3 research outputs found

    Luoghi di delizie nella Palermo del XVI secolo. Il caso di villa Naselli-Ambleri.

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    di Ambleri per sovrintendere una vasta proprietà agricola. Dal XVI secolo questa struttura rurale iniziò ad essere ingentilita secondo canoni rinascimen- tali per diventare una nobile casena suburbana per la delizia dei suoi proprie- tari che, ieri come oggi, erano soliti intrattenersi «con cavalieri e dame, amici e parenti, [nella] comodissima e faustosa stanza» dello Scirocco. Dalle prime fonti alle ultime modifiche del XX secolo, si analizzano le fasi evolutive del complesso architettonico che rappresenta oggi un caso di buona conservazione dei beni culturali privati a Palermo

    Analytical studies of the Sirocco room of Villa Naselli-Ambleri: A XVI century passive cooling structure in Palermo (Sicily)

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    This work focuses on a passive cooling architecture particularly popular from the Renaissance in Palermo area, as building sumptuous suburban villas became a real hobby for the Sicilian aristocracy. A Sirocco room is an artificial subterranean construction, built close to a water spring in order to reproduce the pleasant conditions of freshness that could be experienced in a natural cavern. In these places, nobles used to spend their time with friends to escape from the hot summer. The room of Villa Naselli-Ambleri is nowadays the best preserved in Palermo thanks to its owners' conservation care and it is unique for its cooling operating principle. The above-mentioned considerations make this structure worth of deeper analysis regarding its architectural configuration along with some climatic studies. Following a well-established procedure intended for an intimate knowledge of historical architecture, the construction has been investigated from various points of view. A preliminary analysis of ancient documents (manuscripts, notary deeds, pictures) was performed to outline the historical evolution, the materials and constructive techniques used and the possible modifications it had undergone. Then, an architectural survey was performed in order to evaluate the geometrical/dimensional features. The collected data were compared with the historical quotes previously acquired. Furthermore, some thermo-hygrometric measurements were performed with the purpose of studying the unique cooling operating principle that is caused by the room peculiar architectural configuration and by the interaction water-air-limestone, recalling the antique Persian systems of passive cooling. Such a scheme was partially modified during the beginning of last century reducing de facto the cooling effect; a potential restoration project, as hoped by the owners, the Counts Naselli Dukes of Gela of the Princes of Aragona, will deal - as a central theme - with the reconfiguration and re-functionalization of the structure. The knowledge of such a construction and operating principles is also particularly important to re-discover the forgotten "places of delight" that are a fundamental element in Palermo history and culture, a central part of its population identity. Furthermore, preservation and reuse of surviving rooms represent a useful way to understand a simple passive cooling system whose principles could be reproduced in a contemporary way in modern buildings intended for a valid and functional energetic control

    The sirocco chambers: passive cooling structures in the XVI century Palermo area

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    In the past centuries, the plain surrounding the city of Palermo saw the construction of tens of suburban manor houses, called villas, which were referred to as “places of delight” for the amenities they offered during the good season. These architectural machines were built by aristocrats to make living in the countryside more pleasant and to exhibit their families’ richness and power. Among the delights, the Sirocco rooms were very common in Palermo from the Renaissance, and especially beyond to the XVIII century. They were artificial subterranean structures, built close to a water spring in order to reproduce the pleasant conditions of freshness that could be experienced in a natural cavern. In such places, nobles used to spend their time with friends to escape from the hot summer. In this work, we will discuss this architectural system typical of the territory of Palermo with particular reference to the room of Villa Naselli Ambleri, one of the best preserved. An accurate relief was performed and many archives documents were studied in order to outline its evolution and constructive characteristics. Furthermore, some thermo-hygrometric measurements were taken to study its unique operating principle caused by its peculiar architectural configuration and the interaction water-air-limestone, taking its origin from antique Persian systems of passive cooling. The knowledge of such structures and operating principles is nowadays particularly important to re-discover such “forgotten places” that are a fundamental element in Palermo history and culture, an invisible line that bonds together different Mediterranean countries where a wise and expert exploitation of natural resources made, and still makes, liveable inhospitable environments. Preservation and re-usage of surviving rooms also represent a useful way to understand a simple passive cooling system whose principles could be reproduced in a contemporary way in modern buildings intended for a valid and functional energetic control