15 research outputs found

    Contributions moléculaires à la biosynthÚse de la proline chez Medicago truncatula

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    AMIENS-BU Sciences (800212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La signalisation lipidique et le métabolisme de la proline en réponse à des contraintes hydriques (rÎles des phospholipases C et D chez Arabidopsis thaliana)

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    Parmi les stratĂ©gies adaptatives que les plantes ont dĂ©veloppĂ©es pour faire face aux contraintes hydriques, l accumulation de proline est une rĂ©ponse physiologique frĂ©quemment observĂ©e chez un grand nombre d espĂšces. Alors que le mĂ©tabolisme de ce solutĂ© compatible a Ă©tĂ© relativement bien caractĂ©risĂ©, les voies de signalisation impliquĂ©es dans sa rĂ©gulation restent en grande partie inconnues. Par une approche pharmacologique, nous avons mis en Ă©vidence l existence d un contrĂŽle positif de la biosynthĂšse de la proline par les phospholipases C et la synthĂšse d IP3 en rĂ©ponse au NaCl et non au mannitol. D autre part, nos donnĂ©es montrent l importance du niveau de calcium intracellulaire et non de la signature calcique lors de la rĂ©ponse prolinique. Au cours de ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, nous avons montrĂ© que la biosynthĂšse de la proline Ă©tait rĂ©gulĂ©e nĂ©gativement par une activitĂ© PLD en conditions de croissance favorable. À la lumiĂšre de ces rĂ©sultats, nous avons concentrĂ© nos efforts sur les PLD 1 et PLD 2 qui, parmi les douze isoformes de PLD vĂ©gĂ©tales, sont les seules prĂ©sentant une activitĂ© calcium-indĂ©pendante. Par une approche de gĂ©nĂ©tique inverse, nous avons obtenu et caractĂ©risĂ© des mutants d insertion pour les gĂšnes PLD 1 et PLD 2. Bien que les niveaux de proline chez ces mutants ne soient pas affectĂ©s, ils prĂ©sentent nĂ©anmoins des phĂ©notypes trĂšs intĂ©ressants au niveau de la capacitĂ© de germination et de croissance racinaire en conditions de stress hydrique. Enfin, ce travail nous a permis de montrer que les plantes sont capables de discerner un stress salin d un stress hyperosmotique par des voies de signalisation spĂ©cifiques.PARIS-BIUSJ-ThĂšses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude de la régulation du métabolisme de la proline au cours d'un stress hyperosmotique chez Arabidopsis thaliana (rÎle du calcium et des phospholipases D)

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-ThĂšses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Caractérisation du génome et structuration géographique de la diversité génétique du genre Cedrus

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-ThĂšses (751052125) / SudocCentre Technique Livre Ens. Sup. (774682301) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Hydrangea virescence. II. — Diagnosis by fluorescence microscopy and detection of infection in resin-embedded samples with bright field and phase contrast microscopy

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    We have investigated the mild virescence disease of Hydrangea macrophylla by the use of the fluorochrome bisbenzimid H, Hoechst reagent 33258. In the sieve tubes of virescent plants, brilliant white-blue fluorescence was observed under ultra-violet light. In the corresponding parts of normal plants no such fluorescence could be detected. Blue and ultra-violet light gave complementary information. Sections were observed unstained and stained with the fluorochrome for comparative studies. Abnormal sieve tubes in unstained preparations manifested diffused primary fluorescence. The fluorochrome showed bright fluorescence indicating the presence of DNA-containing structures in the diseased sieve tubes. When the sieve tubes were not fully packed with these structures, epifluorescence resolved them as isolated granules. In order to select the suitable areas in resinembedded samples, thionin-acridine orange staining was found desirable. In 1.0 ÎŒm thick sections, the infected sieve tubes and the structures contained in them were stained blue-green with thionin. Acridine orange gave better contrast between the cell-wall and inner contents.Pour la dĂ©tection des maladies Ă  MLO, une mĂ©thode de microscopie photonique accessible Ă  diffĂ©rents laboratoires est nĂ©cessaire. Le diagnostic de ces maladies est rendu plus prĂ©cis et plus simple grĂące Ă  l’utilisation de la microscopie de fluorescence et des fluorochromes spĂ©cifiques de l’ADN. Le travail mentionnĂ© ici concerne la dĂ©tection de la virescence de l’hortensia (Hydrangea macrophylla) grĂące Ă  l’utilisation d’un fluorochrome : le rĂ©actif de Hoechst (bisbenzimid H rĂ©actif 33258). Une fluorescence brillante, bleu clair, est observĂ©e en lumiĂšre ultra-violette dans les tubes criblĂ©s infectĂ©s des plantes virescentes. Les zones correspondantes des plantes saines en sont dĂ©pourvues. Les observations en lumiĂšre bleue et ultraviolette se montrent complĂ©mentaires. La fluorescence secondaire, en prĂ©sence du fluorochrome, a constamment Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©e Ă  la fluorescence primaire (autofluorescence) en l’absence de tout colorant. Le fluorochrome agit spĂ©cifiquement sur les particules contenant de l’ADN dans les tubes criblĂ©s infectĂ©s. La fluorescence primaire correspondante apparaĂźt moins intense. Lors de l’observation de particules Ă  l’état isolĂ©, la fluorescence en lumiĂšre rĂ©flĂ©chie (Ă©pifluorescence) s’avĂšre supĂ©rieure Ă  la fluorescence en lumiĂšre transmise. Afin de repĂ©rer les zones infectĂ©es Ă  partir d’échantillons inclus dans la rĂ©sine, l’utilisation de la coloration de coupes semi-fines de 1 ÎŒm d’épaisseur par la thionine et l’acridine orange se rĂ©vĂšle intĂ©ressante. La thionine colore en bleu vert les tubes criblĂ©s infectĂ©s. Des particules isolĂ©es ont pu ĂȘtre observĂ©es. L’acridine orange, en augmentant le contraste entre les parois et le contenu des tubes criblĂ©s, contribue Ă  faciliter le repĂ©rage des zones infectĂ©es

    NADPH oxidase-dependent H2O2 production is required for salt-induced antioxidant defense in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    International audienceThe involvement of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase (NADPH oxidase) in the antioxidant defense system was assessed in salt-challenged Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. In the wild-type, short-term salt exposure led to a transient and significant increase of H2O2 concentration, followed by a marked increase in catalase (CAT, EC 1.11.16), ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC and glutathione reductase (GR, EC activities. Pre-treatment with either a chemical trap for H2O2 (dimethylthiourea) or two widely used NADPH oxidase inhibitors (imidazol and diphenylene iodonium) significantly decreased the above-mentioned enzyme activities under salinity. Double mutant atrbohd/f plants failed to induce the antioxidant response under the culture conditions. Under long-term salinity, the wild-type was more salt-tolerant than the mutant based on the plant biomass production. The better performance of the wild-type was related to a significantly higher photosynthetic activity, a more efficient K+ selective uptake, and to the plants' ability to deal with the salt-induced oxidative stress as compared to atrbohd/f. Altogether, these data suggest that the early H2O2 generation by NADPH oxidase under salt stress could be the beginning of a reaction cascade that triggers the antioxidant response in A. thaliana in order to overcome the subsequent reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, thereby mitigating the salt stress-derived injuries

    How silicon alleviates the effect of abiotic stresses during seed germination: A review

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    International audienceRapid synchronized seed germination is desirable to ensure seedling establishment and improve crop yield. However, abiotic stresses from drought, salinity, and heavy metals have a negative impact on seed germination. The application of silicon (Si) has emerged as a promising approach for improving seed germination, especially under unfavorable conditions. However, the mechanisms of Si action have not been systematically studied in germinating seeds under conditions of abiotic stress. Considering the potential importance of sustainable agriculture, here we review recent findings of how seeds of numerous species, including several important crops, respond to Si treatment under abiotic stress. Exogenous Si has multiple effects on embryo viability, reserve mobilization, hormone/enzyme activity, membrane integrity, antioxidant metabolism, and regulation of gene expression in seed germination

    How silicon alleviates the effect of abiotic stresses during seed germination: A review

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    International audienceRapid synchronized seed germination is desirable to ensure seedling establishment and improve crop yield. However, abiotic stresses from drought, salinity, and heavy metals have a negative impact on seed germination. The application of silicon (Si) has emerged as a promising approach for improving seed germination, especially under unfavorable conditions. However, the mechanisms of Si action have not been systematically studied in germinating seeds under conditions of abiotic stress. Considering the potential importance of sustainable agriculture, here we review recent findings of how seeds of numerous species, including several important crops, respond to Si treatment under abiotic stress. Exogenous Si has multiple effects on embryo viability, reserve mobilization, hormone/enzyme activity, membrane integrity, antioxidant metabolism, and regulation of gene expression in seed germination