111,097 research outputs found

    Accuracy of numerical solutions using the eulers equation residuals

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    In this paper we derive sorne asymptotic properties on the accuracy of numerical solutions. We sIlow tIlat the approximation error of the policy function is of the same order of magnitude as the size of the Euler equation residuals. Moreover, for bounding this approximation error tIle most relevant parameters are the discount factor and the curvature of the return function. These findings provide theoretical foundations for the construction of tests that can assess the performance of alternative computational methods

    On the policy function in continuos time economic models

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    In this paper, I consider a general class of continuous-time economic models with unbounded horizon. I study the sets of conditions under which the policy function is continuous, Lipschitz continuous, and Cl differentiable. 1 also single out certain postulates which may prevent higher-order differentiability. The analysis provides, therefore, a fmn foundation to the use of dynamic programming methods in continuous time models with unbounded horizo

    Consistency properties of a simulation-based estimator for dynamic processes

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    This paper considers a simulation-based estimator for a general class of Markovian processes and explores some strong consistency properties of the estimator. The estimation problem is defined over a continuum of invariant distributions indexed by a vector of parameters. A key step in the method of proof is to show the uniform convergence (a.s.) of a family of sample distributions over the domain of parameters. This uniform convergence holds under mild continuity and monotonicity conditions on the dynamic process. The estimator is applied to an asset pricing model with technology adoption. A challenge for this model is to generate the observed high volatility of stock markets along with the much lower volatility of other real economic aggregates.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AAP608 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Multi-integral representations for associated Legendre and Ferrers functions

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    For the associated Legendre and Ferrers functions of the first and second kind, we obtain new multi-derivative and multi-integral representation formulas. The multi-integral representation formulas that we derive for these functions generalize some classical multi-integration formulas. As a result of the determination of these formulae, we compute some interesting special values and integral representations for certain particular combinations of the degree and order including the case where there is symmetry and antisymmetry for the degree and order parameters. As a consequence of our analysis, we obtain some new results for the associated Legendre function of the second kind including parameter values for which this function is identically zero.Comment: 22 page