460 research outputs found

    On a class of three-dimensional integrable Lagrangians

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    We characterize non-degenerate Lagrangians of the form ∫f(ux,uy,ut)dxdydt \int f(u_x, u_y, u_t) dx dy dt such that the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations (fux)x+(fuy)y+(fut)t=0 (f_{u_x})_x+ (f_{u_y})_y+ (f_{u_t})_t=0 are integrable by the method of hydrodynamic reductions. The integrability conditions constitute an over-determined system of fourth order PDEs for the Lagrangian density ff, which is in involution and possess interesting differential-geometric properties. The moduli space of integrable Lagrangians, factorized by the action of a natural equivalence group, is three-dimensional. Familiar examples include the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (dKP) and the Boyer-Finley Lagrangians, f=ux3/3+uy2−uxutf=u_x^3/3+u_y^2-u_xu_t and f=ux2+uy2−2eutf=u_x^2+u_y^2-2e^{u_t}, respectively. A complete description of integrable cubic and quartic Lagrangians is obtained. Up to the equivalence transformations, the list of integrable cubic Lagrangians reduces to three examples, f=uxuyut,f=ux2uy+uyut,andf=ux3/3+uy2−uxut(dKP). f=u_xu_yu_t, f=u_x^2u_y+u_yu_t, and f=u_x^3/3+u_y^2-u_xu_t ({\rm dKP}). There exists a unique integrable quartic Lagrangian, f=ux4+2ux2ut−uxuy−ut2. f=u_x^4+2u_x^2u_t-u_xu_y-u_t^2. We conjecture that these examples exhaust the list of integrable polynomial Lagrangians which are essentially three-dimensional (it was verified that there exist no polynomial integrable Lagrangians of degree five). We prove that the Euler-Lagrange equations are integrable by the method of hydrodynamic reductions if and only if they possess a scalar pseudopotential playing the role of a dispersionless `Lax pair'. MSC: 35Q58, 37K05, 37K10, 37K25. Keywords: Multi-dimensional Dispersionless Integrable Systems, Hydrodynamic Reductions, Pseudopotentials.Comment: 12 pages A4 format, standard Latex 2e. In the file progs.tar we include the programs needed for computations performed in the paper. Read 1-README first. The new version includes two new section

    Multiple Factorizations of Bivariate Linear Partial Differential Operators

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    We study the case when a bivariate Linear Partial Differential Operator (LPDO) of orders three or four has several different factorizations. We prove that a third-order bivariate LPDO has a first-order left and right factors such that their symbols are co-prime if and only if the operator has a factorization into three factors, the left one of which is exactly the initial left factor and the right one is exactly the initial right factor. We show that the condition that the symbols of the initial left and right factors are co-prime is essential, and that the analogous statement "as it is" is not true for LPDOs of order four. Then we consider completely reducible LPDOs, which are defined as an intersection of principal ideals. Such operators may also be required to have several different factorizations. Considering all possible cases, we ruled out some of them from the consideration due to the first result of the paper. The explicit formulae for the sufficient conditions for the complete reducibility of an LPDO were found also

    Staeckel systems generating coupled KdV hierarchies and their finite-gap and rational solutions

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    We show how to generate coupled KdV hierarchies from Staeckel separable systems of Benenti type. We further show that solutions of these Staeckel systems generate a large class of finite-gap and rational solutions of cKdV hierarchies. Most of these solutions are new.Comment: 15 page

    Classification of integrable two-component Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type in 2+1 dimensions

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    Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type occur in a wide range of applications including fluid dynamics, the Whitham averaging procedure and the theory of Frobenius manifolds. In 1+1 dimensions, the requirement of the integrability of such systems by the generalised hodograph transform implies that integrable Hamiltonians depend on a certain number of arbitrary functions of two variables. On the contrary, in 2+1 dimensions the requirement of the integrability by the method of hydrodynamic reductions, which is a natural analogue of the generalised hodograph transform in higher dimensions, leads to finite-dimensional moduli spaces of integrable Hamiltonians. In this paper we classify integrable two-component Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type for all existing classes of differential-geometric Poisson brackets in 2D, establishing a parametrisation of integrable Hamiltonians via elliptic/hypergeometric functions. Our approach is based on the Godunov-type representation of Hamiltonian systems, and utilises a novel construction of Godunov's systems in terms of generalised hypergeometric functions.Comment: Latex, 34 page
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