3 research outputs found

    In-flight annihilation correction for 511 keV photon spectrometry

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    Spectrometry based on the 511 keV annihilation photopeak requires the positron source to be surrounded by a suitable absorber material. While this method is well established in the literature, correction for in-flight annihilation losses from the 511 keV photopeak is often found to be neglected. Application to volume sources, such as typically employed in a radionuclide production environment for yield determination and quality control (QC) purposes, is presented. Source strengths obtained by analyzing the 511 keV photopeak are compared with values obtained from characteristic Îł-lines for a selection of non-pure positron emitters. Better overall agreement is obtained when in-flight annihilation loss corrections are explicitly performed

    In-flight annihilation correction for 511 keV photon spectrometry

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    Spectrometry based on the 511 keV annihilation photopeak requires the positron source to be surrounded by a suitable absorber material. While this method is well established in the literature, correction for in-flight annihilation losses from the 511 keV photopeak is often found to be neglected. Application to volume sources, such as typically employed in a radionuclide production environment for yield determination and quality control (QC) purposes, is presented. Source strengths obtained by analyzing the 511 keV photopeak are compared with values obtained from characteristic Îł-lines for a selection of non-pure positron emitters. Better overall agreement is obtained when in-flight annihilation loss corrections are explicitly performed

    Application of Zn + p reactions for production of copper radioisotopes for medical studies

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    The production possibility of four medically important copper radioisotopes via Zn + p reactions was studied up to 80 MeV. Based on experimentally evaluated excitation function curves of the 64Zn(p,x)61Cu, natZn(p,x)62Zn → 62Cu, 66Zn(p,2pn)64Cu, 68Zn(p,x)64Cu and 68Zn(p,2p)67Cu reactions, production energy windows are recommended for the 61Cu, 62Cu, 64Cu and 67Cu isotopes. The available yields for these radioisotopes as well as the predicted yields of the major radiocontaminants are also presented