5 research outputs found
Assessment of the content of heavy metals and potential pathogenic microorganisms in soil under illegal dumping sites
- Author
- A Bartkowiak
- A Dube
- A KalwasiĆska
- A Obrador
- A SzymaĆska-Pulikowska
- A Thalmann
- Agata Bartkowiak
- B Wang
- Barbara Breza-Boruta
- Ch Wittmann
- CL Chen
- DJ Ashworth
- E Dusza
- E Grisey
- E NiedĆșwiecki
- EJ BieliĆska
- EL Balota
- EO Longe
- G Nabulo
- G Tonon
- GC Chinyere
- GM Mathur
- GS Sidhu
- HF Kaiser
- HH Liu
- I Gergen
- IA Al-Khatib
- IA TaĆaĆaj
- J Kaszubkiewicz
- J Kucharski
- J Lemanowicz
- JG Crock
- JI Johnson
- JL HalĂĄsz
- Joanna Lemanowicz
- JP Gustafsson
- K Czarnowska
- K Rejsek
- KM Yamahara
- L HĂ„kanson
- L Tengrui
- L Weng
- M Krosshavn
- MA Gallagher
- MA Tabatabai
- MdS Islam
- OO Ogundiran
- PN-ISO 10390
- PN-ISO14235
- R Malinowski
- R Margesin
- RA Holley
- RM Atlas
- S Khan
- S Khan
- SA Amuno
- SAM Abd El-Azeem
- TJK Ideriah
- TS Edrington
- WL Lindsay
- Y You
- Z Brogowski
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Spatio-temporal variation of trace element contents in Rwanda necrosols
- Author
- A Dube
- A Kabata-Pendias
- A Kabata-Pendias
- A Spongberg
- AA Vass
- AC Iorfa
- AR Usman
- AS Wilson
- AS Ăçisik
- C Jonker
- C Laveuf
- D Rapp
- DB Alan
- DO Carter
- DW Hopkins
- HD Chapman
- J KovĂĄcs
- JA Hingston
- JL Konofes
- JO Aruleba
- JP Mupenzi
- KH Northcote
- L Bernstein
- L Bityukova
- LH Bohn
- M Cempel
- M. M. Amuno
- MD Waters
- N Vachirapatama
- R Darlenski
- RF Isbell
- S. A. Amuno
- SA Amuno
- TG Mercer
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A laboratory study of the leachate composition of selected metals in cemeteries (South Africa)
- Author
- A Abia
- A Janin
- AG Fineza
- AS Aruomero
- ASM International
- BB Dent
- C Jonker
- Corrosion Institute of South Africa
- Corrosion Institute of South Africa
- Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa
- EE Chapman
- J Dambudzo
- Jana Olivier
- L Garverick
- M Gondal
- M Pourbaix
- M Tibbett
- MA Dippenaar
- Matthys A. Dippenaar
- NC Brady
- P Paiqa
- R Javaherdashti
- RW Revie
- S Fiedler
- SA Amuno
- ST Van Allemann
- Sunette van Allemann
- World Health Organization
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Spatiality, seasonality and ecological risks of heavy metals in the vicinity of a degenerate municipal central dumpsite in Enugu, Nigeria
- Author
- A Hani
- A Mahmood
- A Simpson
- AA Baba
- AK Krishna
- AN Amadi
- AO Fadiran
- B Wei
- B Wei
- BA Adelekan
- BV Tangahu
- CMA Iwegbue
- CY Chang
- Department of Petroleum Resources
- EB Ogbuene
- EB Ogbuene
- EU Etim
- F Li
- H Qiu
- IC Enete
- IC Nnorom
- IJ Aguwa
- J Yanai
- JY Magaji
- K LazareviÄ
- KB Mnolawa
- L Hakanson
- L Jarup
- M Mench
- M Salmamanzadeh
- MC Jung
- ML Ward
- MU Khana
- N Dinev
- NM Abdel-Latif
- NM Majid
- OU Akpoveta
- PB Kurt-Karakus
- PB Tchounwou
- PHF Hobbelen
- PK Bora
- R LÄcÄtuĆu
- RA Reymont
- S Rout
- SA Amuno
- SE Omran
- SM Shaheen
- SN Odai
- W Grzebisz
- X Liao
- X Yan
- XY Zhang
- Y Hu
- Y Kale
- Y Li
- Y Sun
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A review on anthropogenic soils from a worldwide perspective
- Author
- A Buondonno
- A Buondonno
- A Lehmann
- A Lehmann
- A Ritchie
- AE Hewitt
- AJ Koolen
- Andrea Buondonno
- Antonio Ganga
- B Cerqueira
- BJ Patton
- C Darwin
- CE Kellogg
- Cooperative Research Group on Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CSTC)
- D Killick
- DA Davidson
- DG Rossiter
- DH Yaalon
- DJ Polone
- E Coppola
- E Eckmeier
- EH Tyner
- EH Tyner
- Eleonora Grilli
- EW Sanderson
- F Senft
- G Certini
- G Certini
- G Certini
- G Davis
- G Séré
- G Zitong
- GF Capra
- GF Capra
- Gian Franco Capra
- GM Antonovic
- H Eswaran
- H Huot
- H Khalil El
- H ResuloviÄ
- I Criscuoli
- IA Simpson
- II Lebedeva
- JA Sandor
- JC Pape
- JG Bockheim
- JM Galbraith
- JP Hupy
- JP Hupy
- KN Potter
- Komisja V Genezy Klasyfikacji i Kartografii Gleb PTG
- L Beaudet-Vidal
- L Harrison Matthews
- LL Ling
- LL Shishov
- LO Karpachevskiy
- LT Zemlyanitskiy
- M Braga Bueno Guerra
- M Markiewicz
- M Murolo
- M Popowska
- MA Naeth
- MJ Conry
- MR Strain
- MRP Fedorishchak
- MT Madigan
- N Rubel
- NC Thurman
- P CharzyĆski
- P CharzyĆski
- P CharzyĆski
- PJ Crutzen
- PL Corcoran
- R Delgado
- R Garcia
- R Scalenghe
- RF Isbell
- RJ Schaetzl
- S Carter
- S Norra
- SA Amuno
- SD Merrill
- Sergio Vacca
- Soil Survey Staff
- SW Donohue
- T Chiti
- V Winiwater
- W Burghardt
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study