In the case of the CFL phase, processes involving kaons and the superfluid mode give the largest contribution to the bulk viscosity since all fermionic modes are gapped. In the case of the 2SC phase, ungapped fermionic modes are present and the process u+d u+s provides the dominant contribution. In both cases, the bulk viscosity can become larger than that of the unpaired phase for sufficiently large temperatures (T >~ 1 MeV for CFL, T >~ 0.1 MeV for 2SC). Bulk viscosity (as well as shear viscosity) is important for the damping of r-modes in compact stars and thus can potentially be used as an indirect signal for the presence or absence of color-superconducting quark matter.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the proceedings of QCD@Work 2007, Martina Franca (Italy

    Stakeholder-Management im Politiknetzwerk der Energiewende : Herausforderungen für die Führung öffentlicher Organisationen

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    Die Erfolgsvoraussetzungen für das strategische Management öffentlicher Organisationen haben sich grundlegend verändert. Im Gewährleistungsstaat der vernetzten Kommunikationsgesellschaft sind die Grenzen zwischen einer öffentlichen Organisation und ihrer Umwelt nicht mehr klar zu ziehen: Zahlreiche Akteure mit unterschiedlichsten Interessen bestimmen über die Handlungs- und Entscheidungsspielräume öffentlicher Organisationen massgeblich mit. Dies zeigt sich am Beispiel des dynamischen Politikfeldes der Energiewende: Gerade in Zeiten grundlegender Veränderungen wird für die Führung öffentlicher Organisationen das strategische Stakeholder-Management zu einem Schlüsselfaktor des Erfolgs. Allerdings ist dieses für Führungskräfte öffentlicher Organisationen mit grossen Herausforderungen verbunden: Wie können sie den langfristigen Erfolg ihrer Organisationen in einem Umfeld unzähliger heterogener Stakeholder, die miteinander vernetzt sowie in Interessen- und Zielkonflikten gefangen sind, auf strategischer Ebene sicherstellen? Wie können in einer komplexen und dynamischen Stakeholder-Umwelt, deren Akteure allgegenwärtig und permanent auf verschiedensten medialen Plattformen kommunizieren, die öffentlichen Aufgaben und Zielsetzungen im Spannungsfeld von unternehmerischen und gesellschaftlichen Interessen erfüllt werden? Und wie kann die dazu notwendige Legitimation in demokratischen Prozessen laufend sichergestellt werden? Dieses Working Paper erläutert die genannte Stakeholder-Problemstellung am Beispiel öffentlicher Organisationen im Politikfeld der Energiewende: Es reflektiert unterschiedliche Konzepte des Stakeholder-Managements, verortet diese in Theorien der Betriebswirtschaftslehre wie auch der Verwaltungs-, Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaften und dokumentiert anhand einer explorativen, nicht repräsentativen Online-Umfrage die Herausforderungen des Stakeholder-Managements in der Energiewende aus Sicht von Führungskräften öffentlicher Organisationen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage deuten darauf hin, dass es in der Management-Praxis an angemessenen Modellen für die Bewältigung der Herausforderungen fehlt. Dieses Working Paper plädiert entsprechend für eine transdisziplinäre Forschung auf diesem Gebiet

    Stakeholder-Management im Netzwerk politischer Kommunikation : Forschung für ein integriertes Führungsmodell im öffentlichen Sektor

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    Die Voraussetzungen für das Management der Beziehungen zwischen öffentlichen Organisationen und ihren Stakeholdern haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten tiefgreifend verändert. In der «Welt-Kommunikationsgesellschaft» und ihrer Public Governance ist vernetzte Kommunikation zum Schlüssel des Erfolgs im Stakeholder-Management geworden. Praktische Verfahrensweisen halten mit den Herausforderungen aber nicht Schritt. Zugänge der transdisziplinären Forschung könnten genutzt werden, um ein integriertes Führungsmodell in diesem Bereich zu entwickeln.The conditions for the management of relations between public organizations and their stakeholders have changed profoundly in recent decades. Within the framework of the communicatively constituted "world society" and its public governance, network communication has become a key factor for future success in stakeholder management. However, practical procedures do not keep up with these challenges. Features of transdisciplinary research could be used to develop an integrated management model for the field

    Illuminating Smart City Solutions – A Taxonomy and Clusters

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    With urban problems intensifying, Smart City solutions are recognized by researchers and practitioners as one of the most promising solutions to make urban areas economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. While many elements of Smart City solutions have been explored, existing works either treat Smart City solutions as technical black boxes or focus exclusively on Smart City solutions’ technical or non-technical characteristics. Therefore, to conceptualize the unique characteristics of Smart City solutions currently available, we developed a multi-layer taxonomy based on Smart City solution literature and a sample of 106 Smart City solutions. Moreover, we identified three clusters, each covering a typical combination of characteristics of Smart City solutions. We evaluated our findings by applying the Q-sort method. The results contribute to the descriptive knowledge of Smart City solutions as a first step for a theory for analyzing and enable researchers and practitioners to understand Smart City solutions more holistically

    Atrial Signals 2021. Book of Abstracts

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