7 research outputs found

    Presence or Absence of the Cl- Channel Phospholemman in the Rectal Gland of Sharks: A Comparative Study

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    Feico M.A.H. Schuurmans Stekhoven, Sjoerd E. Wendelaar Bonga, Tsung-Han Lee, and Andrew R. Bottrill (2010) Presence or absence of the Cl- channel phospholemman in the rectal gland of sharks: a comparative study. Zoological Studies 49(3): 326-334. In this study on the presence or absence of phospholemman expression in the rectal glands of different orders of sharks, we observed the following. In the clade comprised of members of the Lamniformes and Squaliformes, the channel exists, but tends to change its primary structure, and also appears to change to a form with a higher molecular weight that, according to literature data, may be located in the cytoskeleton. In the shark orders of Orectolobiformes and Carcharhiniformes, the channel gradually disappears with Triakis scyllium as one of the last representatives containing a largely modified N-terminus. The final members of this clade (Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae) lack the channel. From these data it was concluded that the presence or absence of phospholemman is clade and family dependent, and these clades have experienced different genetic histories. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/49.3/326.pd

    Coastal habitat use and residency of juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae)

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    Coastal habitat use and residency of a coastal bay by juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, were examined by acoustic monitoring, gillnet sampling, and conventional tag–recapture. Acoustic monitoring data were used to define the residency and movement patterns of sharks within Crooked Island Sound, Florida. Over 3 years, sharks were monitored for periods of 1–37 days, with individuals regularly moving in and out of the study site. Individual sharks were continuously present within the study site for periods of 1–35 days. Patterns of movement could not be correlated with time of day. Home range sizes were typically small (average = 1.29 km2) and did not vary on a yearly basis. Gillnet sampling revealed that juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks were present in all habitat types found within Crooked Island Sound, and peaks in abundance varied depending on month within a year. Although telemetry data showed that most individuals remained within the study site for short periods of time before emigrating, conventional tag–recapture data indicates some individuals return to Crooked Island Sound after extended absences (maximum length = 1,352 days). Although conventional shark nursery theory suggests small sharks remain in shallow coastal waters to avoid predation, juvenile Atlantic sharpnose sharks frequently exited from protected areas and appear to move through deeper waters to adjacent coastal bays and estuaries. Given the high productivity exhibited by this species, the benefit gained through a nursery that reduces predation may be limited for this species