18 research outputs found

    Criminal liability of autonomous agents: from the unthinkable to the plausible

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    Series : Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743, vol. 8929The evolution of information technologies have brought us to a point where we are confronted with the existence of agents - computational entities - which are able to act autonomously with little or no human intervention. And their behavior can damage individual or collective interests that are protected by criminal law. Based on the analysis of different models of criminal responsibility of legal persons - which constituted an interesting advance in the criminal law in rela-tion to what was hitherto traditionally accepted -, we will appraise whether the necessary legal elements to have direct criminal liability of artificial entities are present.This work is part-funded by CROWDSOURCING project (Reference: DER2012-39492-C02-01)

    The Behavioral Analysis of Mens Rea (Doctrine of Culpable Mental States)

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