69 research outputs found

    Recovery of delay time from time series based on the nearest neighbor method

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    We propose a method for the recovery of delay time from time series of time-delay systems. The method is based on the nearest neighbor analysis. The method allows one to reconstruct delays in various classes of time-delay systems including systems of high order, systems with several coexisting delays, and nonscalar time-delay systems. It can be applied to time series heavily corrupted by additive and dynamical noise

    Giant Coulomb broadening and Raman lasing on ionic transitions

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    CW generation of anti-Stokes Raman laser on a number of blue-green argon-ion lines (4p-4s, 4p-3d) has been demonstrated with optical pumping from metastable levels 3d'^2G, 3d^4F. It is found, that the population transfer rate is increased by a factor of 3-5 (and hence, the output power of such Raman laser) owing to Coulomb diffusion in the velocity space. Measured are the excitation and relaxation rates for the metastable level. The Bennett hole on the metastable level has been recorded using the probe field technique. It has been shown that the Coulomb diffusion changes shape of the contour to exponential cusp profile while its width becomes 100 times the Lorentzian one and reaches values close to the Doppler width. Such a giant broadening is also confirmed by the shape of the absorption saturation curve.Comment: RevTex 18 pages, 5 figure


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    Comparison of estimates of a financial condition of the enterprises by methods of Biver’s indicators and scoring analysis

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    Among foreign methods of assessment of degree of proximity to bankruptcy the method of system of Biver indicators and the scoring analysis are the most popular. The financial coefficients counted for the concrete enterprise often contradict each other or don't satisfy to normal restrictions what results in ambiguity of assessment of a financial state. For elimination of this ambiguity the generalized indicator of a financial state as rating number which variable (signs) are normalized by division into the corresponding borders of normal restrictions for each financial coefficient is entered. The scoring analysis defines a technique of formation of the mentioned rating number, but the standard Biver’s method estimates only separate financial coefficients. Therefore in work the method of calculation of rating number for this method with determination of weight coefficients by a modern method of the analysis of hierarchies is offered. For the presented these balances of 10 concrete enterprises the generalized indicators of a financial state are calculated, schedules are constructed and the most unsuccessful enterprises are defined. Further very important problem about communication of the estimates received by the Biver’s method with results of assessment of a financial state on a method of the scoring analysis is solved. Comparison of the corresponding schedules shows high-quality coincidence, and for quantitative confirmation of communication the correlation analysis is used. The coefficient of correlation of Pearson for the considered enterprises is equal 0,827, and the coefficient of rank correlation of Spirmen used for check of orderliness of numerical estimates is equal 0,818 that demonstrates close correlation connection of the results received by method of the generalized indicator of the Biver’s system and method of the scoring analysis

    Method of immersion of a problem of comparison financial conditions of the enterprises in an expert cover in a class algorithms of artificial intelligence

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    The financial condition of the enterprise can be estimated by a set of characteristics (solvency and liquidity, structure of the capital, profitability, etc.). The part of financial coefficients is low-informative, and other part contains the interconnected sizes. Therefore for elimination of ambiguity we will pass to the generalized indicators – rating numbers, and as the main means of research it is offered to use the theory of expert systems. As characteristic of the modern theory of expert systems it is necessary to consider application of intellectual ways of data processing of data mining, or simply data mining. The method of immersion of a problem of comparison of a financial condition of economic objects in an expert cover in a class of systems of artificial intelligence is offered (algorithms of a method of the analysis of hierarchies, contiguity leaning of a neural network, algorithm of training with function of activation softmax). The generalized indicator of structure of the capital in the form of rating number is entered and the sign (factorial) space for seven concrete enterprises is created. Quantitative signs (financial coefficients of structure of the capital) are allocated and their normalization by rules of the theory of expert systems is carried out. To the received set of the generalized indicators the method of the analysis of hierarchies is applied: on the basis of a linguistic scale of T. Saaty the ranks of signs reflecting the relative importance of various financial coefficients are defined and the matrix of pair comparisons is constructed. The vector of priority signs on the basis of the solution of the equation for own numbers and own vectors of the mentioned matrix is calculated. As a result the visualization of the received results which has allowed to eliminate difficulties of interpretation of small and negative values of the generalized indicator is carried out. The neural network with contiguity leaning and function of activation softmax is applied to further smoothing of dispersion of indicators. Application of this method allows to facilitate considerably problems of interpretation of results of comparison of a financial condition of various enterprises


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    We consider the competitiveness of innovative industries as a result of the intensification of labor. The article presents five options for increasing intensification labor proposed mechanism The article examines several options for increasing intensification of labor (economy and management, reducing costs of living embodied labor, and improving education and training of employees, an understanding of the prospects for the development of innovative industries and others), a mechanism in the development of innovative processes, in particular, increased science armament tech and labor , the change in the cost structure for the development of industries. Studied the principles of a competitive innovative development of industries based on the intensification of labor, such as rationality, high level of education and training of employees, the dependence of the development of a competitive innovative productions of the state of political and administrative reforms in the country and other regions. Refined economic, legal, organizational factors that contribute to the intensification of work. Identified tasks of the state, the region and the organization in the development of competitive innovative productions. Defined the concept of "the development of competitive industries on the basis of innovative intensification of labor," as companies that introduce new technologies, using the latest information systems, highly qualified staff and oriented to providing products that the market demands with the best change of labor and materials

    Generalized indicator and classification structures of the capital of the industrial enterprises

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    One of key questions of support of the enterprise economic safety is assessment of a level of closeness to bankruptcy. There are several known methods of such assessment among which the method of the scoring analysis considering the principles of creation of the modern expert systems and giving a rating assessment of a financial status in general is selected. However the task of search of a method of the preliminary express assessment allowing to gain quickly an impression about financial status is relevant. It is offered to use for this purpose the generalized liquidity indicator – the rating number using the most informative signs of solvency and liquidity (an index of the general solvency, absolute liquidity index, coefficient of the current liquidity, a share of reverse assets in balance, coefficient of a covering of current assets by SOS). Weight factors of rating number (vector of priorities) are defined by the modern method of the analysis of hierarchies of T. Saati. Data of balances of ten domestic enterprises for which financial coefficients of solvency and liquidity are calculated are provided. After their normalization by boundaries of normal restrictions new variables – signs of liquidity, proceeding from a condition of the maximum informativeness are entered. The generalized liquidity indicators for the researched enterprises are calculated and are compared to the results of scoring financial analysis in general expressed as the score of profitability of the cumulative capital, coefficient of the current liquidity and coefficient of autonomy. Correlation analysis of a level of closeness of results of both methods on the basis of Pearson and Spirmen's criteria is carried out. Close correlative connection of the received results is established (Pearson's correlation coefficient k = 0.799, coefficient of grade correlation of Spirmen ? = 0.824) that allows to recommend calculation of the generalized liquidity indicator as the preliminary express valuation method of a financial status
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