18 research outputs found

    f(R)f(R) gravity constrained by PPN parameters and stochastic background of gravitational waves

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    We analyze seven different viable f(R)f(R)-gravities towards the Solar System tests and stochastic gravitational waves background. The aim is to achieve experimental bounds for the theory at local and cosmological scales in order to select models capable of addressing the accelerating cosmological expansion without cosmological constant but evading the weak field constraints. Beside large scale structure and galactic dynamics, these bounds can be considered complimentary in order to select self-consistent theories of gravity working at the infrared limit. It is demonstrated that seven viable f(R)f(R)-gravities under consideration not only satisfy the local tests, but additionally, pass the above PPN-and stochastic gravitational waves bounds for large classes of parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Astrophysical structures from primordial quantum black holes

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    The characteristic sizes of astrophysical structures, up to the whole observed Universe, can be recovered, in principle, assuming that gravity is the overall interaction assembling systems starting from microscopic scales, whose order of magnitude is ruled by the Planck length and the related Compton wavelength. This result agrees with the absence of screening mechanisms for the gravitational interaction and could be connected to the presence of Yukawa corrections in the Newtonian potential which introduce typical interaction lengths. This result directly comes out from quantization of primordial black holes and then characteristic interaction lengths directly emerge from quantum field theory.Comment: 11 page

    Conformal aspects of Palatini approach in Extended Theories of Gravity

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    The debate on the physical relevance of conformal transformations can be faced by taking the Palatini approach into account to gravitational theories. We show that conformal transformations are not only a mathematical tool to disentangle gravitational and matter degrees of freedom (passing from the Jordan frame to the Einstein frame) but they acquire a physical meaning considering the bi-metric structure of Palatini approach which allows to distinguish between spacetime structure and geodesic structure. Examples of higher-order and non-minimally coupled theories are worked out and relevant cosmological solutions in Einstein frame and Jordan frames are discussed showing that also the interpretation of cosmological observations can drastically change depending on the adopted frame

    Wide binaries as a critical test of Classical Gravity

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    Modified gravity scenarios where a change of regime appears at acceleration scales a<a0a<a_{0} have been proposed. Since for 1M1 M_{\odot} systems the acceleration drops below a0a_{0} at scales of around 7000 AU, a statistical survey of wide binaries with relative velocities and separations reaching 10410^{4} AU and beyond should prove useful to the above debate. We apply the proposed test to the best currently available data. Results show a constant upper limit to the relative velocities in wide binaries which is independent of separation for over three orders of magnitude, in analogy with galactic flat rotation curves in the same a<a0a<a_{0} acceleration regime. Our results are suggestive of a breakdown of Kepler's third law beyond aa0a \approx a_{0} scales, in accordance with generic predictions of modified gravity theories designed not to require any dark matter at galactic scales and beyond.Comment: accepted for publication in EPJ

    Extended Theories of Gravity and their Cosmological and Astrophysical Applications

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    We review Extended Theories of Gravity in metric and Palatini formalism pointing out their cosmological and astrophysical application. The aim is to propose an alternative approach to solve the puzzles connected to dark components.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figure

    Gravitational anomalies signaling the breakdown of classical gravity

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    Recent observations for three types of astrophysical systems severely challenge the GR plus dark matter scenario, showing a phenomenology which is what modified gravity theories predict. Stellar kinematics in the outskirts of globular clusters show the appearance of MOND type dynamics on crossing the a0a_{0} threshold. Analysis shows a ``Tully-Fisher'' relation in these systems, a scaling of dispersion velocities with the fourth root of their masses. Secondly, an anomaly has been found at the unexpected scales of wide binaries in the solar neighbourhood. Binary orbital velocities cease to fall along Keplerian expectations, and settle at a constant value, exactly on crossing the a0a_{0} threshold. Finally, the inferred infall velocity of the bullet cluster is inconsistent with the standard cosmological scenario, where much smaller limit encounter velocities appear. This stems from the escape velocity limit present in standard gravity; the ``bullet'' should not hit the ``target'' at more than the escape velocity of the joint system, as it very clearly did. These results are consistent with extended gravity, but would require rather contrived explanations under GR, each. Thus, observations now put us in a situation where modifications to gravity at low acceleration scales cease to be a matter of choice, to now become inevitable.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings 38, 4

    Gravitation and inertia; a rearrangement of vacuum in gravity

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    We address the gravitation and inertia in the framework of 'general gauge principle', which accounts for 'gravitation gauge group' generated by hidden local internal symmetry implemented on the flat space. We connect this group to nonlinear realization of the Lie group of 'distortion' of local internal properties of six-dimensional flat space, which is assumed as a toy model underlying four-dimensional Minkowski space. The agreement between proposed gravitational theory and available observational verifications is satisfactory. We construct relativistic field theory of inertia and derive the relativistic law of inertia. This theory furnishes justification for introduction of the Principle of Equivalence. We address the rearrangement of vacuum state in gravity resulting from these ideas.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, revtex4, Accepted for publication in Astrophys. Space Sc