13,285 research outputs found

    The Big Bang and Inflation United by an Analytic Solution

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    Exact analytic solutions for a class of scalar-tensor gravity theories with a hyperbolic scalar potential are presented. Using an exact solution we have successfully constructed a model of inflation that produces the spectral index, the running of the spectral index and the amplitude of scalar perturbations within the constraints given by the WMAP 7 years data. The model simultaneously describes the Big Bang and inflation connected by a specific time delay between them so that these two events are regarded as dependent on each other. In solving the Fridemann equations, we have utilized an essential Weyl symmetry of our theory in 3+1 dimensions which is a predicted remaining symmetry of 2T-physics field theory in 4+2 dimensions. This led to a new method of obtaining analytic solutions in 1T field theory which could in principle be used to solve more complicated theories with more scalar fields. Some additional distinguishing properties of the solution includes the fact that there are early periods of time when the slow roll approximation is not valid. Furthermore, the inflaton does not decrease monotonically with time, rather it oscillates around the potential minimum while settling down, unlike the slow roll approximation. While the model we used for illustration purposes is realistic in most respects, it lacks a mechanism for stopping inflation. The technique of obtaining analytic solutions opens a new window for studying inflation, and other applications, more precisely than using approximations.Comment: V2 improve computation with better agreement with WMAP 7 years data, and also point out an exact solution for cyclic cosmolog

    Steady-state entanglement in a double-well Bose-Einstein condensate through coupling to a superconducting resonator

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    We consider a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential, where the atoms are magnetically coupled to a single-mode of the microwave field inside a superconducting resonator. We find that the system has the different dark-state subspaces in the strong- and weak-tunneling regimes, respectively. In the limit of weak tunnel coupling, steady-state entanglement between the two spatially separated condensates can be generated by evolving to a mixture of dark states via the dissipation of the photon field. We show that the entanglement can be faithfully indicated by an entanglement witness. Long-lived entangled states are useful for quantum information processing with atom-chip devices.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, minor revisio

    Induced Coherence and Stable Soliton Spiraling

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    We develop a theory of soliton spiraling in a bulk nonlinear medium and reveal a new physical mechanism: periodic power exchange via induced coherence, which can lead to stable spiraling and the formation of dynamical two-soliton states. Our theory not only explains earlier observations, but provides a number of predictions which are also verified experimentally. Finally, we show theoretically and experimentally that soliton spiraling can be controled by the degree of mutual initial coherence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Coherent control of atomic spin currents in a double well

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    We propose an experimental feasible method for controlling the atomic currents of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well by applying an external field to the atoms in one of the potential wells. We study the ground-state properties of the system and show that the directions of spin currents and net-particle tunneling can be manipulated by adiabatically varying the coupling strength between the atoms and the field. This system can be used for studying spin and tunneling phenomena across a wide range of interaction parameters. In addition, spin-squeezed states can be generated. It is useful for quantum information processing and quantum metrology.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, minor revisio

    A unified approach to realize universal quantum gates in a coupled two-qubit system with fixed always-on coupling

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    We demonstrate that in a coupled two-qubit system any single-qubit gate can be decomposed into two conditional two-qubit gates and that any conditional two-qubit gate can be implemented by a manipulation analogous to that used for a controlled two-qubit gate. Based on this we present a unified approach to implement universal single-qubit and two-qubit gates in a coupled two-qubit system with fixed always-on coupling. This approach requires neither supplementary circuit or additional physical qubits to control the coupling nor extra hardware to adjust the energy level structure. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated by numerical simulation of single-qubit gates and creation of two-qubit Bell states in rf-driven inductively coupled two SQUID flux qubits with realistic device parameters and constant always-on coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A VLSI design for a systolic Viterbi decoder

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    A systolic Viterbi decoder for convolutional codes is developed. This decoder uses the trace-back method to reduce the amount of data needed to be stored in registers. It is shown that this new algorithm requires a smaller chip size and achieves a faster decoding time than other existing methods

    Complete Set of Homogeneous Isotropic Analytic Solutions in Scalar-Tensor Cosmology with Radiation and Curvature

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    We study a model of a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity, with a specific potential energy for the scalar field, and include curvature and radiation as two additional parameters. Our goal is to obtain analytically the complete set of configurations of a homogeneous and isotropic universe as a function of time. This leads to a geodesically complete description of the universe, including the passage through the cosmological singularities, at the classical level. We give all the solutions analytically without any restrictions on the parameter space of the model or initial values of the fields. We find that for generic solutions the universe goes through a singular (zero-size) bounce by entering a period of antigravity at each big crunch and exiting from it at the following big bang. This happens cyclically again and again without violating the null energy condition. There is a special subset of geodesically complete non-generic solutions which perform zero-size bounces without ever entering the antigravity regime in all cycles. For these, initial values of the fields are synchronized and quantized but the parameters of the model are not restricted. There is also a subset of spatial curvature-induced solutions that have finite-size bounces in the gravity regime and never enter the antigravity phase. These exist only within a small continuous domain of parameter space without fine tuning initial conditions. To obtain these results, we identified 25 regions of a 6-parameter space in which the complete set of analytic solutions are explicitly obtained.Comment: 38 pages, 29 figure

    Quantum teleportation between moving detectors in a quantum field

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    We consider the quantum teleportation of continuous variables modeled by Unruh-DeWitt detectors coupled to a common quantum field initially in the Minkowski vacuum. An unknown coherent state of an Unruh-DeWitt detector is teleported from one inertial agent (Alice) to an almost uniformly accelerated agent (Rob, for relativistic motion), using a detector pair initially entangled and shared by these two agents. The averaged physical fidelity of quantum teleportation, which is independent of the observer's frame, always drops below the best fidelity value from classical teleportation before the detector pair becomes disentangled with the measure of entanglement evaluated around the future lightcone of the joint measurement event by Alice. The distortion of the quantum state of the entangled detector pair from the initial state can suppress the fidelity significantly even when the detectors are still strongly entangled around the lightcone. We point out that the dynamics of entanglement of the detector pair observed in Minkowski frame or in quasi-Rindler frame are not directly related to the physical fidelity of quantum teleportation in our setup. These results are useful as a guide to making judicious choices of states and parameter ranges and estimation of the efficiency of quantum teleportation in relativistic quantum systems under environmental influences.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure