116 research outputs found

    Caffeinated beverages and decreased seizure control

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    AbstractSeizure control is often affected by seizure threshold lowering behaviours. In this case report, the authors address excessive caffeine ingestion from tea with increased seizure frequency. When decaffeinated beverages were substituted for the tea, seizure frequency returned to baseline. Similar findings occurred when the patient was re-challenged. The authors recommend avoidance of excessive caffeine in patients with epilepsy


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    Comparison of Microbial Changes in Early Re-Developing Biofilms on Natural Teeth and Dentures

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    Background and objective Surfaces and fluids can affect oral bacterial colonization. The aim of this study was to compare re-developing biofilms on natural teeth and dentures. Methods Supragingival plaque samples were taken from 55 dentate subjects and the denture teeth of 62 edentulous subjects before and after professional cleaning. Also, samples from 7 “teeth” in randomly selected quadrants were collected after 1, 2, 4 and 7 days of no oral hygiene. Samples were analyzed using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Counts and proportions of 41 bacterial taxa were determined at each time point and significant differences were sought using the Mann-Whitney test. Ecological succession was determined using a modified moving window analysis. Results Mean total DNA probe counts were similar pre-cleaning but were higher in dentate subjects at all post-cleaning visits (pStreptococcus mitis, Streptococcus oralisand Streptococcus mutans, whereas dentate subjects had higher proportions of Tannerella forsythia, Selenomonas noxia and Neisseria mucosa. By 2 days, mean counts of all taxa were higher in natural teeth and most remained higher at 7 days (pS. mitis and S. oralis by 1 day. N. mucosa, Veillonella parvula and Eikenella corrodens increased in both groups but later in edentate samples. Conclusions “Mature” natural and denture teeth biofilms have similar total numbers of bacteria but different species proportions. Post-cleaning biofilm re-development is more rapid and more complex on natural than denture teeth

    Uneven focal shoe deterioration in Tourette syndrome.

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    A 31-year-old single man (AB) sought neuropsychiatric consultation for treatment-resistant motor and vocal tics. He described himself expressing a total of 24 different tics, mainly facial twitches (eye blinking, raising eyebrows, mouth opening, lips licking, stereotyped grimacing) and inappropriate utterances (grunting, throat clearing, sniffing), since the age of 7. There appeared to be no family history of tic disorder. He reported occasional utterance of swear words in contextually inappropriate situations (coprolalia), and the urge to copy other people’s movements (echopraxia). Other tic-associated symptoms included self-injurious behaviours and forced touching of objects. A.B. met both DSM-IV-tr and ICD-10 criteria for Tourette syndrome, and also DSM-IV-tr criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (combined type) in childhood

    Distribution Patterns of E-Cadherin, Type VII Collagen and Fibronectin in Denture-Related Stomatitis: A Preliminary Study

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    The distribution of epithelial E-cadherin, basement membrane type VII collagen, and underlying connective tissues fibronectin were investigated immunohistochemically and compared in normal palatal mucosa and in denture-related stomatitis (DRS) derivatives using monoclonal antibodies.Biopsies of palatal mucosa were obtained from twelve patients enrolled in this study, 8 with type II DRS and 4 with healthy mucosa