3,983 research outputs found


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    Excitation energy transfer in C-phycocyanin is modeled using the Forster inductive resonance mechanism. Detailed calculations are carried out using coordinates and orientations of the chromophores derived from X-ray crystallographic studies of C-phycocyanin from two different species (Schirmer et al, J. Mol. Biol. 184, 257–277 (1985) and ibid., 188, 651-677 (1986)). Spectral overlap integrals are estimated from absorption and fluorescence spectra of C-phycocyanin of Mastigocladus laminosus and its separated subunits. Calculations are carried out for the β-subunit, αβ-monomer, (αβ)3-trimer and (αβ)0-hexamer species with the following chromophore assignments: β155 = 's’(sensitizer), β84 =‘f (fluorescer) and α84 =‘m’(intermediate):]:. The calculations show that excitation transfer relaxation occurs to 3=98% within 200 ps in nearly every case; however, the rates increase as much as 10-fold for the higher aggregates. Comparison with experimental data on fluorescence decay and depolarization kinetics from the literature shows qualitative agreement with these calculations. We conclude that Forster transfer is sufficient to account for all of the observed fluorescence properties of C-phycocyanin in aggregation states up to the hexamer and in the absence of linker polypeptides

    Interplane magnetic coupling effects in the multilattice compound Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_{15}

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    We investigate the interplane magnetic coupling of the multilattice compound Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_{15} by means of a bilayer Hubbard model with inequivalent planes. We evaluate the spin response, effective interaction and the intra- and interplane spin-spin relaxation times within the fluctuation exchange approximation. We show that strong in-plane antiferromagnetic fluctuations are responsible for a magnetic coupling between the planes, which in turns leads to a tendency of the fluctuation in the two planes to equalize. This equalization effect grows whit increasing in-plane antiferromagnetic fluctuations, i. e., with decreasing temperature and decreasing doping, while it is completely absent when the in-layer correlation length becomes of the order of one lattice spacing. Our results provide a good qualitative description of NMR and NQR experiments in Y_2Ba_4Cu_7O_{15}.Comment: Final version, to appear. in Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications), sched. Jan. 9

    Effects of Electronic Correlations on the Thermoelectric Power of the Cuprates

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    We show that important anomalous features of the normal-state thermoelectric power S of high-Tc materials can be understood as being caused by doping dependent short-range antiferromagnetic correlations. The theory is based on the fluctuation-exchange approximation applied to Hubbard model in the framework of the Kubo formalism. Firstly, the characteristic maximum of S as function of temperature can be explained by the anomalous momentum dependence of the single-particle scattering rate. Secondly, we discuss the role of the actual Fermi surface shape for the occurrence of a sign change of S as a function of temperature and doping.Comment: 4 pages, with eps figure

    Spectral properties of entanglement witnesses

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    Entanglement witnesses are observables which when measured, detect entanglement in a measured composed system. It is shown what kind of relations between eigenvectors of an observable should be fulfilled, to allow an observable to be an entanglement witness. Some restrictions on the signature of entaglement witnesses, based on an algebraic-geometrical theorem will be given. The set of entanglement witnesses is linearly isomorphic to the set of maps between matrix algebras which are positive, but not completely positive. A translation of the results to the language of positive maps is also given. The properties of entanglement witnesses and positive maps express as special cases of general theorems for kk-Schmidt witnesses and kk-positive maps. The results are therefore presented in a general framework.Comment: published version, some proofs are more detailed, mistakes remove


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    C-Phycocyanin (PC) and allophycocyanin (APC). as well as the a-subunit of PC. have been isolated from the blue-green alga (cyanobacterium). Spirulina platensis. The effects of partial thermal denaturation of PC and of its state of aggregation have been studied by ps time-resolved, polarized fluorescence spectroscopy. All measurements have been performed under low photon fluxes (< 10’ ’ photonsipulse x cm’) to minimize singlet-singlet annihilation processes. A complex decay is obtained under most conditions, which can be fitted satisfactorily with a bi-exponential (7’ = 70400 ps. T? = 1000-3000 ps) for both the isotropic and the polarized part, but with different intensities and time constants for the two decay curves. The data are interpreted in the frameworkof the model first developed by Teak and Dale (Biochern. J. 116, 161 (1970)], which divides the spectroscopically different chromophores in (predominantly) sensitizing (s) and fluorescing U, ones. If one assumes temperature dependent losses in the energy transfer from the s to the f and between f chromophores. both the biexponential nature of the isotropic fluorescence decay and the polarization data can be rationalized. In the isotropic emission (corresponding to the population of excited states) the short lifetime is related to the s-,f transfer. the longer one to the “free“ decay of the final acceptor(s) (= f). The polarized part is dominated by an extremely short decay time. which is related to s+f transfer, as well as to resonance transfer between the f-chromophores

    Coherent vs incoherent pairing in 2D systems near magnetic instability

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    We study the superconductivity in 2D fermionic systems near antiferromagnetic instability, assuming that the pairing is mediated by spin fluctuations. This pairing involves fully incoherent fermions and diffusive spin excitations. We show that the competition between fermionic incoherence and strong pairing interaction yields the pairing instability temperature TinsT_{ins} which increases and saturates as the magnetic correlation length ξ\xi \to \infty. We argue that in this quantum-critical regime the pairing problem is qualitatively different from the BCS one.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Theory for Dynamical Short Range Order and Fermi Surface Volume in Strongly Correlated Systems

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    Using the fluctuation exchange approximation of the one band Hubbard model, we discuss the origin of the changing Fermi surface volume in underdoped cuprate systems due to the transfer of occupied states from the Fermi surface to its shadow, resulting from the strong dynamical antiferromagnetic short range correlations. The momentum and temperature dependence of the quasi particle scattering rate shows unusual deviations from the conventional Fermi liquid like behavior. Their consequences for the changing Fermi surface volume are discussed. Here, we investigate in detail which scattering processes might be responsible for a violation of the Luttinger theorem. Finally, we discuss the formation of hole pockets near half filling.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 4 postscript figure

    A matrix product solution for a nonequilibrium steady state of an XX chain

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    A one dimensional XX spin chain of finite length coupled to reservoirs at both ends is solved exactly in terms of a matrix product state ansatz. An explicit representation of matrices of fixed dimension 4 independent of the chain length is found. Expectations of all observables are evaluated, showing that all connected correlations, apart from nearest neighbor z-z, are zero.Comment: 11 page

    Possible high TcT_c superconductivity mediated by antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in systems with Fermi surface pockets

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    We propose that if there are two small pocket-like Fermi surfaces, and the spin susceptibility is pronounced around a wave vector {\bf Q} that bridges the two pockets, the spin-singlet superconductivity mediated by spin fluctuations may have a high transition temperature. Using the fluctuation exchange approximation, this idea is confirmed for the Hubbard on a lattice with alternating hopping integrals, for which TcT_c is estimated to be almost an order of magnitude larger than those for systems with a large connected Fermi surface.Comment: 5 pages, uses RevTe