45 research outputs found

    Генетический полиморфизм и эффективность противовирусной терапии при хроническом вирусном гепатите С

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    Aim: to determine influence of genetic polymorphisms of hepatitis C virus and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of patients with chronic hepatitis C on achieving sustained virological response (SVR) to antiviral therapy. One hundred blood samples of eastern-Slavonic patients with different response to the therapy were analyzed. It was determined, that among SNPs of 7 human genes only allelic variants of IL-1β, IL-28B, TGF-β1 and viral genotypes can influence on probability to achieve SVR.Цель исследования - выявить роль генетического полиморфизма вируса гепатита С, выражающегося, прежде всего, в существовании генотипов/субтипов вируса, и однонуклеотидного полиморфизма (ОНП) генов пациентов с хроническим гепатитом С в формировании устойчивого вирусологического ответа (УВО) на противовирусную терапию. Изучены образцы крови от 100 пациентов восточно-славянского происхождения с разным ответом на терапию. Установлено, что на вероятность достижения УВО среди изученных ОНП семи генов влияют отдельные аллельные варианты генов IL-1β, IL-28B, TGF-β1 и генотипы вируса

    New Ammonoids from the Devonian–Carboniferous Boundary Beds in Berchogur (Western Kazakhstan)

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    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: Old and new ammonoid collections from the Devonian–Carboniferous Boundary Section in Berchogur (Western Kazakhstan) are examined. The ammonoids come from the Acutimitoceras Genozone, from beds similar in age to the Stockum Fauna of Germany. The assemblage includes mostly species of the genera ?Imitoceras and Acutimitoceras, with diverse shapes of initial whorls. The new species Acutimitoceras alabasense sp. nov. and A. dzhanganense sp. nov. are described


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    The study of effectiveness of different methods of microbiological disorders correction in children after 3 years old with candidal dysbacteriosis are presented in this article. The study compared probiotical sour milk-made stuff («Actimel») and sour milk-made stuff, not fortified with probiotical cultures («Rastishka» and traditional kefir). It was shown that an inclusion of probiotical sour milkmade stuff in diet of children with candidal dysbacteriosis results in normalization of lacto- and bifidobacteria level and decreasing of Candida level.Key words: children, candidal dysbacteriosis, probiotics.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2009;8(6):31-35


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    Authors analyzed the data on children’s provision with calcium, which is necessary for normal growth and development. It is important to use food stuffs enriched with calcium for prophylaxis of osteopenia and osteoporosis, which are frequent in children because of intensive growth and insufficient taking of this ion with food. Key words: children, calcium, prophylaxis of osteoporosis and osteopenia.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2010;9(5):95-98


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    There are given the research results conformably to the working accuracy with the help of combined carbide-tipped with heightened thermal conductivity lathe tools. The thermal broadening reduction of the newly-designed combined lathe tools is determined

    ICP-MS determination of heavy metal content and isotopic composition of lead in the Altai glaciers

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    The Altai glaciers are natural collectors of global and regional atmospheric pollution. The purpose of this study is to determine the occurrence of heavy metals in high-mountain unexplored glaciers of the Attai and to make attempt to identify a source of lead pollution using its isotopic ratios. Concentrations of heavy metals and isotopic composition of Pb in high-mountain firn from Western Plateau of the Katun' ridge were determined by ICP-MS. The obtained occurrence of heavy metals is comparable with the data on Alpine region. Pronounced variations in concentrations within centimeter depth scales are associated with relative contributions from the different natural and anthropogenic sources of heavy metals fallouts. Measured isotopic ratios of Pb confirm anthropogenic origin of the lead pollution of the Altai high-mountainous region

    One strain of L. reuteri implies many options. Important issues in pediatrics

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    S.V. Nikolaeva1, E.V. Kanner1, E.K. Shushakova1, A.A. Ploskireva1,2 1Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the Russian Federal Service for Supervision &nbsp;&nbsp;of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russian Federation 2Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation Probiotics are living organisms that favor human health if administered in adequate amounts. In recent years, mechanisms of action of probiotics have been described. Moreover, strong evidence of their efficacy for preventing intestinal and respiratory infections, managing allergic and gastrointestinal disorders, and other pathologic conditions in children of different years was retrieved. Complex, physiological effects probiotics (if microbial strains are to be carefully selected and monitored for safety) contributed to the emergence of many probiotic preparations on the market. Lactobacillus reuteri, a well-known species of Lactobacillus, modulates immune response modulation, prevents infections and diseases, and is beneficial to human health. This paper addresses critical evidence of the efficacy of L. reuteri in children. Numerous clinical studies established its safety and tolerability. L. reuteri is effective for preventing and treating many diseases, including infantile colic, diarrhea, functional abdominal pain, atopic dermatitis, and allergy. L. reuteri is considered one of the available and effective medications for colic and other functional gastrointestinal disorders in children. Keywords: children, probiotics, Lactobacillus reuteri, infantile colic, diarrhea, atopic dermatitis, allergy. For citation: Nikolaeva S.V., Kanner E.V., Shushakova E.K., Ploskireva A.A. One strain of L. reuteri implies many options.&nbsp; Important issues in pediatrics. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2022;5(1):72–77 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2022-5-1-72-77. </p

    Assessment of contamination of the Issyk-Kul' valley natural waters with uranium mine wastes

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    The Lake Issyk-Kul' of the central Tyan-Shan is characterized by increased natural uranium content. Uranium-carbon deposit situated on the southern bank of the Lake can be the reason of chemical and radioactive contamination of this unique basin by exploitation wastes. ln order to estimate possible danger, a project “Assessment and prognosis of environmental changes in Lake Issyk-Kul' (Kyrghyzstan)” was developed and supported by the Program ofthe European Commission “Copernicus-2” (2001-2003). According to this project the water assays were sampled from different depths near the banks of the Lake and from low-debit sources draining the dumping grounds of the uranium-carbon deposit. Elemental and isotopic examinations of these water samples were performed using an ELEMENT HR-ICP-MS (Finnigan Mat). The results obtained are the evidence that the ecological status of the Lake Issyk-Kul'is not damaged at present. Wastewaters from the uranium-carbon mine do not make decisive contribution into the natural radioactive background

    The 1996 subaqueous eruption at Academii Nauk volcano (Kamchatka) and its effects on Karymsky lake

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    A subaqueous eruption in Karymsky lake in the Academii Nauk caldera dramatically changed its water column structure, water chemistry and biological system in less than 24 h, sending major floodwaves down the discharging river and eruption plumes with ash and gases high into the atmosphere. Prior to the eruption, the lake had a pH of about 7, was dominated by bicarbonate, and well stocked with fish, but turned in early 1996 into a stratified, initially steaming waterbody, dominated by sulfate with high Na and K levels, and devoid of fish. Blockage of the outlet led to rising waterlevels, followed by dam breakage and catastrophic water discharge. The total energy input during the eruption is estimated at about 1016 J. The stable isotope composition of the lake water remained dominated by the meteoric meltwaters after the eruption