691 research outputs found

    Periodization of the naturalization process of kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris) in Dneprodzerzhinsk and Kremenchug reservoirs

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    В двух водохранилищах Днепровского каскада выявлены периоды прохождения фаз натурализации массового вида рыб, что важно для изучения данного процесса у различных видов в разных регионах и для понимания роли чужеродных видов в их рыбном населении. Натурализация тюльки в рядом расположенных водоемах протекала по-разному. В акватории будущего Днепродзержинского водохранилища этот вид проник за два года до строительства плотины, а в Кременчугское он вселился через четыре года после его создания. Детализация начала фаз натурализации основана на анализе динамических фазовых портретов уловов тюльки исследовательским траломВ двух водохранилищах Днепровского каскада выявлены периоды прохождения фаз натурализации массового вида рыб, что важно для изучения данного процесса у различных видов в разных регионах и для понимания роли чужеродных видов в их рыбном населении. Натурализация тюльки в рядом расположенных водоемах протекала по-разному. В акватории будущего Днепродзержинского водохра- нилища этот вид проник за два года до строительства плотины, а в Кременчугское он вселился через четыре года после его создания. Детализация начала фаз натурализации основана на анализе динамических фазовых портретов уловов тюльки исследовательским тралом.Any species in new life conditions passes through several phases or stages of naturalization. Information about time of these phases is important for analysis of changes in invader population and understanding of the role of alien species in analysed water bodies. The aim of this work is to detect the time of occurrence of naturalization phases for the kilka in the Dniprodzerzhinsk and Kremenchug reservoirs. The analysed material includes the own data, archives of the Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS, commercial fishery statistics and literature sources. A dynamic phase portrait method was applied for detailing the time of beginning of different phases. It was established that kilka had been already present in the Dniprodzerzhinsk reservoir at the phase of II (reproduction) before its construction, and after 1967 it became the predominant pelagic species. As for the Kremenchug reservoir, kilka invaded that water body 4–5 years after its construction. It quickly passed phases I and II and by 1968 became abundant commercial species. Thus, it was found that kilka’s naturalization phases occurred differently in these nearby water bodies: in the future Dniprodzerzhinsk reservoir area, this species penetrated two years before impoundment; while in the Kremenchug reservoir it penetrated four years after the construction. Four to five years were needed for passing first three phases of kilka naturalization in the studied reservoirs. Faster progression of the phases I and II of its naturalization in the Kremenchug reservoir compared to the Dniprodzerzhinsk one indicates on better life conditions in the first water body at the moment of invasion. Currently, the studied kilka populations pass the phase IV of naturalization, which is characterized by fluctuation of population abundance

    Energy and time resolution for a LYSO matrix prototype of the Mu2e experiment

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    We have measured the performances of a LYSO crystal matrix prototype tested with electron and photon beams in the energy range 60-450 MeV. This study has been carried out to determine the achievable energy and time resolutions for the calorimeter of the Mu2e experiment.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detector

    Промислові та непромислові види риб річок Липецької області

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    The list and fish assemblage species structure of 13 rivers of the Lipetsk region were analyzed. Classi-fication of the fish fauna from the viewpoint of fishery and nature protection was made for the working out of the concept of rational nature management. Important protected and threatened species was found in the Lipetsk area. It is established that not all species included in the regional Red Data Book correspond to their real nature protection status.Проанализированы состав и таксономическая структура ихтиофауны рек Липецкой области. Проведена рыбохозяйственная и природоохранная классификация ихтиофауны, необходимая для разработки концепции рационального природопользования. На территории области выделены особо охраняемые виды и находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения. Установлено, что не все виды, занесенные в Красную книгу области, соответствуют их истинному природоохранному статусу.Проаналізовано склад і таксономічну структуру іхтіофауни річок Липецької області. Проведено рибогосподарську та природоохоронну класифікацію іхтіофауни, необхідну для розробки концепції раціонального природокористування. На території області виділено особливо охоронювані види та види, які перебувають під загрозою зникнення. Встановлено, що не всі види, занесені до Червоної книги області, відповідають їх справжньому природоохоронному статусу

    The Mu2e undoped CsI crystal calorimeter

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    The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violating conversion of a muon to an electron in an atomic field. The Mu2e detector is composed of a tracker, an electromagnetic calorimeter and an external system, surrounding the solenoid, to veto cosmic rays. The calorimeter plays an important role to provide: a) excellent particle identification capabilities; b) a fast trigger filter; c) an easier tracker track reconstruction. Two disks, located downstream of the tracker, contain 674 pure CsI crystals each. Each crystal is read out by two arrays of UV-extended SiPMs. The choice of the crystals and SiPMs has been finalized after a thorough test campaign. A first small scale prototype consisting of 51 crystals and 102 SiPM arrays has been exposed to an electron beam at the BTF (Beam Test Facility) in Frascati. Although the readout electronics were not the final, results show that the current design is able to meet the timing and energy resolution required by the Mu2e experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, proceedings of the "Calorimetry for the high energy frontier (CHEF17)" conference, 2-6 October 2017, Lyon, Franc

    Quality Assurance on a custom SiPMs array for the Mu2e experiment

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    The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the coherent μe\mu \to e conversion on aluminum atoms. The detector system consists of a straw tube tracker and a crystal calorimeter. A pre-production of 150 Silicon Photomultiplier arrays for the Mu2e calorimeter has been procured. A detailed quality assur- ance has been carried out on each SiPM for the determination of its own operation voltage, gain, dark current and PDE. The measurement of the mean-time-to-failure for a small random sample of the pro-production group has been also completed as well as the determination of the dark current increase as a function of the ioninizing and non-ioninizing dose.Comment: 4 pages, 10 figures, conference proceeding for NSS-MIC 201

    Design, status and perspective of the Mu2e crystal calorimeter

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    The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the charged lepton flavor violating process of neutrino-less μe\mu \to e coherent conversion in the field of an aluminum nucleus. Mu2e will reach a single event sensitivity of about 2.510172.5\cdot 10^{-17} that corresponds to four orders of magnitude improvements with respect to the current best limit. The detector system consists of a straw tube tracker and a crystal calorimeter made of undoped CsI coupled with Silicon Photomultipliers. The calorimeter was designed to be operable in a harsh environment where about 10 krad/year will be delivered in the hottest region and work in presence of 1 T magnetic field. The calorimeter role is to perform μ\mu/e separation to suppress cosmic muons mimiking the signal, while providing a high level trigger and a seeding the track search in the tracker. In this paper we present the calorimeter design and the latest R&\&D results.Comment: 4 pages, conference proceeding for a presentation held at TIPP'2017. To be published on Springer Proceedings in Physic

    Dosed surgical treatment of vertical strabismus using the technique of anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle

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    Purpose. To develop a technology for dosed surgical treatment of vertical strabismus caused by hyperfunction of the inferior oblique muscle of varying severity, using the technique of anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle and to ev aluate its effectiveness.Material and methods. The study included 228 patients (228 eyes) with vertical strabismus caused by hyperfunction of the inferior oblique muscle. Depending on the method of surgical treatment, the patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 (core group) included 112 patients (112 eyes) who underwent surgical treatment using our modified dosing technique for the degree of anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle. Group 2 (control group) included 116 patients (116 eyes) who were treated according to the classical method of dosed recession with degrees from «+1» to «+3» and transposition of the inferior oblique muscle with a degree of «+4». In each group, two subgroups were distinguished: subgroup a (with hypertrophy in adduction less than 7° according to Girshberg) and subgroup b (with hypertropy in adduction more than 7°). The follow-up was 1 day, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 months after sur gery.Results. At the end of the observation period in all patients of group 1 Bilshovsky’s test w as negative. In group 2, in cases of persisting hypertropia in the primary position of the eye, in subgroup 2A (6.4%) and subgroup 2B (10.1%), a positive Bilshovsky test on the side of the hypertropic eye was detected, which indicated a hypoeffect of surgical treatment. The frequency of binocular vision formation was higher in subgroup 1a (68%) than in subgroup 2a (42.5%). Similar results were obtained in subgroups b: the frequency of binocular vision formation at the end of the observation period in subgroup 1b was 59.7%, in subgroup 2b it was 46.4%.Conclusion. The developed modification of the surgical treatment of hyperfunction of the inferior oblique muscle depending on the magnitude of the angle of vertical deviation using the method of dosed anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle allows to achieve high anatomical and functional results at vertical angles of deviation in adduction over 7° in Girshberg, as well as in cases of small angles to 7° across Girshberg


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    Purpose. Quantification of morphometric parameters of segments of retinal vessels of the central fundus zone, vessels of the 2nd order and peripheral vessels in the vicinity of the avascular zone to detect early signs and dynamics of stage II and III regression in retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in different periods after laser treatment (LT).Material and methods. There were examined 50 preterm infants (100 eyes) with the type 2 (a high risk of progression) of the ROP stage II and III before and in different periods after pattern laser photocoagulation. The morphometric analysis of obtained digital images of the retina in children with ROP was performed using the retinal camera «RetCam 3» (Clarity Medisal Systems, Inc.,USA) in mode of the software «ROP-MORRNOMETRY».Results. Statistically significant differences in the diameter of retinal vessels throughout their length and the tortuosity factor of arteries in the central fundus zone in the follow-up of 1 and 2 months after laser treatment were not revealed, indicating a robust ROP regression.Conclusions. Clinical applications of data obtained in the performed study allows to optimize the postoperative monitoring of premature infants with ROP, minimizing the quantity of repeated diagnostic tests

    Measurement of time resolution of the Mu2e LYSO calorimeter prototype

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    In this paper we present the time resolution measurements of the Lutetium–Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate (LYSO) calorimeter prototype for the Mu2e experiment. The measurements have been performed using the e− beam of the Beam Test Facility (BTF) in Frascati, Italy in the energy range from 100 to 400 MeV. The calorimeter prototype consisted of twenty five 30 x 30 x 130 mm^3, LYSO crystals read out by 10 × 10 mm^2 Hamamatsu Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs). The energy dependence of the measured time resolution can be parametrized as σ_t(E)=a/√E/GeV⊕b, with the stochastic and constant terms a=(51 ± 1)ps and b=(10 ± 4)ps, respectively. This corresponds to the time resolution of (162 ±4 )ps at 100 MeV