10 research outputs found


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    Vulnerability to channel migration of the Niraj river. The aim of this paper is to analyze the changes in the geometrical characteristics of the Niraj river. In order to determinate the zone exposed to the migration of the river we tried to identify the channel migration zone and we study the historic migration zone base on a composite area defined by the channel location in 1910, 1960, 2008, so we obtained the zone of channel occupation for a 100 years’ timeframe. Therefore, for delineating the channel migration we digitized polygons for the bank full channel for each time series, and merge them in the same polygon. For anticipated future migration beyond the historic corridor boundary, we added to the channel migration zone an erosion polygon, based on the geological, and land-use characteristics. As a result we obtain a complex set of data which will allow for practitioners to use it in different contexts like: to predict the rate and extend of meander migration, evaluating the risk to existing facilities - necessaries for design countermeasures against the negative effects


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    Fractal Dimension of Urban Expansion Based on Remote Sensing Images: In Cluj-Napoca city the process of urbanization has been accelerated during the years and implication of local authorities reflects a relevant planning policy. A good urban planning framework should take into account the society demands and also it should satisfy the natural conditions of local environment. The expansion of antropic areas it can be approached by implication of 5D variables (time as a sequence of stages, space: with x, y, z and magnitude of phenomena) into the process, which will allow us to analyse and extract the roughness of city shape. Thus, to improve the decision factor we take a different approach in this paper, looking at geometry and scale composition. Using the remote sensing (RS) and GIS techniques we manage to extract a sequence of built-up areas (from 1980 to 2012) and used the result as an input for modelling the spatialtemporal changes of urban expansion and fractal theory to analysed the geometric features. Taking the time as a parameter we can observe behaviour and changes in urban landscape, this condition have been known as self-organized – a condition which in first stage the system was without any turbulence (before the antropic factor) and during the time tend to approach chaotic behaviour (entropy state) without causing an disequilibrium in the main system

    Research Regarding the Soil Characteristics and their Influence on Forest Productivity in the Mociar Forest, MureÅŸ County

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    The Mociar Forest Reserve has a great scientific interest due to the age of the oaks ranging from 400-500 years, which is why it is included in the protected area category. Over time, a series of studies have been carried out on the occurrence of the oak drying phenomenon in the Mociar Forest in order to develop plans for measures to prevent and combat oak drying. The main reason for this was to analyze the physical and chemical properties of soils. Considering the direct influence of soil characteristics on the development of forest species within the Mociar Forest, we proposed the creation of nine soil profiles located in areas considered representative of the studied area and the identification of the main physical and chemical parameters in the laboratory stage (the soil pH, the nitrogen amount, the total humus and C:N ratio variation). According to the four factors analysed a GIS spatial analysis model has been developed in order to identify the favourability and soil restriction for forest species in the studied area. It was also sought to obtain an overall picture of the distribution of these parameters on their qualitative classes as well as on the distribution classes of specific, dominant forest species. This was made possible by the use of G.I.S. technology and specific geospatial interpolation and spatial analysis tools


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    Identifying the Influence of Morphometry on the Urban Morphology of Zalău Using GIS. The topography is considered to be the main component lying at the basis of human activities and settlements. Its analysis can highlight the territories which are favourable or restrictive for urban expansion and city development. The present study used cartographic databases and geoinformation software to identify the present distribution of edilitary constructions on elevation and slope angle intervals, two morphometric characteristics which have the strongest influence on the urban development of Zalău Municipality. In order to highlight the geomorphological processes which influence in a negative way the city expansion, the study has identified the building distribution in each neighbourhood on landslide probability classes, these specific categories being identified using the methodology described in the Governmental Decision 447/2003. Starting from these databases, the geomorphological risk map was created. This type of analysis, which relies on the current territorial expansion of the city, offers an overall image on the future development options and enables a sustainable planning of the analysed territory


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    The role of the relief in the evolution, structure and functionality of the Zalău urban area. The relief represents an important condition for a settlement’s emergence and for its social, economical and territorial evolution. Moreover, it influences the urban structure and the functional organisation of a city. As a result, the configuration of the main built-up area of Zalău has been determined by geomorphological factors which provided, through the hydrographical convergences, a suitable area for territorial expansion. The city’s longitudinal development has unfavourable consequences on the urban functionality. At the same time with the expansion on this direction, the city’s transversal development takes place through the emergence of the Dumbrava Nord neighbourhood. Some dwellings were also built on the slopes, generating stepped apartment blocks and access ways perpendicular to level curves, increasing in this way the value of investments. The extension of the inhabited area, through holiday or permanent houses being built at the foot of the Meseş Mountain and near the Zalău - Aghireş and Zalău-Moigrad roads, confirms the new trend in the urban development of Zalău: The following study analyses the relationships among the relief, the urban built-up area and the territorial development. Thus, the cartographic documentation has included: shooting directory plans from 1939, topographic maps from 1970 and orthophotoplans from 2005, which were used to determine the chronological limits of the built-up area and to analyse their spatial evolution in relationship with the demographic evolution and the favourable characteristics of the relief (<5° declivity and < 250 m altitude). All these are based on geomorphologic mapping and GIS analysis. As a main result, an expansion tendency of the built-up area was identified in relationship with an increase in comfort, which at the same time is being restricted to some extent by geographical conditions


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    The territorial support of the Bucovina region is characterized by its complexity, this characteristic deriving primarily from the fact that it meets in its boundaries different properties, the western part being a mountainous region and the eastern one of plateau. Sketching an actual image of the existing dysfunctions of the region from a natural perspective requires an analysis of the susceptibility of landslides, this being one of the most common problems when it comes to the quality of the natural support of a geographic complex. The predisposed areas to this type of hazard will be outlined into a cartographic support according the semi-quantitative method governed in Romania by G.D. no 447/2003 which establish the elaboration and the content of natural hazards at landslides. In order to achieve this objective, it has been used G.I.S. technique both for the construction of vector and raster necessary data bases and for statistical analysis of the final results. Last but not least through the mentioned technique it can be identify the risk caused in the territory by landslides. One of the benefits of this study is the forecasting of regional development projects in rural areas from Bucovina

    Comparative assessment of landslide susceptibility. Case study: the Niraj river basin (Transylvania depression, Romania)

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    This study represents a comparison between two independent models used to evaluate landslide susceptibility in Romania: first, the model derived from the Romanian Governmental Decision no. 447/2003 (H.G. 447) and second, the bivariate statistical analysis. Considering the numerous objections to the first approach, which is also imposed by law, the accuracy of the results was analyzed using an alternative method which takes into consideration the reality from the field to a greater extent (the inventory of the existing landslides). The case study is focused on the Niraj catchment area (658 km2), a representative area for frequent landslide occurrence. The H.G. 447 model implies the estimation of the importance of eight factors involved in landslide occurrence: lithology, geomorphology, structure, hydro-climatic factors, hydrogeology, seismicity, forest cover and the anthropogenic factor. A thematic map was generated and analyzed for each one of the eight factors influencing slope instability and a specific coefficient was assigned. The statistical model, based on the bivariate probability analysis, was applied in order to predict the spatial distribution of the susceptibility classes. The probability of landslide occurrence was estimated based on the assumption that the prediction of the spatial distributions of landslides starts from the existing ones. In order to validate the model, the resulting maps were compared with the existing landslide maps: the relative landslide density index (R) and the relative operation curve (ROC) value were calculated, which indicate that the statistical model emphasizes a better correlation between the susceptibility classes and the active landslides (ROC value 0.972), the causative factors selected being relevant for the applied models


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    Identification of suitable green areas for leisure and recreation planning, using remote sensing techniques and GIS spatial analysis. Case study: Zalău city. The economical and social development that many cities have known in the recent decades has led to significant changes in terms of how the land is used. The analysis of how land use has changed in these areas highlights the emphasized and significant restriction of the territories occupied mainly by pastures, orchards, forest, areas suitable for development and improvement of leisure and recreation facilities. The need for space for recreation and leisure development resides in the need for a harmonious development of the human community and regional planning in accordance with the legislation. The study aims at identifying the areas which are suitable for setting local green spaces using remote sensing techniques and spatial analysis in the GIS environment for Zalău, a city which has known a very sudden expansion in the recent years


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    Identifying land favorability of Intercommunity Association for Development Alba Iulia for pasture utilization through G.I.S. techniques. The development of agricultural land represents one of the major objectives of national strategic framework for sustainable development of the farm food sector and the countryside development. It relies on the potential of each region so as to lead to the development of farm food sector and to increased competitiveness. Identifying land favorability for pasture utilization was done through land evaluation mark, taking into account indicators that descri be soil characteristics, physical landscape, climate and hydrography. The study was based on the use of G.I.S. spatial analysis techniques, which allowed both primary and secondary database construction and also encoding parameters, grant evaluation marks for each homogenous environmental territory identified, framing the favorability classes of the whole analyzed territory and statistical analysis at the level of administrative territorial units of Intercommunity Association for Development Alba Iulia