10 research outputs found

    Formulation and Optimization of Sustained Release Floating Matrix Tablets of Baclofen

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    This investigation concerns the development of sustained released floating matrix tablets of Baclofen for improving its bioavailability by prolonging gastric residence time. Floating matrix tablets (FMT) of Baclofen were prepared using 32 optimization designs.Carbopol 934p, HPMC K4M and gas generating agents such as sodium bicarbonate and citric acid were used in formulation. The fabricated tablets were evaluated for their physical characteristics such as hardness, drug content, buoyancy, swelling properties and in vitro release studies in 0.1N HCl. The tablets without gas generating agents and HPMC K4M did not float at all. Tablets with gas generating agents and HPMC K4M and Carbopol 934p floated up to 12 h without complete erosion and showed slower drug release. HPMC K4M and Carbopol 934P maintain the integrity of the FMT and sustaining the drug release. The increase in the concentration of HPMC K4M and Carbopol 934p in FMT from 75 mg to 125 mg and 20 mg to 60mg respectively resulted in decrease in release rate of drug. The possibility of drug polymer interaction was determined by differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, and confirmed no interaction between drug and polymers. The mechanism of drug release is mainly described by diffusion and swelling mechanism of polymers

    Ethosomes: Transdermal Drug Delivery System

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    The skin is one of the most extensive and readily accessible organs of the human Body. One of the greatest disadvantages to transdermal drug delivery is the skin's low permeability that limits the number of drugs that can be delivered in this manner. Ethosomes as novel vesicles in transdermal drug delivery show significant effects on drug penetration through the biological membrane. Now-a-days we better know vesicles have importance in cellular communication. Ethosomes, Although ethosomes are conceptually sophisticated, they are simple inpreparation and safe for use. Transdermal route is promising alternative to drug delivery for systemic effect. An attempt was made to formulate the highly efficient ethosomal drug delivery system and enalapril meleate is used as model drug. Ethosomes have higher penetration rate through the skin as compared to liposomes hence these can be used widely in place of liposomes. Ethosomes enhanced skin permeation, improved drug delivery, increased drug entrapment efficiency etc Ethosomes have become an area of research interest, because of its enhanced skin permeation, improved drug delivery, increased drug entrapment efficiency etc. The purpose of writing this review on ethosomes drug delivery was to compile the focus on the various aspects of ethosomes including their mechanism of penetration, preparation, advantages, composition, characterization, application and marketed product of ethosomes. Characterizations of ethosomes include Particle size, Zeta potential, Differential Scanning Calorimertry, Entrapment efficiency, Surface tension activity measurement, Vesicle stability and Penetration Studies etc. Keywords: Transdermal Drug Delivery System, Ethosomes, Drug absorption&nbsp

    Effervescent Floating Drug Delivery System: A review

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    Effervescent floating drug delivery systems release gas CO2, thus reduce the density of the system and remain buoyant in the stomach 2 for a prolonged period of time and released the drug slowly at a desired rate so it can be used to prolong the gastric residence time in order to improve the bioavailability of drug. In the present article we will discuss in detail about effervescent agent and mechanism of effervescent floating drug delivery system. Oral sustained release gastro-retentive dosage forms offer many advantages for drugs with the absorption from upper parts of the gastro intestinal tract. Gastric emptying is a complex process and it is highly variable. The floating drug delivery systems are useful methods to avoid this variability which increases the retention time of the drug delivery systems for more than 12 hours.  This review article is in pursuit of giving detailed information on the pharmaceutical basis of their design, classification, advantages, in vitro and in vivo evaluation parameters, and application of floating systems, and applications of these systems. These systems are useful to several problems encountered during the development of a pharmaceutical dosage form and the future potential of FDDS. At attempt has been made in this review article to introduce the readers to current development in floating drug delivery system, Keywords: Effervescent system, Floating drug delivery system, Effervescent agent, floating lag time, Gastric residence time

    Formulation Development and Evalua Tion of Fluoxetine Effervescent Floating Tablet

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    The objective of the present study was to formulate and evaluate Effervescent Floating Tablet of Fluoxetine for the treatment of antidepressant agent. Tablets were prepared by direct compression using directly compressible polymers such as HPMC K4M, and Carbopol 934 were evaluated for drug-excipient compatibility, density, buoyancy test, swelling study, drug content and In-Vitro release profile. Sodium bicarbonate and citric acid were used producing effervescent base for buoyancy of tablets. Analysis of drug release from tablet indicates drug release by zero order, first order rate kinetics. No significant change was observed in physical appearance, drug content, floatability or in-vitro dissolution pattern after storage at 450C/750C RH for three months. Keywords: Floating effervescent tablet, GIT, Fluoxetine , HPMC K4M, Carbopol 934.                                                                                             &nbsp

    Nanosuspension: An emerging trend to improve solubility of poorly water soluble drugs

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    There are various parameters like solubility, stability, compatibility, excipient, and photostability which affects formulation of drugs, but solubility plays an important role for drug formulation. Most of newly discovered drugs are poorly water soluble. The poor water solubility of drugs always create major problem during drug formulation. There are many conventional techniques available for increasing the solubility of poorly soluble drugs such as micronization, solubilisation using co‐solvents, salt form, precipitation technique etc. Other newer methods are also available such as liposomes, emulsions, microemulsion, solid dispersion but they lack in general applicability to all drugs. These techniques are not applicable for those drugs which are not soluble in aqueous and organic solvents. Poorly water-soluble compounds are difficult to develop as drug products using conventional formulation techniques. Nanotechnology is emerging trend to develop the formulation of those drugs which are poorly water soluble. Nanotechnology involves particle size ranges from 1–1000 nm. The reduction of drug particle size into the submicron range automatically leads to increase in the dissolution rate and therefore enhances bioavailability. Nanosuspension technology is effective new way that can be used for enhancing the dissolution of poorly water soluble drugs. A nanosuspension solves the problems of poor solubility and bioavailability as well as alters the pharmacokinetics of drug and this will improve drug safety and efficacy. Another additional feature of nanosuspensions is that they may induce changes in the crystalline structure, increasing the amorphous fraction in the particle or even sometimes creating completely amorphous particles. Keywords: Nanotechnology, Solubility, Nanosuspension, methods, bioavailabilit

    Formulation and Evaluation of Liquid Filled Hard Gelatin Capsule of Febuxostat

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    Liquid filled hard gelatin capsule are well recognized as a solid dosage form for convenient administration of drugs orally in a liquid form. This liquid composition available help the most challenging drug compounds in capsules has increased significantly in recent years. The drugs which have low solubility, poor bioavailability, low melting point, critical stability are the perfect candidate for liquid filling in capsule. The current study presents the formulation aspects, filling and sealing aspects of capsule, evaluation parameters of the liquid filled hard gelatin capsule using Febuxostat as drug, oils (Arachis oil, Coconut oil, Olive oil) as solvents, Glyceryl monostearate as solubilizing agent, Butylated hydroxy toluene as antioxidant, Methyl paraben & Propyl paraben as preservatives. A capsule formed F3 formulation shows maximum drug release and drug content among all the formulations. Keywords: Liquid filled hard gelatin capsule, Febuxostat, Arachis oil, Coconut oil, Olive oil, Glyceryl monostearate, Butylated hydroxy toluene, Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben

    Contact Lenses: A Promising Drug Delivery System

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    Presently, around 100 million people are estimated to be wearing contact lenses, and the number is growing exponentially. Though the main use of contact lenses is for improving ametropia problems, they also hold attention as therapeutic devices for the treatment of ocular pain, promotion of corneal healing, maintenance of corneal epithelial hydration, and drug delivery. Contact lenses are developing as an substitute ophthalmic drug delivery system to resolve the problems of the conventional topical application methods [1,2]. The interest in evolving contact lenses for drug delivery has expressively increased in the last decade as several new techniques have been developed for designing contact lenses for extended drug delivery. The newest studies show that contact lenses are able to achieve prolonged release of a few weeks without any significant effect on critical lens properties. The future appears promising for drug eluting contact lenses but several challenges remain to be overcome regarding processing and storage issues, lack of use in the elderly population, regulatory issues, high costs of clinical studies and cost-benefit analysis[3]. Contact lenses are attractive for ocular drug delivery systems as significantly prolong the residence time of the drug in the eye, high degree of comfort which improve patient compliance, higher efficiency and low side effects and, hence increase the ocular drug bioavailability[16]. Keywords: Lenses, polymer, methods, therapeutic, ey

    Formulation and Optimization of Sustained Release Floating Matrix Tablets of Baclofen

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    This investigation concerns the development of sustained released floating matrix tablets of Baclofen for improving its bioavailability by prolonging gastric residence time. Floating matrix tablets (FMT) of Baclofen were prepared using 32 optimization designs.Carbopol 934p, HPMC K4M and gas generating agents such as sodium bicarbonate and citric acid were used in formulation. The fabricated tablets were evaluated for their physical characteristics such as hardness, drug content, buoyancy, swelling properties and in vitro release studies in 0.1N HCl. The tablets without gas generating agents and HPMC K4M did not float at all. Tablets with gas generating agents and HPMC K4M and Carbopol 934p floated up to 12 h without complete erosion and showed slower drug release. HPMC K4M and Carbopol 934P maintain the integrity of the FMT and sustaining the drug release. The increase in the concentration of HPMC K4M and Carbopol 934p in FMT from 75 mg to 125 mg and 20 mg to 60mg respectively resulted in decrease in release rate of drug. The possibility of drug polymer interaction was determined by differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, and confirmed no interaction between drug and polymers. The mechanism of drug release is mainly described by diffusion and swelling mechanism of polymers

    Optimization of multi-product chemical industry

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    Presently the chemical process industry is experiencing erosion in economic performance due to several factors, namely fluctuating raw material and energy costs, increased competition due to globalization, closer scrutiny on the environmental impact amongst others. The need to utilize the assets on ground optimally is being critically felt. Moreover, the optimum plant performance settings are now constrained also by the environmental impact of these decisions. In the paper, a novel, generalized approach is discussed to address these complex needs. This approach is based on hierarchical decomposition techniques. Salient features of this approach and a brief discussion on the attempt made so far in literature are presented