2 research outputs found

    Sensory evaluation of gluten-free chicken pasty made with cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

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    Celiac disease is a condition in which genetically predisposed people have an autoimmune reaction to gluten proteins found mainly in wheat. Celiac disease patients have few and expensive options of gluten-free food products. The aim of this study was to produce a gluten-free alternative to the wheat chicken pasty, a food largely consumed in South American countries. The main ingredient used for the elaboration of gluten-free pasty was cassava, a cheap and quite available raw ingredient, which after cooked results in a soft mass. This product was compared to the traditional wheat version by means of a sensory analysis, considering general aspects, consistency, flavor and aroma, and also a comparison of the production costs of the two products. General aspects, flavor and aroma did not differ significantly between the two products. Consistency was the only characteristic that differed significantly between them, the evaluation being more favorable to the cassava pasty. These results validate the gluten-free product regarding its sensory acceptability. The cost of production of the gluten-free product was lower than that of the traditional one. This product can be a cheap and attractive alternative for celiac disease patients


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    O consumo de salgados fritos ou assados faz parte do hábito brasileiro, constituem-se alimentos baratos e de fácil acesso. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma esfirra assada de goma de tapioca e batata inglesa com recheio de tambaqui para indivíduos saudáveis, além de analisar a qualidade nutricional deste produto por meio da elaboração do rótulo nutricional. Para a determinação dos Valores Diários de Referência (VD%), utilizaram-se legislações RDC nº 359, RDC nº 360 e RDC nº 54 sendo esta última para apontar as fontes de nutrientes não contemplados no rótulo nutricional obrigatório. O produto deste estudo é uma opção de alimento com alto teor de proteínas advindo do peixe, alimento consumido em larga escala na região norte, com um recheio de requeijão caseiro, sendo uma boa opção de lanche nutritivo