13 research outputs found
LVAD-Implantation von lateral
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
Handicap parking: The social reasons for its abuse
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Perception of Robot Passability With Direct Line of Sight and Teleoperation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Management of Aortic Hematomas and Ulcers: Evaluation Scoring
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Career Assessment With African-American Clients
- Author
- American Educational Research Association American Psychological Association, &
- Bennett S.K.
- Bingham R.P.
- Borgen F.H.
- Bowman S.L.
- Bowman S.L.
- Cross W.E.
- Hansen J.C.
- Haverkamp B.E.
- Helms J.E.
- Hines H.
- Holland J.L.
- Howard B.J.
- Jane L. Swanson
- Prediger D. J.
- Sharon L. Bowman
- Swanson J.L.
- Tittle C.K.
- Ward C.M.
- Whetstone R.D.
- Yura C.A.
- Zytowski D.G.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
An Empirical Study on Perceived deterrence of Punishment
- Author
- A.J. Reiss Jr.
- Baum S.
- Brown S.L.
- Cock P. J.
- Ehrlich I.
- Erickson M.L.
- Gibbs J. P.
- Gibbs J.P.
- Grasmick H.G.
- Grasmick H.G.
- Houston D. J.
- Jensen G.F.
- Kleck G.
- Klepper S.
- Meier R. F.
- Miller S.L.
- Nagin D. S.
- Nagin D. S.
- Pate A. M.
- Paternoster R.
- Paternoster R.
- Piliavin I, C.
- Piquero A.
- Pogasky G.
- Stafford M.
- Stoduto G.
- Tittle C. R.
- Tittle C. R.
- Waldo G.P.
- Williams K. R.
- 기광도
- 신동준
- 이성식
- 이성식
- 이성식
- 이성식
- 이순래
- 전영실
- Publication venue
- 'Korean Association Of Criminology'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Beck A.J.
- Blackwell K.
- Bonczar T.P.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Cassia Spohn
- Chambliss W.J.
- Chiricos T.G.
- Doob A.N.
- Everett R.S.
- General Accounting Office
- Greene W.H.
- Heaney G.W.
- Karle T.W.
- Kautt P.
- Kautt P.
- LaFree G.
- MacKinon J.
- Maxfield L.D.
- McDonald D.C.
- Meierhoefer B.S.
- Myers S.L.
- Nagel I.H.
- Parent D.
- Paula Kautt
- Schulhofer S.J.
- Spohn C.
- Stith K.
- Tittle C.R.
- Tonry M.
- Tonry M.
- Tonry M.
- Tonry M.
- United States Sentencing Commission
- United States Sentencing Commission
- United States Sentencing Commission
- United States Sentencing Commission
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Gender Differences in Factors Contributing to Institutional Misconduct
- Author
- Angela R. Gover
- Barron D.
- Bloom B.
- Bloom B.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics.
- Cao L.
- Carmichael S.
- Cook S.L.
- Deanna M. Pérez
- DeLisi M.
- Ellis D.
- Faily A.
- Flanagan T.
- Flanagan T.
- Forde D.R.
- Giallombardo R.
- Gottfredson M.R.
- Harer M.
- Heffernan E.
- Heilbron D.
- Hochstetler A.
- Holtfreter K.
- Irwin J.
- Jensen G.F.
- Kuhlmann A.
- Long J.S.
- MacDonald J.M.
- McClellan D.S.
- Paternoster R.
- Poole E.
- Shearer R.A.
- Sokoloff N.J.
- Styve G.J.
- Sykes G.E.
- Tittle C.R.
- Toch H.
- Toch H.
- Ward D.A.
- Wesley G. Jennings
- Wright K.N.
- Zamble E.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Current Optimal Imaging Modality for Evaluating Acute Aortic Syndromes
- Author
- A.E. Hirst Jr
- A.G. Moore
- A.N. Rubinowitz
- A.W. Stanson
- B. Loo Van der
- C.A. Nienaber
- C.A. Nienaber
- C.A. Nienaber
- D.M. Williams
- E. Sueyoshi
- E.A. Kazerooni
- E.K. Yucel
- F. Ganaha
- F.S. Pereles
- G.D. Rubin
- G.G. Hartnell
- H. Hayashi
- H. Vernhet
- I. Vilacosta
- I. Vilacosta
- I.A. Khan
- J.A. Harris
- J.E. Cigarroa
- J.G. Murray
- J.K. Song
- J.R. Levy
- J.S. Miller
- L.E. Quint
- M. Fallenberg
- M. Markl
- M. Prokop
- M. Schoder
- M.D. Dake
- M.J. Kern
- P.G. Hagan
- R. Maraj
- R.C. Robbins
- R.H. Mehta
- R.J. Rizzo
- R.P. Cambria
- S. Kaji
- S. Mohr-Kahaly
- S. Willoteaux
- S. Yoshida
- S.C. Muluk
- S.L. Tittle
- S.V. Silvey
- T. Nitatori
- T. Sommer
- T. Yamada
- U. Sharma
- V. Gaxotte
- X. Kos
- Y. Kodolitsch von
- Y. Kodolitsch von
- Y. Kurimoto
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Normative Controls and Self-Reported Counterproductive Behaviors in the Workplace in China
- Author
- Arthur D.
- Bandura A.
- Bond M.H.
- Bontempo R.
- Boye M.W.
- Carron A.V.
- Chalykoff J.
- Chatman J.A.
- Clinard M.
- Coleman J.S.
- Davis T.R.
- Durkheim E.
- Durkheim E.
- Edgerton R.
- Etzioni A.
- Etzioni A.
- Feldman D.C.
- Foucault M.
- Greenberg R.A.
- Hall D.T.
- Hamilton V.L.
- Harper D.C.
- Hawkins R.
- Hofstede G.
- Hollinger R.C.
- Hollinger R.C.
- Jones J.W.
- Leung K.
- Lipman M.
- London House &
- Manz C.C.
- Mars G.
- McElroy J.C.
- McGrath J.E.
- Miceli M.P.
- Mudrack P.E.
- Nee V.
- Ohbuchi K.I.
- Parilla P.F.
- Parsons T.
- Porter L.W.
- Price J.L.
- Robinson S.L.
- Sackett P.R.
- Sackett P.R.
- Sackett P.R.
- Sagie A.
- Salem R.G.
- Shaw M.E.
- Smith P.C.
- Smith P.C.
- Snyder N.H.
- Spector P.E.
- Tittle C.R.
- Triandis H.C.
- Vardi Y.
- Vardi Y.
- Zhang L.
- Zimring F.E.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study