2 research outputs found

    A Study of Self-Care Behaviors and Perception on Pediatric Patients undergoing Growth Hormone Treatment

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    本研究の目的は, GHT を受けている小児の療養行動の実態を明らかにすることである. 調査には15名の小児が参加した. 20項目からなる療養行動と治療に対する知識4項目について質問紙を用いて面接調査を行った. その結果, GHの分泌部位について6割が知識を持っていなかった. 療養行動では注射の時間について, 治療開始時期別に差が認められた. 治療を正しく理解するための指導方法を検討することや, 仲間同士が交流する機会を設定する必要がある.The purpose of this study was to evaluate self-care behaviors and perception of pediatric patientstreated with growth hormone. Fifteen pediatric patients were interviewed individually using a questionnairewith respect to self-care behaviors (20 items) and their knowledge of the treatment (4 items). Theresults were as follows; 1. About sixty percent of them did not know the secretory organ of the growthhormone. 2. With regard to self-care behaviors and perception, there was a difference in patientsunderstanding of the proper timing of self-injection. Patients who started the treatment earlier had moreknowledge than those who started the treatment later. Therefore, it is necessary to re-evaluate teaching methods to ensure correct understanding of treatment and to create opportunities for pediatric patients tocommunicate with each other