14 research outputs found

    Strategic argumentation dialogues for persuasion: Framework and experiments based on modelling the beliefs and concerns of the persuadee

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    Persuasion is an important and yet complex aspect of human intelligence. When undertaken through dialogue, the deployment of good arguments, and therefore counterarguments, clearly has a significant effect on the ability to be successful in persuasion. Two key dimensions for determining whether an argument is 'good' in a particular dialogue are the degree to which the intended audience believes the argument and counterarguments, and the impact that the argument has on the concerns of the intended audience. In this paper, we present a framework for modelling persuadees in terms of their beliefs and concerns, and for harnessing these models in optimizing the choice of move in persuasion dialogues. Our approach is based on the Monte Carlo Tree Search which allows optimization in real-time. We provide empirical results of a study with human participants that compares an automated persuasion system based on this technology with a baseline system that does not take the beliefs and concerns into account in its strategy

    Empirical Methods for Modelling Persuadees in Dialogical Argumentation

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    For a participant to play persuasive arguments in a dialogue, s/he may create a model of the other participants. This may include an estimation of what arguments the other participants find believable, convincing, or appealing. The participant can then choose to put forward those arguments that have high scores in the desired criteria. In this paper, we consider how we can crowd-source opinions on the believability, convincingness, and appeal of arguments, and how we can use this information to predict opinions for specific participants on the believability, convincingness, and appeal of specific arguments. We evaluate our approach by crowd-sourcing opinions from 50 participants about 30 arguments. We also discuss how this form of user modelling can be used in a decision-theoretic approach to choosing moves in dialogical argumentation

    Epistemic attack semantics

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    We present a probabilistic interpretation of the plausibility of attacks in abstract argumentation frameworks by extending the epistemic approach to probabilistic argumentation with probabilities on attacks. By doing so we also generalise the previously proposed attack semantics by Villata et al. to the probabilistic setting and provide a fine-grained assessment of the plausibility of attacks. We also consider the setting where partial probabilistic information on arguments and/or attacks is given and missing probabilities have to be derived

    Biparty Decision Theory for Dialogical Argumentation

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    Proposals for strategies for dialogical argumentation often focus on situations where one of the agents wins the dialogue and the other agent loses. Yet in real-world argumentation, it is common for agents to not involve such zero-sum situations. Rather, the agents may enter into a dialogue with divergent but not necessarily opposing views on what is important in the outcomes from the argumentation. In order to model this kind of situation, we investigate a decision-theoretic approach that allows different participants to have different utility evaluations of a dialogue, and for the proponent to model the opponent's utility evaluation in order to optimize the choice of move in the dialogue

    Belief in attacks in epistemic probabilistic argumentation

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    The epistemic approach to probabilistic argumentation assigns belief to arguments. This is valuable in dialogical argumentation where one agent can model the beliefs another agent has in the arguments and this can be harnessed to make strategic choices of arguments to present. In this paper, we extend this epistemic approach by also representing the belief in attacks. We investigate properties of this proposal and compare it to the constellations approach showing neither subsumes the other

    Towards Computational Persuasion via Natural Language Argumentation Dialogues

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    Computational persuasion aims to capture the human ability to persuade through argumentation for applications such as behaviour change in healthcare (e.g. persuading people to take more exercise or eat more healthily). In this paper, we review research in computational persuasion that incorporates domain modelling (capturing arguments and counterarguments that can appear in a persuasion dialogues), user modelling (capturing the beliefs and concerns of the persuadee), and dialogue strategies (choosing the best moves for the persuader to maximize the chances that the persuadee is persuaded). We discuss evaluation of prototype systems that get the user’s counterarguments by allowing them to select them from a menu. Then we consider how this work might be enhanced by incorporating a natural language interface in the form of an argumentative chatbot

    A Model-based Theorem Prover for Epistemic Graphs for Argumentation

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    Epistemic graphs are a recent proposal for probabilistic argumentation that allows for modelling an agent’s degree of belief in an argument and how belief in one argument may influence the belief in other arguments. These beliefs are represented by probability distributions and how they affect each other is represented by logical constraints on these distributions. Within the full language of epistemic constraints, we distinguish a restricted class which offers computational benefits while still being powerful enough to allow for handling of many other argumentation formalisms and that can be used in applications that, for instance, rely on Likert scales. In this paper, we propose a model-based theorem prover for reasoning with the restricted epistemic language

    Polynomial-time updates of epistemic states in a fragment of probabilistic epistemic argumentation

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    Probabilistic epistemic argumentation allows for reasoning about argumentation problems in a way that is well founded by probability theory. Epistemic states are represented by probability functions over possible worlds and can be adjusted to new beliefs using update operators. While the use of probability functions puts this approach on a solid foundational basis, it also causes computational challenges as the amount of data to process depends exponentially on the number of arguments. This leads to bottlenecks in applications such as modelling opponent’s beliefs for persuasion dialogues. We show how update operators over probability functions can be related to update operators over much more compact representations that allow polynomial-time updates. We discuss the cognitive and probabilistic-logical plausibility of this approach and demonstrate its applicability in computational persuasion

    Open-mindedness of gradual argumentation semantics

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    Gradual argumentation frameworks allow modeling arguments and their relationships and have been applied to problems like decision support and social media analysis. Semantics assign strength values to arguments based on an initial belief and their relationships. The final assignment should usually satisfy some common-sense properties. One property that may currently be missing in the literature is Open-Mindedness. Intuitively, Open-Mindedness is the ability to move away from the initial belief in an argument if sufficient evidence against this belief is given by other arguments. We generalize and refine a previously introduced notion of Open-Mindedness and use this definition to analyze nine gradual argumentation approaches from the literature