1,770 research outputs found

    Electron dynamics in gold and gold–silver alloy nanoparticles: The influence of a nonequilibrium electron distribution and the size dependence of the electron–phonon relaxation

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    ©1999 American Institute of Physics. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://link.aip.org/link/?JCPSA6/111/1255/1DOI: 10.1063/1.479310Electron dynamics in gold nanoparticles with an average diameter between 9 and 48 nm have been studied by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Following the plasmon bleach recovery after low power excitation indicates that a non-Fermi electron distribution thermalizes by electron–electron relaxation on a time scale of 500 fs to a Fermi distribution. This effect is only observed at low excitation power and when the electron distribution is perturbed by mixing with the intraband transitions within the conduction band (i.e., when the excitation wavelength is 630 or 800 nm). However, exciting the interband transitions at 400 nm does not allow following the early electron thermalization process. Electron thermalization with the lattice of the nanoparticle by electron–phonon interactions occurs within 1.7 ps under these conditions, independent of the excitation wavelength. In agreement with the experiments, simulations of the optical response arising from thermalized and nonthermalized electron distributions show that a non-Fermi electron distribution leads to a less intense bleach of the plasmon absorption. Furthermore, the difference between the response from the two electron distributions is greater for small temperature changes of the electron gas (low excitation powers). No size dependence of the electron thermalization dynamics is observed for gold nanoparticles with diameters between 9 and 48 nm. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) reveals that these gold nanoparticles possess defect structures. The effect of this on the electron–phonon relaxation processes is discussed. 18 nm gold–silver alloy nanoparticles with a gold mole fraction of 0.8 are compared to 15 nm gold nanoparticles. While mixing silver leads to a blue-shift of the plasmon absorption in the ground-state absorption spectrum, no difference is observed in the femtosecond dynamics of the system

    Geophysical investigations of a geothermal anomaly at Wadi Ghadir, eastern Egypt

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    During regional heat flow studies a geothermal anomaly was discovered approximately 2 km from the Red Sea coast at Wadi Ghadir, in the Red Sea Hills of Eastern Egypt. A temperature gradient of 55 C/km was measured in a 150 m drillhole at this location, indicating a heat flow of approximately 175 mw/sqm, approximately four times the regional background heat flow for Egypt. Gravity and magnetic data were collected along Wadi Ghadir, and combined with offshore gravity data, to investigate the source of the thermal anomaly. Magnetic anomalies in the profile do not coincide with the thermal anomaly, but were observed to correlate with outcrops of basic rocks. Other regional heat flow and gravity data indicate that the transition from continental to oceanic type lithosphere occurs close to the Red Sea margin, and that the regional thermal anomaly is possibly related to the formation of the Red Sea

    Perfil lipídico, compuestos volátiles y estabilidad oxidativa durante el almacenamiento del aceite de semilla de Opuntia ficus-indica marroquí

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    The fatty acids, sterol, tocopherol and volatile compositions of Moroccan cold-pressed cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) seed oil were studied. The most abundant fatty acid, tocopherol and sterol were linoleic acid (60.6%), γ-tocopherol (533 mg/kg) and β-sitosterol (6075 mg/kg), respectively. In this study, 23 volatile compounds were identified with perceivable odor attributes for 14 compounds. The oxidative quality of cactus seed oil was monitored over 4 weeks at 50 °C. Increases in PV, K232 and FFA were detected during the first two weeks as well as a decrease in the induction time; whereas no change was reported for the K270 values. The amount of total phenolic content increased until it reached 0.3 mg/kg and then decreased by the end of the storage period; while tocopherols started to decrease after the first week. The fat-free residue extracts showed a very strong effect to reduce the oxidation of linoleic acid. Consequently, the extracts were significantly more effective to bleach β-carotene in the β-carotene-linoleic acid assay in comparison with the control.Se estudiaron los ácidos grasos, esteroles, tocoferoles y la composición volátil del aceite de semilla de cactus marroquí (Opuntia ficus-indica) prensado en frío. Los ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y esteroles más abundantes fueron el ácido linoleico (60,6%), γ-tocoferol (533 mg/kg) y β-sitosterol (6075 mg/kg), respectivamente. En este estudio, se identificaron 23 compuestos volátiles con atributos perceptibles para 14 de ellos. La oxidación del aceite de semilla de cactus fue monitoreada durante 4 semanas a 50°C. Se observó un aumento en el PV, K232 y FFA durante las dos primeras semanas y una disminución en el tiempo de inducción, mientras que no se apreciaron cambios para los valores de K270. La cantidad de fenoles totales aumentó hasta alcanzar 0,3 mg/kg y luego disminuyó al final del almacenamiento, mientras que los tocoferoles comenzaron a disminuir después de la primera semana. Los extractos de residuos libres de grasa mostraron un efecto muy fuerte para reducir la oxidación del ácido linoleico. En consecuencia, los extractos fueron significativamente más efectivos para blanquear el β-caroteno en el ensayo de β-caroteno-ácido linoleico en comparación con el control

    Effect of orientation on broadband acoustic scattering of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba : implications for inverting zooplankton spectral

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 1998. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 104 (1998): 2121-2135, doi:10.1121/1.423726.Acoustic scattering experiments involving simultaneous acquisition of broadband echoes and video footage from several Antarctic krill were carried out to determine the effect of animal orientation on echo spectral structure. A novel video analysis technique, applied to extract krill angle of orientation corresponding to each insonification, revealed that echo spectra from krill near broadside incidence relative to the incident acoustic wave exhibited widely spaced, deep nulls, whereas off-broadside echo spectra had a more erratic structure, with several closely spaced nulls of variable depth. The pattern of changes in echo spectra with orientation for the experimentally measured acoustic returns was very similar to theoretically predicted patterns based on a distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) model. Information contained in the broadband echo spectra of the krill was exploited to invert the acoustic returns for angle of orientation by applying a newly developed Covariance Mean Variance Classification (CMVC) approach, using generic and animal-specific theoretical and empirical model spaces. The animal-specific empirical model space was best able to invert for angle of orientation. The CMVC inversion technique can be implemented using a generic empirical model space to determine angle of orientation based on broadband echoes from individual zooplankton in the field.L.V.MT.’s research was supported by the Ocean Acoustics, Oceanic Biology and URIP programs of the Office of Naval Research Grant Nos. N00014-89-J-1729, N00014-95-1-0287, and N00014-92-J-1527, the Biological Oceanography program of the National Science Foundation Grant No. OCE-9201264, and the WHOI/MIT Joint Program Education Office

    A self-rectifying TaOy/nanoporous TaOx memristor synaptic array for learning and energy-efficient neuromorphic systems

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    The human brain intrinsically operates with a large number of synapses, more than 10(15). Therefore, one of the most critical requirements for constructing artificial neural networks (ANNs) is to achieve extremely dense synaptic array devices, for which the crossbar architecture containing an artificial synaptic node at each cross is indispensable. However, crossbar arrays suffer from the undesired leakage of signals through neighboring cells, which is a major challenge for implementing ANNs. In this work, we show that this challenge can be overcome by using Pt/TaOy/nanoporous (NP) TaOx/Ta memristor synapses because of their self-rectifying behavior, which is capable of suppressing unwanted leakage pathways. Moreover, our synaptic device exhibits high non-linearity (up to 10(4)), low synapse coupling (S.C, up to 4.00 x 10(-5)), acceptable endurance (5000 cycles at 85 degrees C), sweeping (1000 sweeps), retention stability and acceptable cell uniformity. We also demonstrated essential synaptic functions, such as long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD), and spiking-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), and simulated the recognition accuracy depending on the S.C for MNIST handwritten digit images. Based on the average S.C (1.60 x 10(-4)) in the fabricated crossbar array, we confirmed that our memristive synapse was able to achieve an 89.08% recognition accuracy after only 15 training epochs

    Nitrate- and silicate-competition among antarctic phytoplankton

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    Natural phytoplankton from antarctic waters in the Drake Passage were used for competition experiments in semicontinuous cultures. The outcome of interspecific competition for silicate and nitrate was studied at a range of Si:N ratios (from 2.6:1 to 425:1) and at three different dilution rates. For five species Monod kinetics of silicate-and nitrate-limited growth has been established. Comparison between theoretical predictions derived from Monod kinetics and the outcome of competition experiments showed only minor deviations. Contrary to literature data, considerable depletion of nitrate was found in antarctic seawater. Both the concentrations of soluble silicate and of nitrate were too low to support maximum growth rates of some of the diatom species under investigation

    Suppressing molecular motions for enhanced room-temperature phosphorescence of metal-free organic materials

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    Metal-free organic phosphorescent materials are attractive alternatives to the predominantly used organometallic phosphors but are generally dimmer and are relatively rare, as, without heavy-metal atoms, spin-orbit coupling is less efficient and phosphorescence usually cannot compete with radiationless relaxation processes. Here we present a general design rule and a method to effectively reduce radiationless transitions and hence greatly enhance phosphorescence efficiency of metal-free organic materials in a variety of amorphous polymer matrices, based on the restriction of molecular motions in the proximity of embedded phosphors. Covalent cross-linking between phosphors and polymer matrices via Diels-Alder click chemistry is devised as a method. A sharp increase in phosphorescence quantum efficiency is observed in a variety of polymer matrices with this method, which is ca. two to five times higher than that of phosphor-doped polymer systems having no such covalent linkage.ope

    Fixed point theorems for the sum of three classes of mixed monotone operators and applications

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    In this paper we develop various new fixed point theorems for a class of operator equations with three general mixed monotone operators, namely A(x,x)+B(x,x)+C(x,x)=x on ordered Banach spaces, where A, B, C are the mixed monotone operators. A is such that for any t∈(0,1), there exists φ(t)∈(t,1] such that for all x,y∈P, A(tx,t−1y)≥φ(t)A(x,y); B is hypo-homogeneous, i.e. B satisfies that for any t∈(0,1), x,y∈P, B(tx,t−1y)≥tB(x,y); C is concave-convex, i.e. C satisfies that for fixed y, C(⋅,y):P→P is concave; for fixed x, C(x,⋅): P→P is convex. Also we study the solution of the nonlinear eigenvalue equation A(x,x)+B(x,x)+C(x,x)=λx and discuss its dependency to the parameter. Our work extends many existing results in the field of study. As an application, we utilize the results obtained in this paper for the operator equation to study the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions

    Liposomes: a new non-pharmacological therapy concept for seasonal-allergic-rhinoconjunctivitis

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    Mucosal barrier disorders play an important role in the pathomechanism of the allergic disease. A new approach for their treatment uses liposomes, which consist of phospholipids that make up 75% of the protective nasal surfactant layer. Our aim was to investigate the efficacy of liposomal-based therapy, as a comprehensive treatment alternative to guideline cromoglycate-based therapy, in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (SAR). We compared nasal and conjunctival symptom reduction with LipoNasal n nasal spray used as monotherapy (LNM), or LipoNasal n nasal spray and Tears Again eye spray combination therapy (LTC), against standard cromoglycate combination therapy (CGC). This prospective, controlled, open observational study was conducted monocentrically. According to their symptoms and preferences 72 patients with SAR were distributed in three equal groups. The study comprised two visits at an interval of 7 days. The efficacy was examined by daily documenting nasal and conjunctival symptom scores. The Nasal-Spray-Sensory-Scale and the Eye-Drops/Spray-Sensory-Scale were used to investigate the tolerability. Quality of life (QoL) was evaluated, using the RHINASTHMA QoL German adapted version. LNM achieved significant improvement in nasal (p < 0.001) and conjunctival symptoms (p = 0.050). The symptom reduction using CGC was equally significant. LTC led to significant nasal symptom relief (p = 0.045). QoL did not improve significantly in all groups (p > 0.05). The tolerability of all treatments was good and no adverse reactions were observed. In all treatment groups the improvement of the nasal and conjunctival symptom scores exceeds the minimal clinically important difference (MCID). The results demonstrate good tolerability and efficacy of non-pharmaceutical liposomal-based treatment (LipoNasal n and Tears Again), given as monotherapy or combination therapy, for nasal and conjunctival symptoms caused by SAR. This study indicates that liposomal-based treatment for SAR may be a comparable alternative to cromoglycate therapy. Further studies are needed to verify these findings