1,357 research outputs found


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    Do Financial accounting practices as per the political setup and their administrative strategies, pose problems to the pace of Socio-economic development of any nation ? This paper addresses this question with a preview to the dawn of human civilizations on earth, and mathematically cumulating the thoughts of Socio-economic development in four facets, from Individual to National level. Different Financial Management Techniques are used under the two divergent political setups, namely the Capitalism and the Communism. A capitalist setup provides the freedom of corporate control under each individual entrepreneur or a corporate unit (I), under private or government control (G), to function as an autonomous body. using the "Return on Investment" as their motivating guideline. A communist setup represents a centralised approach through individual work contributions at micro level. Under this setup, the national demand is pre-assessed and fixed by the State. The financial management is taken care by the State Bank. Conclusion leads towards irrespective of the political setup, the Socio-economic development is a Three Dimensional Closed Cycle Economic process, namely Manpower as the Prime component, Materials and Techno-commercial infrastructure, in a preset Seven Sequential order. The inference is that the Cost and Quality of Domestic goods and services, decide the status of Socio- economic development. This directly depends upon the proper utilisation pattern of the three ingredients and the Productivity orientation of the Prime component (Manpower). The world experiences support the Closed Cycle Economic process. The inferences are supported with examples from Britain, Germany, India, Russia and USA. (The matter is supported with 4 Creative and Comprehensive Schematic Diagrams summarising the Financial Approaches of Capitalist/Communist setup, Closed Cycle Economics and the Productivity relationship of the Prime component Manpower, respectively. This Research Paper is based on a study survey by the Author to various countries functioning under different Political and Financial accounting Appraisal Techniques).Accounting System, Communist, Capitalist, Financial Methods, Infrastructure, Manpower, Materials, Information Systems, Political, Techno-commercial

    Gandhi – An Economist's Eye View

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    The foundation for the independence approach of Gandhi were more based on Social and Personal freedom than Economic independency and prosperity of the people concerned. British rulers in South Africa and India strategically used the social wedges as a tool to utilise the occupied territory and people, for the economic gains of Britain and their people. Any Psyco-social management action on the public can over power the management decision of any ruler, however powerful they may be. A social freedom movement develops attractive domestic economic concepts. But, without any thought, methodology or any plan to create the resources, infrastructure and input to achieve the same. Social freedom inducts domestic orientation. Opens up the past cultural heritages. Pools the people and their thoughts towards self development. But a strategic management methodology to achieve the same are absent. Literature, the inner spirits and social freedom thoughts go together. But how to get economic prosperity, rule and manage the nation after independence were completely blank. Social freedom, not based on economic development orientation and a blind belief that people can rule themselves leads to apartheid, unsafe alliances, export of local talents to developed nations and a looping poverty. Management and Productivity (Both Government and Private) concepts and evaluation should be with reference to Socio-Economic Development units, than unilateral quantum and financial units. Intangible (Psychological, Social, Environmental, International and Universal) components should be given more importance, than physical and financial factors. Domestic investments should be from Domestic Savings. Domestic technology (Latest moderated to suit local environments) should be manned by Domestic Manpower. Any public investment should be justified with reference to a cumulative gain in Economic, Financial, Social and Technological rate of return.apartheid, british rule, commonwealth, democracy, domestic, economic, gandhi, independence, investment, japan, manpower, panchayat raj, poetic freedom, social, sarvodaya, satyagraha, savings, swadeshi, swaraj, technology, trusteeship

    Energy disaggregation in NIALM using hidden Markov models

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    This work presents an appliance disaggregation technique to handle the fundamental goal of the Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NIALM) problem i.e., a simple breakdown of an appliance level energy consumption of a house. It also presents the modeling of individual appliances as load models using hidden Markov models and combined appliances as a single load model using factorial hidden Markov models. Granularity of the power readings of the disaggregated appliances matches with that of the readings collected at the service entrance. Accuracy of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using publicly released Tracebase data sets and UK-DALE data sets at various sampling intervals. The proposed algorithm achieved a success rate of 95% and above with Tracebase data sets at 5 second sampling resolution and 85% and above with UK-DALE data sets at 6 second sampling resolution --Abstract, page iii


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    The approach advocated in this work implements energy/exergy analysis and indirectly an irreversibility evaluation to a continuous manufacturing process involving discrete net shape production of compact heat exchangers through a complex controlled atmosphere brazing (CAB) process. The system under consideration involves fifteen cells of a continuous ramp-up heating, melting, reactive flow, isothermal dwell, and rapid quench solidification processing sequence during a controlled atmosphere brazing of aluminum compact heat exchangers. Detailed mass, energy, and exergy balances were performed. The irreversibility sources were identified and the quality of energy utilization at different processing steps determined. It is demonstrated that advanced thermodynamics metrics based on entropy generation may indicate the level of sustainable energy utilization of transient open systems, such as in manufacturing. This indicator may be related to particular property uniformity during materials processing. In such a case, the property uniformity would indicate systems distance from equilibrium, i.e., from the process sustainable energy utilization level. This idea is applied to net shape manufacturing process considered. A metric based on exergy destruction is devised to relate the heat exchanger temperature uniformity and the quality. The idea advocated in this thesis will represent the coherent framework for developing energy efficient, economically affordable and environmentally friendly manufacturing technology

    Consumer Adoption of Health Information Systems

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    At nearly 18 percent of the country\u27s GDP, the U.S. healthcare industry continues to wrestle with growing cost and a quality of care that does not match the increased spending. The dominant focus to date has been on promoting Health IT (HIT) system implementation and digitizing health records at the provider\u27s end, with scant attention to the role of the patient in the healthcare process. The source of inefficiency in the healthcare system is not only on account of shortcomings at the provider\u27s end but also due to non-compliance (such as failing to adhere to medication advice and follow-up visits) at the patient\u27s end. Because of this two-fold inefficiency, recent focus has been on engaging the patient to jointly work with the physicians in managing their health and wellness. There are several health related IT applications (popularly called as health apps) and online health communities directly targeted at the consumer for aiding self-management of one\u27s health and wellness. However, widespread adoption and usage of these systems by consumers is yet to happen, which underscores the need for a systematic study to identify the factors that drive consumer adoption and usage of these HIT systems. This dissertation focuses on the mechanisms underlying consumer adoption and usage of HIT systems through three essays. Together the three essays advance our knowledge of the factors that underlie consumer adoption and usage of HIT systems and the interventions through which adoption and usage of these systems can be further enhanced. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed. Future research that builds on the findings of this dissertation research will not only advance theory but also significantly impact policies that guide IT driven consumer health and wellness initiatives

    Clinical, Radiological and Electro Physiological study in patients with Compressive and Non Compressive Myelopathy

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    BACKGROUND: The etiological spectrum of spinal cord disease or myelopathy is diverse. Broadly they are classified into compressive and non-compressive myelopathy. The clinical presentation of these spinal cord diseases are diverse. With the advent of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) diagnosis of myelopathy has become easier. But there are certain diseases where at times the MRI can be normal and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEP) help in diagnosing the involvement of spinal cord. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To study and analyse the clinical and radiological features of compressive and non-compressive myelopathy. 2. To determine the utility of SSEPs in compressive and non-compressive myelopathy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty two patients with features of myelopathy were included (compressive myelopathy-26 and noncompressive myelopathy- 26) in the study. Relevant blood investigations, Cerebrospinal fluid analysis, MRI and SSEPs were done. Twenty age and sex matched controls were included in the study and SSEPs were done for them. Patients with coexisting neuropathy,radiculopathy, plexus lesion, brain stem and cerebral cortical lesions were excluded. RESULTS: Cervical spondylosis was the most common etiology of compressive myelopathy followed by Tuberculosis of spine. Acute transverse myelitis was the commonest cause among the non-compressive myelopathies. Median SSEPs showed absent N13 potential in cervical spondylotic myelopathy with cord compression at C5, C5 segment. In acute transverse myelitis the thoracic cord was the commonest site of involvement and tibial SSEPs showed prolonged central conduction time from N20 (T12 level) to N28(C5 segment). SSEPs were helpful in identifying the cord involvement in subacute combined degeneration (SACD) and HIV myelopathy patients were MRI was normal. CONCLUSION: In patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) who had intact posterior column sensations median SSEP’s were abnormal indicating subclinical involvement. Absent or prolonged latencies of N13 potential in median SSEP correlated with absent or reduced tendon reflexes of C5 and C6 segment. In patients with subacute combined degeneration of the cord and HIV myelopathy having normal MRI, posterior column involvement is indicated by abnormal SSEPs

    Assessing the Regional and District Capacity for Operationalizing Emergency Obstetric Care through First Referral Units in Gujarat

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    Maternal mortality remains to be one of the very important public health problems in India. The maternal mortality estimates, is about (300-400/100,000 live births). There are diverse management issues, policy barriers to be overcome for improving maternal health. Especially, the operationalization of Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) and access to skilled care attendance during delivery. This study focuses on understanding the regional and district level capacity of the state government to operationalize First Referral Units for providing Emergency Obstetric care. This study is a part of a larger project for strengthening midwifery and Emergency Obstetric Care in India. The study apart from giving an in-depth insight into the functioning of various health facilities highlights the results from the basic to the more comprehensive level of EmOC services. It gives recommendation on various measures to rectify shortcomings noticed and make EmOC a more effective at different levels in the State of Gujarat. The study uses both primary and secondary data collection. The study was conducted in six regions of Gujarat -one district from each of these regions was selected. Out of these districts 27 health facilities were examined, which consists of seven district hospitals, eight designated as first referral units (FRU), four community health centers (CHC) and eight 24/7 primary health centers (PHC). Detailed field notes for individual facilities were prepared and analyzed subsequently for all facilities together. A common feature among all health centres were issues related to general infrastructure. Many times infrastructure planning (location, layout and maintenance) is left to engineers, who have limited knowledge about proper EmOC services. Poor infrastructure leads to poor quality of health services and wastage of resources. Through National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Rogi Kalyan Samiti funds major and minor repair/renovations are taking place to improve hospital buildings. In some health facilities from poor resource setting with high demand from patients were still able to deliver services. Human resources analysis suggests that there is shortage of specialists at FRUs, and committed nursing staff in labor room. As result of the Chiranjeevi initiative, the Below Poverty Line (BPL) population who earlier used to public health facilities are now accessing private facilities for delivery, and this has affected and decreased the workload of the public health facilities. Furthermore, there is lack of managerial skills at senior level hospital staff. Registers like birth, drug, Medical Termination of Pregnancy are maintained but not in standard format. Since complicated cases are not registered properly, maternal deaths are not reported. Even though the system of monitoring is well established at the state and district level, they are not properly followed. The funds for operationalization of First Referral Units come from department of family welfare. However, the administrative control is in the hands of department of medical services. Due to this factor monitoring system has become weak. The weak link between these two departments is the Regional Deputy Director who has only one administrative staff to take care of the issues in their region. The problem of monitoring the Primary Health Centres has become smooth with the appointment of new District Project Coordinators. Some facilities especially in district hospital reported that internal meetings and monitoring are happening because of the special interest of facility managers and newly appointed assistant hospitals administrators. In lower facilities this type of internal monitoring exists in a weak form. Underutilization of government facilities is a result of poor quality of services provided. In spite of reasonably developed health system, several problems of infrastructure, staffing, accountability and management capacity contribute to the poor functioning of facilities to act as an EmOC service delivery center. Some of the major bottlenecks in improving EmOC services are limited management capacity, lack of availability of blood in rural areas and poor registration of births and deaths and no monitoring of EmOC. District hospitals, FRUs, CHCs and Sub district hospitals come under the administrative control of the department of medical services. The clinical monitoring of these facilities lies with the department of health and family welfare. At the district level monitoring of these facilities are not properly done, therefore it effects directly the operationalization of the facilities. In the absence of adequate management capacity, the operationalization of EmOC is not well planned, executed or monitored, which results in delays in implementation and poor quality of care.

    Reproductive morphology of Hoppea fastigiata C B Clarke

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    The reproductive morphology ofHoppea fastigiata has been studied and described. Evolutionary trends in the subtribe Erythraeinae are highlighted
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