157 research outputs found

    Investigative Jurisdiction of the RF Inquiry Agencies in Criminal Cases of Public Accusation

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    The article deals with the problem of authority conferring upon inquiry agencies of Federal Security Service, Federal Guard Service, Intelligence Service, Federal Service of Penal Bodies, Customs Agencies, Commanders of Military Units, formations, heads of military institutions and garrisons concerning investigation of separate kinds of cases in the form of inquiry


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    Research on facts and circumstances of electrical energy uncounted consumption in the practice of conducting electrical engineering forensic examination is one of the most common. Study of the influence of a permanent magnetic field on operation of the electromechanical electricity meters is one of the areas of electrical engineering research, where scientific and practical analysis is absent in electrical engineering forensic examination. The tasks solved by electrical engineering forensic examination of electricity meters subjected to interference in their work due to the influence of an external permanent magnetic field are still being solved indirectly, mainly by examining the state of indicators of the effect of a magnetic field. The Article purpose is to determine the mechanism of interference in the operation of a stepper motor of electromechanical electricity meters of energy accounting meters under the influence of an external magnetic field artificially developed to disregard the consumption of electric power. The article examines the structure of a stepper motor of electronic-mechanical devices metering electric power. A research model of a stepper motor is built. The analysis of distribution of force magnetic lines in the magnetic system and in the magnetic shield of a stepper motor as a result of influence of an external magnetic field artificially created for the purpose of uncounted consumption of electric power in the absence of such an effect on the basis of modeling with the use of software and a mathematical apparatus: the finite element method. The mechanism of interference in the regular operation of a stepper motor of electricity meter is determined when approaching the metering device of an external permanent magnet with a high value of maximum specific energy in order to consume electric power negligently.За конструктивною будовою крокового двигуна електромеханічних рахункових механізмів приладів обліку (далі – ПО) електричної енергії побудовано дослідницьку модель. Механізм втручання в роботу крокового двигуна приладу обліку від дії зовнішнього магнітного поля, штучно утвореного з метою безоблікового споживання електричної енергії, досліджено на моделі порівняння штатного режиму роботи та роботи під дією зовнішнього магнітного поля. Проаналізовано розподілення силових магнітних ліній у магнітопроводі та магнітному екрані крокового двигуна від дії зовнішнього магнітного поля, утвореного від наближення до приладу обліку зовнішнього постійного магніту з високими значенням максимальної питомої енергії. Визначено механізм перешкоджання штатній роботі крокового двигуна рахункового механізму

    The effect of magnetophoresis and Brownian diffusion on the levitation of bodies in a magnetic fluid

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    New aspects related to the redistribution of magnetic particles concentration in a magnetic fluid caused by magnetophoresis and Brownian diffusion in a nonuniform magnetic field are considered. These aspects deal with the influence of these processes on pressure redistribution and levitation of bodies in a magnetic fluid. It is shown that due to these processes the pressure force acting on bodies changes significantly with time and can be reduced dozens of percent if compared to a homogenous flui

    Features of mitochondrial membrane potential of immunocompetent blood cells in children with chronic nonspecific lung diseases accompanied by pneumofibrosis

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    Pneumofibrosis is a pathological outcome of pulmonary tissue inflammation. It can complicate any lung and bronchial disorder. The mitochondrial membrane potential reflects functional state of immunocompetent blood cells that influence progression of a chronic inflammatory process. The aim of this work was to study the features of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) of immunocompetent blood cells in children with chronic nonspecific lung diseases (CNPD), accompanied by pneumofibrosis. We have examined 79 children with CNPD manifesting with symptoms of focal pneumofibrosis. The group of patients included children with congenital lung malformations (43%), consequences of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (41%), chronic bronchitis (10%), post-pneumonic pulmonary fibrosis (6%). The average age of children was 6.5±1.2 years, including 43 boys (54%) and 36 girls (46%). The comparison group included 46 children with COPD without signs of pulmonary fibrosis, the control group consisted of 30 apparently healthy children. The contents of cells with reduced MMP among lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes in peripheral blood was determined with JC-1 dye, using the BD FACSCalibur instrument and Cell Quest Pro software (Becton Dickinson, USA). The proportion of lymphocytes with reduced MMP in patients with COPD was similar in the children of the main and comparison group, exceeding the indexes of the control group by 1.7 times (p < 0.001). Decreased MMP of granulocytes in children with pneumofibrosis was detected 1.9 times more often than in children with fibrosis-free CNPD cases (p < 0.05), and 3.4 times more common than in children from the control group (p < 0.001). Monocytes with reduced MMM in children with pulmonary fibrosis were detected 2 times more often than in children with COPD without fibrosis (p < 0.05), and 7.3 times more frequent than in the control group (p < 0.001). The changes were more expressed in children during exacerbation of the disease. The revealed features suggest a decreased level of metabolic activity of blood cells, thus, probably, presenting an immunopathogenetic basis for development of pneumofibrosis

    Some groups of Toll-like receptor gene polymorphisms and their clinical and pathogenetic manifestations in children with bronchial asthma

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    The prevalence of bronchial asthma has shown its steady increase in the world in recent years. Despite all the achievements of Allergology, control of the disease can be achieved only in two-thirds of patients even if all social risk factors and the influence of concomitant diseases are excluded. Thus, it is necessary to study endogenous factors that modify the pathogenesis of the disease. Toll-like receptors are the main molecules for recognizing pathogenic patterns in the human immune system. Since any Allergy is a recognition error, mutation of the genes of the recognizing molecules can have a direct and multidirectional effect on the nature of the inflammation and its clinical manifestations in bronchial asthma (BA). To detect this effect, 65 patients with BA were examined, and mutations of Toll-like receptor genes were detected: TLR2-Arg753Glu, TLR4- Asp299Gly, TLR4-Ghr399Ile, TLR9-T1237C, TLR9-A2848G, lymphocyte subpopulations CD3, CD19, CD4, CD8, CD16, phagocytosis indicators, levels of IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE and IL-6, IL-7, IL-9. The assessment of the severity of asthma and its level of control were conducted according to clinical recommendations of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation in 2019 criteria. We have shown characteristic clinical manifestations of the studied mutations. A lighter course of the disease, more complete control over it and a better response to therapy were found in single-nucleotide substitutions in the Toll-like receptor 4 and 9 (TLR4-Asp299Gly, TLR4-Ghr399Ile, TLR9-T1237C, TLR9-A2848G). On the contrary, a heavier course and a worse response to therapy were detected in the TLR2 mutation with Arg753Glu replacement. In the studied groups, the features of immunity indicators characteristic of genotypes with a lighter and more controlled course of BA were determined: a higher absolute number of T-helpers, with multidirectional changes in the number of T-killers, but with invariably preserved higher ratio of CD4/CD8 in such genotypes. Higher levels of phagocytosis indicators (primarily characterizing chemotaxis) and IL-7, IL-9 were also detected. The exception is the TLR9-A2848G mutation, in which greater disease control and better response to therapy are combined with no changes in the studied laboratory characteristics. At the same time, a specific feature of the genotype of the studied patients with BA was revealed – a combination of Toll-like receptors 4 and 9 mutations. This suggests the presence of genetic patterns that characterize groups of patients with BA that differ in severity, response to therapy, and degree of control, which makes it possible to personalize approaches to diagnosis, prevention, and therapy of the disease

    Complex estimation of mitochondrial changes of immunocompetent blood cells in pregnant women with urgent and premature birth

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    Inflammation is among the factors promoting development of premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM). Upon the conditions of physiological immune imbalance in pregnancy, inflammation modifies its course and can even change the immune response. Appropriate indexes may be quantitative and functional. We used a marker of mitochondrial membrane potential (MPM, Ay) as an integral index of the functional state of immunocompetent blood cells (IBC) in 159 women who were examined at 8-14 weeks of gestation; they were observed up to 34-36 weeks. Of these cohort, 121 women were referred to a comparison group. The main group (n = 46) consisted of pregnant women with PPROM at the term of 28-33 weeks. The examination was carried out according to current medical standards, with informed consent, being approved by the Ethics committee at the Khabarovsk branch of Far Eastern Scientific Centre of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration — Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood Protection. Additionally, MPM and lymphocyte populations were determined by flow cytometry. The degree of disturbed energy supply in the IBC was based on the data of simultaneous determination of lymphocyte, granulocyte and monocyte numbers with reduced MPM values (application for invention No. 2020115963), thus revealing 3 degrees of energy deficiency: 1st degree, monovariant IBC composition with reduced MPM; 2nd degree, bivariant composition, 3rd degree, total changes. A relative and absolute decrease in CD3 (72% vs 78% and 1624 vs 1980), CD8 (28% vs 33% and 651 vs 851), an increase in CD19 (14% vs 9% and 304 vs 219) were revealed in pregnant women with PPROM. When assessing MPM values in the IBC populations, a decreased proportion of women without energy deficiency from the 1st to the 2nd trimester (from 41% to 30%), due to the 3rd degree of energy deficiency (from 17% to 26%) was detected. A shift of affected pools at the 2nd degree of energy deficiency in favor of lymphocytic-granulocytic association (from 7% to 25%) from lymphocytic-monocytic compartment (from 73% to 50%) was found. From the 2nd to 3rd trimester, we have detected redistribution of granulocyte pools at the 1st degree (0 to 8%) and from the lymphocytic-granulocytic association (25% and 5%) to monocytic-granulocytic (25% and 40%). In the group with PPROM, there was a decreased proportion of pregnant women without energy deficiency (13% and 27%), as well as with the 1st and 2nd degrees (17% vs 31% and 9% vs 17%), due to the 3rd degree of energy deficiency (61% and 26 %), relative to the comparison group. The IBC pools of in the main group were redistributed at the 1st degree in favor of granulocytes (25% and 8%), at the 2nd, in favor of the lymphocytic-monocytic association (100% and 55%) from the granulocytic-monocytic (0% and 40%). Such imbalance of bioenergetic processes in the IBC can be an important factor of pathologically ongoing inflammation. These changes could be caused by both higher incidence of infections in such patients and by alloimmune interactions between mother and fetus. However, they may also determine the pathological course of inflammation. Preterm birth, which is usually caused by PPROM, is a multifactorial pathological condition. However, independent on specific triggers, the changes in energy supply of IBC, at least, may serve as a significant biomarker of probability for this disorder

    The Interaction of Plasma Sialylated and Desialylated Lipoproteins with Collagen from the Intima and Media of Uninvolved and Atherosclerotic Human Aorta

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    We have evaluated the binding of sialylated and desialylated lipoproteins to collagen isolated from the proteoglycan and musculoelastic layers of intima and media of uninvolved human aorta and atherosclerotic lesions. Comparing various collagen preparations from the uninvolved intima-media, the binding of sialylated apoB-containing lipoproteins was best to collagen from the intimal PG-rich layer. Binding of sialylated apoB-containing lipoproteins to collagen from this layer of fatty streak and fibroatheroma was 1.4- and 3.1-fold lower, respectively, in comparison with normal intima. Desialylated VLDL versus sialylated one exhibited a greater binding (1.4- to 3.0-fold) to all the collagen preparations examined. Desialylated IDL and LDL showed a higher binding than sialylated ones when collagen from the intimal layers of fibroatheroma was used. Binding of desialylated HDL to collagen from the intimal PG-rich layer of normal tissue, initial lesion, and fatty streak was 1.2- to 2.0-fold higher compared with sialylated HDL

    IRAP-analysis for evaluating the genetic stability of endemic and endangered species of the Western Caucasus flora in the collection in vitro

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    The characterization of genetic diversity is one of the main components of the genetic resources collection and management. Molecular markers are the most effective tool for characterizing and assessing genetic diversity in plant collections. IRAP (inter-retrotransposons amplified polymorphism) markers have proven to be some of the most effective for characterizing and evaluating germplasm, confirming the genetic fidelity of in vitro preserved cultivars and species. In this regard, the aim of this work is to test several IRAP primers to identify genetic polymorphism and study the genetic fidelity of three rare and endemic flora species of the Western Caucasus during in vitro conservation. Approbation of 16 IRAP-primers on the investigated species was carried out for Eryngium maritimum L., Galanthus woronowii Losinsk. and Campanula sclerophylla Kolak. The results made it possible to select the most efficient of them for genetic fidelity analysis of micropropagated plants. Out of 16 IRAP primers 8 amplified PCR products in Eryngium maritimum. In Galanthus woronowii as well 8 of 16 IRAP primers resulted in the amplification with the number of DNA fragments ranging from 2 to 12. In Campanula sclerophylla 9 of 16 IRAP primers amplified 1 to 11 fragments, depending on the marker. The results of the genotyping of regenerants were compared with data on stock in situ plants, which were the source of explants for in vitro conservation. In total, 60 regenerants for each species of the natural flora of the Western Caucasus were involved in the study. The results obtained demonstrated no genetic changes of the regenerants in all the studied species. These results were confirmed using ISSR analysis of an extended sample set of microplants for each species. The results obtained can serve as evidence of a low probability of genetic disorders during in vitro propagation and conservation of the species Eryngium maritimum L., Galanthus woronowii Losinsk. and Campanula sclerophylla Kolak

    Genetic diversity analysis of apricots from Dagestan using SSR markers

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    Background. This publication presents the results of a study into the genetic structure of apricot genotypes from Dagestan using the SSR genotyping technique. The importance of the study is seen in the still underexplored gene pool of Dagestani apricot at the genetic level. With this in view, an assessment of the Dagestani apricot genetic diversity, followed by an analysis of its genetic structure, is of theoretical and practical interest.Materials and methods. The study included 27 apricot genotypes of Dagestani origin: 9 advanced contemporary cultivars and hybrids, 15 seed selections and landraces, and 3 wild forms. Eight SSR markers were used for the genetic diversity analysis: H1-3, A1-91, H2-79, H1-26-2, H2-16, A1-17, RPPG1-032, and RPPG3-026.Results. The UPGMA and NJ dendrogram construction techniques revealed the genetic similarity among the Dagestani apricots, confirmed by a low level of cluster significance. The tendency towards setting apart the genotypes of hybrid origin (obtained from free pollination of introduced cultivars) from the locally selected cultivars was observed by comparing the results of Bayesian analysis and the K-means approach using the Structure and Statistica software. Such isolation is partial, being obviously affected by constant integration of new apricot genotypes into the local gene pool and its enrichment with new alleles at the genetic level.Conclusion. The contemporary assortment of apricots in Dagestan was formed on the basis of both the local autochthonous gene pool and Central Asian and European cultivars introduced into this area. The obtained data will enrich the knowledge about the genetic diversity of apricots in Dagestan and serve as the platform for further studies into the florigenetic links of the North Caucasus with other regions

    Analysis of genetic relationships of genotypes of the genus Rosa L. from the collection of Nikita Botanical Gardens using ISSR and IRAP DNA markers

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    In connection with the development of breeding and the creation of new plant varieties, the problem of their genotyping and identification is becoming increasingly important, therefore the use of molecular methods to identify genetic originality and assess plant genetic diversity appears to be relevant. As part of the work performed, informative ISSR and IRAP DNA markers promising for the study of genetic diversity of the Rosa L. genus were sought and applied to analysis of genetic relationships among 26 accessions of the genus Rosa L. from the gene pool collection of Nikita Botanical Gardens. They included 18 cultivated varieties and 8 accessions of wild species. The species sample included representatives of two subgenera, Rosa and Platyrhodon. The subgenus Platyrhodon was represented by one accession of the species R. roxburghii Tratt. Cultivated roses were represented by varieties of garden groups hybrid tea, floribunda, and grandiflora. The tested markers included 32 ISSRs and 13 IRAPs. Five ISSR markers (UBC 824, ASSR29, 3A21, UBC 864, and UBC 843) and three IRAPs (TDK 2R, Сass1, and Сass2) were chosen as the most promising. They were used for genotyping the studied sample of genotypes. In general, they appeared to be suitable for further use in studying the genetic diversity of the genus Rosa L. The numbers of polymorphic fragments ranged from 12 to 31, averaging 19.25 fragments per marker. For markers UBC 864 and UBC 843, unique fingerprints were identified in each accession studied. The genetic relationships of the studied species and varieties of roses analyzed by the UPGMA, PCoA, and Bayesian methods performed on the basis of IRAP and ISSR genotyping are consistent with their taxonomic positions. The genotype of the species R. roxburghii of the subgenus Platyrhodon was determined genetically as the most distant. According to clustering methods, the representative of the species R. bengalensis did not stand out from the group of cultivated varieties. When assessing the level of genetic similarity among the cultivated varieties of garden roses, the most genetically isolated varieties were ‘Flamingo’, ‘Queen Elizabeth’, and ‘Kordes Sondermeldung’; for most of the other varieties, groups of the greatest genetic similarity were identified. This assessment reflects general trends in phylogenetic relationships, both among the studied species of the genus and among cultivated varieties