3,094 research outputs found

    Early observations of the Afterglow of GRB000301c

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    We report multiband observations of the Optical Transient (OT) associated with GRB000301c carried out between 2--4 March 2000 using the 2.34-m Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT) at Kavalur, India. When combined with other reported data, the initial decline in the R-band magnitude with log (tt0t-t_0), the time since the burst is fit with a slope α1\alpha_{1} = -0.70 ±\pm 0.07 which steepens after about 6.0 days to a slope of α2\alpha_{2} = -2.44 ±\pm 0.29. This change in slope does not occur smoothly but there is an indication for a bimodal distribution. The available measurements of the evolution of (B--R) color do not show any discernible evolution in the first 12 days.Comment: 14 pages, 2 postscript figures, Accepted for Publication in ApJ Letter

    GRB Afterglows from Anisotropic Jets

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    Some progenitor models of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) (e.g., collapsars) may produce anisotropic jets in which the energy per unit solid angle is a power-law function of the angle (θk\propto\theta^{-k}). We calculate light curves and spectra for GRB afterglows when such jets expand either in the interstellar medium or in the wind medium. In particular, we take into account two kinds of wind: one (nr3/2n\propto r^{-3/2}) possibly from a typical red supergiant star and another (nr2n\propto r^{-2}) possibly from a Wolf-Rayet star. We find that in each type of medium, one break appears in the late-time afterglow light curve for small kk but becomes weaker and smoother as kk increases. When k2k\ge 2, the break seems to disappear but the afterglow decays rapidly. Thus, one expects that the emission from expanding, highly anisotropic jets provides a plausible explanation for some rapidly fading afteglows whose light curves have no break. We also present good fits to the optical afterglow light curve of GRB 991208. Finally, we argue that this burst might arise from a highly anisotropic jet expanding in the wind (nr3/2n\propto r^{-3/2}) from a red supergiant to interpret the observed radio-to-optical-band afterglow data (spectrum and light curve).Comment: 12 pages + 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    UBVRI CCD photometry of the OB associations Bochum 1 and Bochum 6

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    We report the first deep UBVRIUBVRI CCD photometry of 2460 stars in the field of two poorly studied OB associations Bochum 1 and Bochum 6. We selected 15 and 14 probable members in Bochum 1 and Bochum 6 respectively using photometric criteria and proper motion data of Tycho 2. Our analysis indicates variable reddening having mean value of E(BV)=E(B-V)= 0.47±\pm0.10 and 0.71±\pm0.13 mag for Bochum 1 and Bochum 6 respectively. Using the zero-age main-sequence fitting method, we derive a distance of 2.8±\pm0.4 and 2.5±\pm0.4 Kpc for Bochum 1 and Bochum 6 respectively. We obtain an age of 10±\pm5 Myrs for both the associations from isochrone fitting. In both associations high and low mass stars have probably formed together. Within the observational uncertainties, mass spectrum of the both associations appears to be similar to the Salpeter's one.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for Bull. Astr. Soc. Indi

    Non-uniform extinction in young open star clusters

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    The extinction law and the variation of colour excess with position, luminosity as well as spectral class in young open star clusters NGC 663, NGC869, NGC 884, NGC 1502, NGC 1893, NGC 2244, NGC 2264, NGC 6611, Tr 14, Tr 15,Tr 16, Coll 228, Tr 37 and Be 86 have been studied. The difference in the minimum and maximum values of E(B-V) of cluster members has been considered as a measure of the presence of non-uniform gas and dust inside the clusters. Its value ranges from 0.22 to 1.03 mag in clusters under study, which indicates that non-uniform extinction is present in all the clusters. It has been noticed for the first time in NGC 1502 and Tr 37. It is also found that the differential colour excess in open clusters, which may be due to the presence of gas and dust, decreases systematically with the age of clusters indicating that matter is used either in star formation or blown away by hot stars or both. There is no uniformity in the variation of E(B-V) with either position or spectral class or luminosity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS, typos adde

    The Variation of Integrated Star IMFs among Galaxies

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    The integrated galaxial initial mass function (IGIMF) is the relevant distribution function containing the information on the distribution of stellar remnants, the number of supernovae and the chemical enrichment history of a galaxy. Since most stars form in embedded star clusters with different masses the IGIMF becomes an integral of the assumed (universal or invariant) stellar IMF over the embedded star-cluster mass function (ECMF). For a range of reasonable assumptions about the IMF and the ECMF we find the IGIMF to be steeper (containing fewer massive stars per star) than the stellar IMF, but below a few Msol it is invariant and identical to the stellar IMF for all galaxies. However, the steepening sensitively depends on the form of the ECMF in the low-mass regime. Furthermore, observations indicate a relation between the star formation rate of a galaxy and the most massive young stellar cluster in it. The assumption that this cluster mass marks the upper end of a young-cluster mass function leads to a connection of the star formation rate and the slope of the IGIMF above a few Msol. The IGIMF varies with the star formation history of a galaxy. Notably, large variations of the IGIMF are evident for dE, dIrr and LSB galaxies with a small to modest stellar mass. We find that for any galaxy the number of supernovae per star (NSNS) is suppressed relative to that expected for a Salpeter IMF. Dwarf galaxies have a smaller NSNS compared to massive galaxies. For dwarf galaxies the NSNS varies substantially depending on the galaxy assembly history and the assumptions made about the low-mass end of the ECMF. The findings presented here may be of some consequence for the cosmological evolution of the number of supernovae per low-mass star and the chemical enrichment of galaxies of different mass.Comment: 27 pages, accepted for publication by Ap

    A deep UVBRI CCD photometric study of open clusters Tr 1 and Be 11

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    We present deep UBVRIUBVRI CCD photometry for the young open star clusters Tr 1 and Be 11. The CCD data for Be 11 is obtained for the first time. The sample consists of \sim 1500 stars reaching down to VV \sim 21 mag. Analysis of the radial distribution of stellar surface density indicates that radius values for Tr 1 and Be 11 are 2.3 and 1.5 pc respectively. The interstellar extinction across the face of the imaged clusters region seems to be non-uniform with a mean value of E(BV)E(B-V) = 0.60±\pm0.05 and 0.95±\pm0.05 mag for Tr 1 and Be 11 respectively. A random positional variation of E(BV)E(B-V) is present in both the clusters. In the cluster Be 11, the reason of random positional variation may be apparent association of the HII region (S 213). The 2MASS JHKJHK data in combination with the optical data in the cluster Be 11 yields E(JK)E(J-K) = 0.40±\pm0.20 mag and E(VK)E(V-K) = 2.20±\pm0.20 mag. Colour excess diagrams indicate a normal interstellar extinction law in the direction of cluster Be 11. The distances of Tr 1 and Be 11 are estimated as 2.6±\pm0.10 and 2.2±\pm0.10 Kpc respectively, while the theoretical stellar evolutionary isochrones fitted to the bright cluster members indicate that the cluster Tr 1 and Be 11 are 40±\pm10 and 110±\pm10 Myr old. The mass functions corrected for both field star contamination and data incompleteness are derived for both the clusters. The slopes 1.50±0.401.50\pm0.40 and 1.22±0.241.22\pm0.24 for Tr 1 and Be 11 respectively are in agreement with the Salpeter's value. Observed mass segregations in both clusters may be due to the result of dynamical evolutions or imprint of star formation processes or both.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Near Infrared and Multiwavelength Afterglow of GRB 000301c

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    We present near-infrared observations of the counterpart of GRB 000301c. The K' filter (2.1 micron) light curve shows a well-sampled break in the decay slope at t=3.5 days post-burst. The early time slope is very shallow (~ -0.1), while the late time slope is steep (-2.2). Comparison with the optical (R band) light curve shows marginally significant differences, especially in the early time decay slope (which is steeper in the optical) and the break time (which occurs later in the optical). This is contrary to the general expectation that light curve breaks should either be achromatic (e.g., for breaks due to collimation effects) or should occur later at longer wavelengths (for most other breaks). The observed color variations might be intrinsic to the afterglow, or might indicate systematic errors of > 0.08 magnitude in all fluxes. Even if the break is achromatic, we argue that its sharpness poses difficulties for explanations that depend on collimated ejecta. The R light curve shows further signs of fairly rapid variability (a bump, steep drop, and plateau) that are not apparent in the K' light curve. In addition, by combining the IR-optical-UV data with millimeter and radio fluxes, we are able to constrain the locations of the self-absorption break and cooling break and to infer the location of the spectral peak at t=3 days: f_nu = 3.4 mJy at nu=1e12 Hz. Using the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution, we are able to constrain the blast wave energy, which was E > 3e53 erg if the explosion was isotropic. This implies a maximum gamma ray production efficiency of ~ 0.15 for GRB 000301C.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal. 24 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; uses AASTeX 5 macros. This version includes a new figure (R-K' color vs. time), a better sampled R band light curve, and more extensive discussion of the optical data and error analysi

    BVRI CCD photometric standards in the field of GRB 990123

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    The CCD magnitudes in Johnson BVBV and Cousins RIRI photometric passbands are determined for 18 stars in the field of GRB 990123. These measurements can be used in carrying out precise CCD photometry of the optical transient of GRB 990123 using differential photometric techniques during non--photometric sky conditions. A comparison with previous photometry indicates that the present photmetry is more precise.Comment: Tex file, 5 pages with 1 figure. Bull. Astron. Society India, Vol. 27 (accepted

    Energy Injection in GRB Afterglow Models

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    We extend the standard fireball model, widely used to interpret gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow light curves, to include energy injections, and apply the model to the afterglow light curves of GRB 990510, GRB 000301C and GRB 010222. We show that discrete energy injections can cause temporal variations in the optical light curves and present fits to the light curves of GRB 000301C as an example. A continuous injection may be required to interpret other bursts such as GRB 010222. The extended model accounts reasonably well for the observations in all bands ranging from X-rays to radio wavelengths. In some cases, the radio light curves indicate that additional model ingredients may be needed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Optical Observations and Multiband Modelling of the Afterglow of GRB 041006: Evidence of A Hard Electron Energy Spectrum

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    We present the CCD Cousins R band photometric observations of the afterglow of GRB 041006. The multiband afterglow evolution is modelled using an underlying `hard' electron energy spectrum with a p11.3p_1 \sim 1.3. The burst appears to be of very low energy (E1048E \sim 10^{48} ergs) confined to a narrow cone of opening angle θ2.3\theta \sim 2.3^{\circ}. The associated supernova is compared with SN1998bw and is found to be brighter.Comment: Accepted for publication in Bull. Astr. Soc. India (BASI