5 research outputs found

    Analyzing results of proficiency tests carried out by the FGBI ARRIAH reference laboratory for FMD diagnosis in 2013-2015

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    Results of the international interlaboratory proficiency tests on FMD diagnosis carried out by the FGBI ARRIAH Reference Laboratory for FMD Diagnosis in 2013-2015 were analyzed. Ten laboratories from seven CIS-countries took part in the proficiency tests, including the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and five laboratories of the FGBI «ARRIAH»

    FMD outbreak in South Korea and its economic consequences

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    The paper presents OIE data on FMD outbreaks and assesses economic losses in the Republic of Korea in 2000, 2002, 2010 with a special attention given to the analysis of the FMD current epidemic situation on the Korean Peninsula in 2014-2016. The paper demonstrates the importance of FMD prevention, eradication, control in the countries of the Korean Peninsula and the Pacific Region

    Analysis of SAT-1, -2, -3 FMD outbreaks in Africa in 2017–2019

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    Data on FMD spread in Africa in 2017–2019 provided by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) and World Reference Laboratory for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (WRLFMD) were analyzed with the emphasis on the current epidemic situation in Northern Africa, and the analysis results are demonstrated as well. Brief historical information on SAT-1, -2, -3 FMDV recovery in Africa is presented. Diagnostic test results demonstrate that the abovementioned virus serotypes are circulating in the Southern, East and West African countries. However, there are reports on detection of SAT-1 FMDV in the Near East (1961–1965 and 1970) and SAT-2 FMDV in Saudi Arabia (2000), Lebanon (2003), Bahrain, Egypt and Lebanon (2012). Infection of cattle with SAT-1, -2, -3 FMDV in Southern and East Africa is associated with the contacts between the domestic livestock and wild cloven-hoofed ungulates, specifically with African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer). FMDV persists in buffaloes for up to 4–5 years and in buffalo herds living within the limited area of the national reserves – for up to 24 years. Buffaloes are considered to be natural reservoir of the virus. The basic disease control measure in Africa is prevention of any contacts between FMD susceptible livestock and buffaloes in the national reserves and game sanctuaries. Moreover, crucial component of FMD prevention is vaccination of bovines kept in buffer zones around the wild cloven-hoofed ungulates’ habitats against the virus serotypes spread by the latter. Foot-and-mouth disease remains one of the most economically significant infections in the world and it involves losses due to the decrease of the agricultural production as well as due to the international trade restrictions

    Study of humoral immunity in animals immunized with emulsion FMD vaccines

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    The paper demonstrates results obtained during the study of humoral immunity in cattle after single immunization with inactivated emulsion FMD vaccines based on Montanide ISA 70 and ISA 206 adjuvants. The humoral immunity was assessed using virus neutralization test and ELISA. The vaccines were demonstrated to induce high level of antibodies maintained for 70 days post vaccination (observation period)


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    The paper presents the results of adaptation of FMDV Type O isolates obtained from the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency to pig cell cultures and organisms as well as studies of their infectivity, antigenic activity as well as stability during passages in the PSGK continuous cell culture. Antigenic matching of FMDV Type O isolates, 2014-2015, obtained from the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency of the Republic of Korea, with Russian and foreign FMDV Type O production strains was studied. Special attention was given to determination of the inoculation dose for virus cultivation in PSGK-30 for the purpose of subsequent preparation of antigenic preparations and FMD vaccines. The results of strain studies served a basis for their depositing into the FGBI “ARRIAH” strain collection