7 research outputs found
Prevention of teeth caries through fissure sealing
Summary. Carious infections of the teeth are considered a major worldwide concern, resulting in significant health, safety, and quality-of-life issues for those patients who suffer from these infections. Routine oral hygiene along with fluoride use helps prevent dental caries. Another prophylactic measure against decay taken with packing the pits and fissures of tooth that tends to get caries. The aim of the study – to present a general overview of pit-and-fissure sealants, which are usually used for sealing occlusal surfaces, their types, classifications, Materials and Methods. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis, literature reviews, randomized controlled trials were included in the review. Relevant articles were retrieved from PubMed database using the following keywords either alone or in combination: "caries prevention", "dental sealants", "pit-and-fissure sealants". Results. Sealants act as physical barriers that isolate the coated areas of the teeth from the oral cavity, thereby preventing the accumulation of plaque and the initiation or progression of caries in the enamel pits and fissures. Sealant for pits and fissures is an effective means of preventing pit-fissure caries of primary and permanent teeth. Dentists should therefore be encouraged to use pit and fissure sealants in conjunction with other preventive measures in patients at high risk of caries. The choice of filling material depends on the patient's age, the child's behavior and the time of teething. Also, sealants can minimize the progression of non-cavitated occlusal carious lesions (also known as primary lesions) that receive a sealant. Conclusions. From this review and after the discussion of recently published studies on pit and fissure sealants, it is evident that sealants are effective in caries prevention and in preventing the progression of incipient lesions. These recommendations are designed to inform practitioners during the clinical decision-making process in relation to the prevention of carious lesions in children and adolescent
Morphology of the human cardiac valves of inflammatory and non-inflammatory genesis of the aquired heart defects
Summary. The prosthetics of the heart valves was and remains one of the main parts of cardiac surgery. Reliable information about the nature of valve heart defects will be useful for developing the most effective treatment regimens for patients. The aim of the study – to investigate morphological peculiarities of the heart valves, which were removed during the surgical replacement of their prostheses. Materials and Methods. The material for the morphological study of the valves was taken in the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after M. M. Amosov. There were studied the main structural components of 855 valves (377 mitral and 478 aortic ones). Out of the cusps, chordae and papillary muscles, according to the generally accepted method, there were made histological specimens, which were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, with picrofuchsin according to Van Gieson method, Weigert resorcin-fuchsin method and also according to MSB method in Zerbino-Lukasevich modification. Frozen sections were processed by means of Sudan to identify adipose cells. Results. There was revealed the predominance of lesions of the aortic valve. The frequency of pathological processes causing acquired heart defects has been clarified. The analysis of structural changes revealed the predominance of lipoidosis in the group of non-inflammatory valve damage. When estimating the specific gravity of lipoidosis in 46.4 %, it was combined with rheumatism, infectious endocarditis, dysplasia, and myxomatous degeneration. Conclusions. Morphological analysis of the surgical specimen showed that acquired heart defects are some polymorphic pathologies. In the foreground among the causes of defects there is rheumatic valvulitis (49.7 %), in the second place – non-inflammatory valve damage (38.4 %), in the third place – infective endocarditis (10.4 %). Acquired heart defects, caused by one of the above-mentioned reasons, are often complicated as a result of the layering of changes that are associated with hemodynamic trauma of the endocardium or lipoidosis. Cholesterol necrosis of the cusps is the basis for the development of infective endocarditi
The analyses of the derivatives measuring device with nonlinear comparator by the polyharmonical linearization method
Исследуются компенсационные измерители физических величин и их высших производных по времени с существенно нелинейными (с зоной нечувствительности) устройствами сравнения. Анализ проводится в предположении о наличии в контурах измерителя гармонических колебаний. Предлагается метод полигармонической линеаризации измерителя. Показано, что измерители такого типа не имеют зоны нечувствительности по входному сигналу в силу ее гармонической линеаризации.Досліджуються компенсаційні вимірювачі фізичних величин і їхніх вищих похідних за часом з істотно нелінійними (із зоною нечутливості) пристроями порівняння. Аналіз проводиться в припущенні про наявність у контурах вимірювача гармонійних коливань. Пропонується метод полігармонічної лінеаризації. Показано, що вимірювачі такого типу не мають зони нечутливості по вхідному сигналі в силу її гармонійної лінеаризації.The article deals with the compensation devices measuring physical quantities and their derivatives with nonlinear (with inactive region) comparators. The signal in these devices has harmonically oscillations. The method of polyharmonical linearization is suggested. The devices of this type have no inactive region because of its harmonical linearization
Measuring distances at the objects, which is moving, by the method of physical fields prognosis
Исследуется метод измерения расстояний от объекта, двигающегося в физическом поле, до характерных участков поля на основе измерения высших производных и прогноза поля.Досліджується метод вимірювання відстаней від об’єкта, що рухається, у фізичному полі, до характерних ділянок поля на підставі вимірювання вищих похідних та прогнозу цього поля.In the article is researched the method of measuring distances from object, which is moving in physical field, to some places of the field, by measuring high derivatives and predicting this field
Studies of influencing of padding diffraction elements on a modulation transfer function of optical observation systems
Досліджуються функції передачі модуляції оптичних систем з додатковими дифракційними елементами. Представлені приклади розрахунків безабераційної функції передачі модуляції при довільних апертурах оптичної системиИсследуются функции передачи модуляции оптических систем с дополнительными дифракционными элементами. Представлены примеры расчетов безаберрационной функции передачи модуляции при произвольных апертурах оптической системы.The modulation transfer functions of optical systems with padding diffraction elements are studied. The examples of accounts of a nonaberrational modulation transfer function are presented at the arbitrary apertures of an optical system
Algorithm of calculation of a nonaberrational modulation transfer function at the arbitrary aperture of an optical system
Представлен алгоритм расчета безаберрационной функции передачи модуляции при произвольной апертуре оптической системы.Наданий алгоритм розрахунку безабераційної функції передачі модуляції при довільній апертурі оптичної системи.It is presented the algorithm of calculation of nonaberrationaly functions of issue of inflexion under free aperture of optical system
Investigation peculiarity the visual analysis of imageries during of the inspection certification the apparatus observations
В статье приведены результаты исследования статистических характеристик группы экспертов визуального анализа при выполнении сертификации аппаратуры наблюденияВ статті наведені результати дослідження статистичних характеристик групи експертів візуального аналізу при виконанні сертифікації апаратури спостереженняIn article is coerced research result of the static characteristic group experts of the visual analysis during fulfillment inspection certification of apparatus observation