26 research outputs found

    Eating behavior and quality of life in high school pupils in Lviv

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    Background. The negative dynamics of the health of the children population needs to increase attention to this problem, first of all — to provide an effective preventive component of medical care. Analyzing the reasons for the negative dynamics of the health status indicators in Ukrainian children, it is necessary to pay attention to the way of life, which occupies the leading position in the structure of the factors of influence on health. In view of this, we analyzed the peculiarities of lifestyle, eating behavior of high school students and their impact on the main quality of life parameters. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, we studied lifestyle and eating behavior in 80 healthy high school pupils aged 14–17 years using a questionnaire containing questions about the family anamnesis, living conditions, day regime and nutrition. For the evaluation of the quality of life, we used international questionnaire MOS SF-36. Results. Eating behavior analysis has showed that 45 % of high school pupils take products of industrial production containing meat everyday. Fish plates occur in everyday diet significantly rare than meat ones, only in 13.75 % (p < 0.05). 16.25 % of children do not have fish plates at all. Dairy foods and milk are signed in everyday diet less than in a half of the surveyed children (35 %). We found a high percentage of adolescents who drink low-alcohol drinks (15 %). We revealed that 45 % of adolescents use the computer or watch TV more than 3 hours per day, only 22 % of exa­minees spend their time outside on fresh air more than 2 hours per day. The quality of life data revealed authentically higher indexes by the scale of viability in children spending outdoor more than 2 hours. We determined that in children who have proper meal every day, there are sufficiently higher indexes of community relief, value determined by the scale of psychological health and by the scale of viability (p < 0.05). We noted the sufficient decrease of viability index in group of children using computer for a long time (3 hours per day and more). In children go in for sport, there are significantly higher quality of life indexes determined by the scale of psychological health and by the scale of general health. Besides, in older children sleeping 8 hours per night, a sufficiently higher emotional stability is noticed determined by the scale of role-emotional functioning (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The diet of high school pupils does not meet the established standards. This may be a risk factor for gastroduodenal pathology in the future, and therefore requires systematic correction. In addition to rational nutrition, factors affecting the health status and the psycho-emotional status of high school pupils are controlled physical activity, regular outdoor exercise and limited use of the computer. The method of assessing the quality of life is a simple and informative mean for comprehensive study of the health status of high school pupils and can be recommended for widespread use in pediatrics

    Health status of young athletes — pupils of the school of physical culture

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    Background. Health status of young athletes — pupils of the schools of physical culture — remains unexplored. The purpose of the study was a comparative assessment of health status of young athletes, depending on their age, gender and sport. Materials and methods. Health status of 499 pupils of the school of physical culture (330 boys and 169 girls aged 12–19 years old, representatives of 14 sports) was studied according to medical examination results and records in dispensary observation cards. Results. 72 % of pupils had electrocardiographic (ECG) deviations from norm, 65 % — somatic and infectious diseases, 48 % — musculoskeletal system diseases, 35 % — traumatic injuries, 14 % — health status complaints, the incidence of which usually depended on children’s age and gender. Specificity of sport direction significantly affected the incidence of ECG abnormalities, less significantly influenced the rate of musculoskeletal system pathology and traumatic injuries, almost did not affect the incidence of other somatic and infectious diseases. Conclusions. The higher incidence of ECG abnormalities, diseases and traumatic injuries was observed in representatives of cyclic, technical sports, wrestling and pentathlon

    Prognosis criteria of gastroesophageal reflux disease treatment efficacy in school-age children

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    The important aspect of improving the treatment of children with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is its individualization. It is impossible without the development of predictors of the treatment efficacy. Outpatient treatment, endoscopic and morphological studies, common blood count and biochemical parameters have the highest prognostic value for the prediction of treatment efficacy in children with GERD. This prognostic algorithm has a high reliability (≥ 95 %) and makes it possible to predict the treatment efficacy for children with GERD. In case of an unfavorable prognosis, it is possible to personify the treatment by neutralizing controlled adverse prognostic factors of a particular patient

    Physical development of young athletes — students of physical training schools

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    Background. Features of physical development of young athletes — students of physical training schools — remains poorly known. The purpose of the study was to perform a comparative evaluation of physical development of young athletes and schoolchildren in Ukraine, depending on gender and age. Materials and methods. The anthropometric indices of physical development of 1,188 students of physical training schools (777 boys and 411 girls aged 12–17 years) were stu­died and compared with the “Criteria for assessing the physical development of school-age children” in Ukraine. Results. The indicators of physical development of boy athletes are higher than those of schoolchildren, almost identical in girl athletes and schoolgirls, and in boy athletes, in contrast to girls, are totally increasing with age. Conclusions. Young athletes are characterized by the dominance of medium and high grades of growth, 12-, 15-, 17-year-old boys and 17-year-old girls — greater frequency of harmonious development, older — predisposition to excessive, younger — to insufficient physical development

    Calculated estimates of daily energy expenditure as a basis for the substantiation of nutrition standards for young athletes

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    Background. Features of daily energy expenditure as an indicator of the level of loads and the basis for scientific substantiation of nutrition standards for young athletes — students of physical training schools — remains insufficiently studied. The purpose of the study was to determine the daily energy expenditure, depending on gender, age, sport, duration of training and substantiate the norms of physiological energy requirement of young athletes. Materials and methods. Daily energy expenditure of 1247 students of physical training schools (812 boys and 435 girls aged 12–17 years, representatives of 14 sports) was calculated in accordance with the recommendations of the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization and groups of foreign experts on the basis of body weight and height. Results. Daily energy expenditure of young boy athletes is generally higher than that of girls, and increases in 13–16 years, in girls — in 13–14 years and depends on the intensity and duration of training. Conclusions. Daily energy expenditure is higher for representatives of rowing, athletics, football and lower in shooters and archers. The norms of physiological energy requirement are substantiated for young athletes depending on gender, age, level of physical activity in different sports and duration of training