43 research outputs found

    Single-electron tunneling transistor implementation of periodic symmetric functions

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    Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Addition related arithmetic operations with threshold logic

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    Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    High-performance, Cost-effective 3D Stacked Wide-Operand Adders

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    Through-Silicon Vias (TSV) based 3D Stacked IC (3D-SIC) technology introduces new design opportunities for wide operand width addition units. Different from state of the art direct folding proposals we introduce two cost-effective 3D Stacked Hybrid Adders with identical tier structure, which potentially makes the manufacturing of hardware wide-operand fast adders a reality. An N-bitadder implemented on a K identical tier stacked IC performs in parallel two N=K-bit additions on each tier according to the anticipated computation principle. Inter-tier carry signals performing the appropriate sum selection are propagated by TSVs. The practical implications of direct folding and of our hybrid carry-select/prefix approaches are evaluated by a thorough case study on 65nm CMOS 3D adder implementations, for operand sizes up to 4096 bits and 16 tiers. Our simulations indicate that in almost all configurations at least one of the two proposed 3D stacked hybrid approaches is faster than the fastest 3D folding approach. When considering an appropriate metric for 3D designs, i.e., the delay-footprint-heterogeneity product, the hybrid adders substantially outperform the folding counterparts by a factor in-between 1:67 and 23:95

    High-performance, Cost-effective 3D Stacked Wide-Operand Adders

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    Through-Silicon Vias (TSV) based 3D Stacked IC (3D-SIC) technology introduces new design opportunities for wide operand width addition units. Different from state of the art direct folding proposals we introduce two cost-effective 3D Stacked Hybrid Adders with identical tier structure, which potentially makes the manufacturing of hardware wide-operand fast adders a reality. An N-bitadder implemented on a K identical tier stacked IC performs in parallel two N=K-bit additions on each tier according to the anticipated computation principle. Inter-tier carry signals performing the appropriate sum selection are propagated by TSVs. The practical implications of direct folding and of our hybrid carry-select/prefix approaches are evaluated by a thorough case study on 65nm CMOS 3D adder implementations, for operand sizes up to 4096 bits and 16 tiers. Our simulations indicate that in almost all configurations at least one of the two proposed 3D stacked hybrid approaches is faster than the fastest 3D folding approach. When considering an appropriate metric for 3D designs, i.e., the delay-footprint-heterogeneity product, the hybrid adders substantially outperform the folding counterparts by a factor in-between 1:67 and 23:95.Accepted Author ManuscriptComputer Engineerin

    Single-Electron Tunneling Transistor Implementation of Periodic Symmetric Functions

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    On Effective Graphene Based Computing

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    With CMOS feature size heading towards atomic dimensions, unjustifiable static power, reliability, and economic implications are exacerbating, prompting for research on new materials, devices, and/or computation paradigms. Within this context, Graphene Nanoribbons (GNRs), owing to graphene's excellent electronic properties, may serve as basic blocks for carbon-based nanoelectronics. In this paper, we present the two main avenues, i.e., graphene FET- and GNR- based, undertaken towards graphene based computing. The first approach is conservative and focuses on the realization of graphene FET transistor based switches as MOSFET replacements to maintain the state of the art logic Boolean algebra paradigm design methodology. The second one follows a different line of thinking and seeks GNR-based structures able to provide more complex behaviours by making better use of graphene's conduction properties. We first discuss Graphene Nanoribbon (GNR) based field Effect Transistors (GNRFETs) and Tunnelling GNR based Transistors (GNRTFETs) and their utilization as underlying elements for Boolean gate implementations. Subsequently, we present GNR-based structures that can directly compute Boolean functions, e.g., NAND, XOR, by means of one GNR only and a way to complementary arrange them in energy effective gates. To get inside into the potential of the two avenues we consider an inverter as discussion vehicle and evaluate the designs in terms of area and energy consumption. The GNR-based structure outperforms its counterparts by 15× up to 104× and 230× smaller delay and 6 to 7 and 4 orders of magnitude smaller power than the GNRFET-and GNRTFET- based designs, respectively. Moreover, when compared with CMOS 7 nm Boolean gates GNR-based desgns exhibit up to 6× smaller delay, and up to 2 orders of magnitude smaller active area, and total power consumption. Our analysis confirms that the alternative GNR-based design paradigm, which transcends the traditional switch based approach and takes better advantage of graphene intrinsicnproperties, is better suited for future carbon based nanoelectronics.Accepted author manuscriptComputer Engineerin

    Reliability Aware Design and Lifetime Management of Computing Platforms

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    Meeting reliability targets with viable costs in the nanometer landscape become a significant challenge, requiring to be addressed in an unitary manner from design to run time. To this end, we propose a holistic reliability-aware design and lifetime management framework concerned (i) at design time, with providing a reliability enhanced adaptive architecture fabric, and (ii) at run time, with observing and dynamically managing fabric's wear-out profile such that user defined Quality-of-Service requirements are fulfilled, and with maintaining a full-life reliability log to be utilized as auxiliary information during the next IC generation design. After introducing our framework and the general philosophy behind it we delve into its key components. Specifically, we first introduce design time transistor and circuit level aging models, which provide the foundation for a 4-dimensional Design Space Exploration (DSE) meant to identify a reliability optimized circuit realization compliant with area, power, and delay constraints. Subsequently, to enable the creation of a low cost but yet accurate fabric observation infrastructure, we propose a methodology to minimize the number of aging sensors to be deployed in a circuit and identify their location, and introduce a sensor design able to directly capture circuit level amalgamated effects of concomitant degradation mechanisms. Furthermore, to make the information collected from sensors meaningful to the run-time management framework we introduce a circuit level model that can estimate the overall circuit aging and predict its End-of-Life based on imprecise sensors measurements, while taking into account the degradation nonlinearities. Finally, to provide more DSE reliability enhancement options we focus on the realization of reliable processing with unreliable components, and propose a methodology to obtain Error Correction Codes protected data processing units with an output error rate smaller than the fabrication technology gate error rate.Accepted author manuscriptComputer Engineerin

    2-1 addition and related arithmetic operations with threshold logic

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    Towards Maximum Utilization of Remained Bandwidth in Defected NoC Links

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    To maximize the utilization of the available networks-on-chip (NoCs) link bandwidth, partially faulty links with low fault level should be utilized while heavily defected (HD) links should be deactivated and dealt with by means of a fault tolerant routing algorithm. To reach this target, we make the following contributions in this paper: 1) we propose a flit serialization (FS) method to efficiently utilize partially faulty links. The FS approach divides the links into a number of equal width sections, and serializes sections of adjacent flits to transmit them on all fault-free link sections to mitigate the unbalance between the flit size and the actual link bandwidth; 2) we propose the link augmentation with one redundant section as a low cost mechanism to mitigate the FS drawback that a link’s available bandwidth is reduced even if it contains only one faulty wire; and 3) we deactivate HD links when their fault level exceed a certain threshold to diminish congestion caused by HD links. The optimal threshold is derived by comparing the zero load packet transmission latency on the HD links and that on the shortest alternative path. Our proposal is evaluated with synthetic traffic and PARSEC benchmarks. Experimental results indicate that the FS method can achieve lower area*power/saturation_throughput value than all state of the art link fault tolerant strategies. With a redundant section in each link, the NoC saturation throughput can be largely improved than just utilizing FS, e.g., 18% when 10% of the NoC wires are broken. Simulation results we obtained at various wire broken rate configurations indicate that we achieve the highest saturation throughput if 4- or 8-section links with a flit transmission latency longer than four cycles are deactivated.Accepted Author ManuscriptComputer Engineerin