15 research outputs found

    Grasp compliance control with underactuated robotic hand

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    Mathematical methods and tool to analize and to study the grasping of parallel robot. Study of compliance matrix of a grasped object. Application of studied methods on a DLR Han

    An experimental analysis of abrasive water jet engraving of Italian marbles / Analisi sperimentale del processo di marcatura su marmi italiani tramite getto d’acqua ad alta pressione con abrasivo

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    English: This article concerns characterizing and optimizing the process of water-jet engraving on stone materials through experimental analysis. The purpose is to find possible relationships between work parameters for an abrasive water-jet and the geometrical parameters created by grooves. Samples of White Carrara and Perlato of Coreno marbles were used in testing. An optical profilometer was used to measure the transversal profile of the groove, objectively characterized by a number of measurements described in the article, including two parameters of visual quality. Statistical analysis made it possible to indicate optimal settings to enter on the basis of desired results; for example, increases in width, depth or the degree of groove contrast. Italian: Questo articolo affronta la caratterizzazione e ottimizzazione del processo di incisione di materiali lapidei mediante water jet attraverso un’analisi sperimentale. La finalità è trovare possibili relazioni tra parametri impostati per la lavorazione, tramite idrogetto con abrasivo, e parametri geometrici ricavati dai solchi. Per questo studio sono stati analizzati dei campioni di marmo Bianco di Carrara e di Perlato di Coreno. Per mezzo di un profilometro ottico è stato possibile misurare il profilo trasversale del solco, caratterizzato in maniera oggettiva tramite alcune misure descritte nell’articolo, inclusi due parametri di qualità visiva. Attraverso un’analisi statistica è stato possibile indicare le impostazioni ottimali da settare in base al risultato desiderato: es. aumento della larghezza, profondità o livello di contrasto del solco

    Underactuated Robotic Fish Control: Maneuverability and Adaptability Through Proprioceptive Feedback

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    Bioinspired robotics is a promising technology for minimizing environmental disruption during underwater inspection, exploration, and monitoring. In this research, we propose a control strategy for an underactuated robotic fish that mimics the oscillatory movement of a real fish’s tail using only one DC motor. Our control strategy is bioinspired to Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) and integrates proprioceptive sensory feedback. Specifically, we introduced the angular position of the tail as an input control variable to integrate a feedback into CPG circuits. This makes the controller adaptive to changes in the tail structure, weight, or the environment in which the robotic fish swims, allowing it to change its swimming speed and steering performance. Our robotic fish can swim at a speed between 0.18 and 0.26 body lengths per second (BL/s), with a tail beating frequency between 1.7 and 2.3 Hz. It can also vary its steering angular speed in the range of 0.08 rad/s, with a relative change in the curvature radius of 0.25 m. With modifications to the modular design, we can further improve the speed and steering performance while maintaining the developed control strategy. This research highlights the potential of bioinspired robotics to address pressing environmental challenges while improving solutions efficiency, reliability and reducing development costs

    A Bioinspired Control Strategy Ensures Maneuverability and Adaptability for Dynamic Environments in an Underactuated Robotic Fish

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    Bioinspired underwater robots can move efficiently, with agility, even in complex aquatic areas, reducing marine ecosystem disturbance during exploration and inspection. These robots can improve animal farming conditions and preserve wildlife. This study proposes a muscle-like control for an underactuated robot in carangiform swimming mode. The artifact exploits a single DC motor with a non-blocking transmission system to convert the motor’s oscillatory motion into the fishtail’s oscillation. The transmission system combines a magnetic coupling and a wire-driven mechanism. The control strategy was inspired by central pattern generators (CPGs) to control the torque exerted on the fishtail. It integrates proprioceptive sensory feedback to investigate the adaptability to different contexts. A parametrized control law relates the reference target to the fishtail’s angular position. Several tests were carried out to validate the control strategy. The proprioceptive feedback revealed that the controller can adapt to different environments and tail structure changes. The control lawparameters variation accesses the robotic fish’s multi-modal swimming. Our solution can vary the swimming speed of 0.08 body lengths per second (BL/s), and change the steering direction and performance by an angular speed and turning curvature radius of 0.08 rad/s and 0.25 m, respectively. Performance can be improved with design changes, while still maintaining the developed control strategy. This approach ensures the robot’s maneuverability despite its underactuated structure. Energy consumption was evaluated under the robotic platform’s control and design. Our bioinspired control system offers an effective, reliable, and sustainable solution for exploring and monitoring aquatic environments, while minimizing human risks and preserving the ecosystem. Additionally, it creates new and innovative opportunities for interacting with marine species. Our findings demonstrate the potential of bioinspired technologies to advance the field of marine science and conservation

    Advanced grasping with the Pisa/IIT softHand

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    This chapter presents the hardware, software and overall strategy used by the team UNIPI-IIT-QB to participate to the Robotic Grasping and Manipulation Competition. It relies on the PISA/IIT SoftHand, which is underactuated soft robotic hand that can adapt to the grasped object shape and is compliant with the environment. It was used for the hand-in-hand and for the simulation tracks, where the team reached first and third places respectively

    An experimental analysis of laser engraving on marble / Analisi sperimentale del processo di marcatura laser su marmo

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    Questo articolo affronta la caratterizzazione e ottimizzazione del processo di incisione di materiali lapidei tramite fascio laser attraverso un’analisi sperimentale. La finalità è trovare possibili relazioni tra parametri impostati per la lavorazione e parametri geometrici ricavati dai solchi. Per questo studio sono stati analizzati dei campioni di marmo Bianco di Carrara. Per mezzo di un profilometro ottico è stato possibile misurare il profilo trasversale del solco, caratterizzato in maniera oggettiva con alcune misure descritte nell’articolo, inclusi due parametri di qualità visiva. Attraverso un’analisi statistica è possibile indicare le impostazioni ottimali da settare in base al risultato desiderato: es. aumento della larghezza, profondità o livello di contrasto del solco. English: This article deals with characterizing and optimizing the process of engraving stone materials with a laser beam through experimental testing. The purpose of testing was to find possible relations between the parameters set for work and the geometric parameters gotten from the grooves. For this study we tested samples of White Carrara marble. By means of an optical profilometer it was possible to measure the cross section of the groove, objectively characterized by a number of measurements described in the article including two parameters of visual quality. Through statistical analysis it was possible to indicate optimal settings to use on the basis of the results desired; for example, increasing the width, depth or contrast level of the groove

    Low-Cost and Accurate Reconstruction of Postures via IMU

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    In this chapter, we present an approach to reconstruct the pose of serial kinematic chain that aims at reconciling the two previously described, and could be defined as an intermediate way of tackling the problem, see Figure 30.1c. Inspired by (b), we apply to each link of the chain with an inertial measurement unit (IMU), thus estimating its orientation via a quaternion. Then considering the relative orientation of a link with respect another one, and knowing the geometry and the topology of the joint between two links, we are able to compute the joint angles value

    Low-cost, fast and accurate reconstruction of robotic and human postures via IMU measurements

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    In this paper, we present a method to reconstruct the configurations of kinematic trees of rigid bodies not using measurements of relative angles (such as, e.g. rotary encoders at joints) but absolute posture sensors (such as IMUs) along with suitable filter algorithms. We argue that the relatively larger inaccuracies shown by absolute sensors can be compensated by suitable processing, such as a passive complementary filters exploiting the Mahony-Hamel formulation. The proposed method is applicable to systems where measurements of relative angles is not feasible or convenient, or where the joint kinematics are not lower pairs: for example, human body parts or soft robotic devices. In the paper, we make explicit reference to the reconstruction of posture of the compliant, underactuated Pisa/IIT SoftHand. Quantitative comparisons with ground truth data in grasping tests are used to validate the proposed method. The resulting hardware design is mechanically robust, cheap and can be easily adapted to robotic hands with different structures, as well as to sensorizing gloves for studying human grasping strategies

    How to Achieve Maneuverability and Adaptability in an Underactuated Robotic Fish by using a Bio-inspired Control Approach

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    Biomimetic robotics can help support underwater exploration and monitoring while minimizing ecosystem distur-bance. It also has potential applications in sustainable aqua-farming management, biodiversity preservation, and animal-robot interaction studies. This study proposes a bio-inspired control strategy for an underactuated robotic fish, which utilizes a single DC motor to drive a mechanism that converts the motor's oscillating motion into an oscillatory motion of the robotic fishtail through a magnetic coupling and a wire-driven system. The proposed control strategy for the robotic fish is based on central pattern generators (CPGs) and incorporates proprioceptive sensory feedback. The torque exerted on the fishtail is adjusted based on its position, allowing for increased or decreased body speed and steering with different angular speeds and radii of curvature despite the underactuated design. The robotic fish can vary the swimming speed of 0.08 body lengths per second (BL/s) with a related change in the tail-beating frequency up to 2.3 Hz, and it can vary the steering angular speed in the range of 0.08 rad/s with a relative change in the curvature radius of 0.25 m. The controller can adapt to changes in tail structure, weight, or the surrounding environment based on the proprioceptive feedback. Design changes to the modular design can improve speed and steering performances, maintaining the control strategy developed