710 research outputs found

    The boiling suppression of liquid nitrogen

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    When He gas is injected from room temperature into boiling liquid N2_{2}, boiling is suppressed, leaving liquid surface flat like a mirror. Although the qualitative explanation for this phenomenon is known [Minkoff G J \textit{et al}. Nature 1957;180(4599):1413-4.], it has not been studied quantitatively and comprehensively yet. In this report, we made careful simultaneous measurements of temperature and weight variation of the liquid. The results clearly indicate that the boiling suppression is caused by cooling of the liquid with "internal evaporation" of N2_{2} into the He bubbles.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Determination of the mosaic angle distribution of Grafoil platelets using continuous-wave NMR spectra

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    We described details of a method to estimate with good accuracy the mosaic angle distributions of microcrystallites (platelets) in exfoliated graphite like Grafoil which is commonly used as an adsorption substrate for helium thin films. The method is based on analysis of resonance field shifts in continuous-wave (CW) NMR spectra of 3^{3}He ferromagnetic monolayers making use of the large nuclear polarization of the adsorbate itself. The mosaic angle distribution of a Grafoil substrate analyzed in this way can be well fitted to a gaussian form with a 27.5±2.527.5\pm2.5 deg spread. This distribution is quite different from the previous estimation based on neutron scattering data which showed an unrealistically large isotropic powder-like component.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dilution effect in correlated electron system with orbital degeneracy

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    Theory of dilution effect in orbital ordered system is presented. The ege_g orbital model without spin degree of freedom and the spin-orbital coupled model in a three-dimensional simple-cubic lattice are analyzed by the Monte-Carlo simulation and the cluster expansion method. In the ege_g orbital model without spin degree of freedom, reduction of the orbital ordering temperature due to dilution is steeper than that in the dilute magnet. This is attributed to a modification of the orbital wave-function around vacant sites. In the spin-orbital coupled model, it is found that magnetic structure is changed from the A-type antiferromagnetic order into the ferromagnetic one. Orbital dependent exchange interaction and a sign change of this interaction around vacant sites bring about this novel phenomena. Present results explain the recent experiments in transition-metal compounds with orbital dilution.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Dilution Effects in Two-dimensional Quantum Orbital System

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    We study dilution effects in a Mott insulating state with quantum orbital degree of freedom, termed the two-dimensional orbital compass model. This is a quantum and two-dimensional version of the orbital model where the interactions along different bond directions cause frustration between different orbital configurations. A long-range correlation of a kind of orbital at each row or column, termed the directional order, is studied by means of the quantum Monte-Carlo method. It is shown that decrease of the ordering temperature due to dilution is much stronger than that in spin models. Quantum effect enhances the effective dimensionality in the system and makes the directional order robust against dilution. We discuss an essential mechanism of the dilute orbital systems.Comment: 5pages, 4 figure

    Laser control of magnonic topological phases in antiferromagnets

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    We study the laser control of magnon topological phases induced by the Aharonov-Casher effect in insulating antiferromagnets (AFs). Since the laser electric field can be considered as a time-periodic perturbation, we apply the Floquet theory and perform the inverse frequency expansion by focusing on the high frequency region. Using the obtained effective Floquet Hamiltonian, we study nonequilibrium magnon dynamics away from the adiabatic limit and its effect on topological phenomena. We show that a linearly polarized laser can generate helical edge magnon states and induce the magnonic spin Nernst effect, whereas a circularly polarized laser can generate chiral edge magnon states and induce the magnonic thermal Hall effect. In particular, in the latter, we find that the direction of the magnon chiral edge modes and the resulting thermal Hall effect can be controlled by the chirality of the circularly polarized laser through the change from the left-circular to the right-circular polarization. Our results thus provide a handle to control and design magnon topological properties in the insulating AF

    A Local One-Zone Model of MHD Turbulence in Dwarf Nova Disks

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    The evolution of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) during the transition from outburst to quiescence in a dwarf nova disk is investigated using three-dimensional MHD simulations. The shearing box approximation is adopted for the analysis, so that the efficiency of angular momentum transport is studied in a small local patch of the disk: this is usually referred as to a one-zone model. To take account of the low ionization fraction of the disk, the induction equation includes both ohmic dissipation and the Hall effect. We induce a transition from outburst to quiescence by an instantaneous decrease of the temperature. The evolution of the MRI during the transition is found to be very sensitive to the temperature of the quiescent disk. As long as the temperature is higher than a critical value of about 2000 K, MHD turbulence and angular momentum transport is sustained by the MRI. However, MHD turbulence dies away within an orbital time if the temperature falls below this critical value. In this case, the stress drops off by more than 2 orders of magnitude, and is dominated by the Reynolds stress associated with the remnant motions from the outburst. The critical temperature depends slightly on the distance from the central star and the local density of the disk.Comment: 20 pages, 2 tables, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Numerical study of t2g orbital system with ferromagnetic polarization

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    Finite temperature orbital state in a ferromagnetic Mott insulator with triply-degenerate t2gt_{2g} orbital is investigated numerically. We employ the quantum Monte Carlo simulation with the loop algorithm. Indications for conventional staggered-type orbital order are not remarkable down to the lowest temperature to which the present simulation can get access. Physical parameters monitoring the off-diagonal orbital order, which is characterized by a linear combination of the (dyz,dzx,dxy)(d_{yz}, d_{zx}, d_{xy}) orbital-wave functions with equal weights, are not conspicuous. It is found that a orbital gap-like behavior appears in the uniform orbital susceptibility. This is supported by a threshold behavior in the staggered correlation function in a calculation with the additional Ising-type interaction. Some rigorous remarks for the long-range orbital order are also presented.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Josephson junction in cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 epitaxial thin films on (La, Sr)(Al, Ta)O3 bicrystal substrates

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    Josephson junctions were fabricated in epitaxial films of cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 on [001]-tilt (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3 bicrystal substrates. 10m-wide microbridges spanning a 30-degrees-tilted bicrystal grain boundary (BGB bridge) exhibited resistively-shunted-junction (RSJ)-like current-voltage characteristics up to 17 K, and the critical current was suppressed remarkably by a magnetic field. Microbridges without a BGB did not show the RSJ-like behavior, and their critical current densities were 20 times larger than those of BGB bridges, confirming BGB bridges display a Josephson effect originating from weakly-linked BGB

    The Effect of the Hall Term on the Nonlinear Evolution of the Magnetorotational Instability: I. Local Axisymmetric Simulations

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    The effect of the Hall term on the evolution of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in weakly ionized accretion disks is investigated using local axisymmetric simulations. First, we show that the Hall term has important effects on the MRI when the temperature and density in the disk is below a few thousand K and between 10^13 and 10^18 cm^{-3} respectively. Such conditions can occur in the quiescent phase of dwarf nova disks, or in the inner part (inside 10 - 100 AU) of protoplanetary disks. When the Hall term is important, the properties of the MRI are dependent on the direction of the magnetic field with respect to the angular velocity vector \Omega. If the disk is threaded by a uniform vertical field oriented in the same sense as \Omega, the axisymmetric evolution of the MRI is an exponentially growing two-channel flow without saturation. When the field is oppositely directed to \Omega, however, small scale fluctuations prevent the nonlinear growth of the channel flow and the MRI evolves into MHD turbulence. These results are anticipated from the characteristics of the linear dispersion relation. In axisymmetry on a field with zero-net flux, the evolution of the MRI is independent of the size of the Hall term relative to the inductive term. The evolution in this case is determined mostly by the effect of ohmic dissipation.Comment: 31 pages, 3 tables, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, postscript version also available from http://www.astro.umd.edu/~sano/publications