390 research outputs found

    On the Stability of Fluid Flows with Spherical Symmetry

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    The conditions for the stability or instability of the interface between two immiscible incompressible fluids in radial motion are deduced. The stability conditions derived by Taylor for the interface of two fluids in plane motion do not apply to spherical flows without significant modifications

    A Nonsteady Heat Diffusion Problem with Spherical Symmetry

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    A solution in successive approximations is presented for the heat diffusion across a spherical boundary with radial motion. The approximation procedure converges rapidly provided the temperature variations are appreciable only in a thin layer adjacent to the spherical boundary. An explicit solution for the temperature field is given in the zero order when the temperature at infinity and the temperature gradient at the spherical boundary are specified. The first-order correction for the temperature field may also be found. It may be noted that the requirements for rapid convergence of the approximate solution are satisfied for the particular problem of the growth or collapse of a spherical vapor bubble in a liquid when the translational motion of the bubble is neglected

    The collapse of a spherical cavity in a compressible liquid

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    This paper presents numerical solutions for the flow in the vicinity of a collapsing spherical bubble in water. The bubble is assumed to contain a small amount of gas and the solutions are taken beyond the point where the bubble reaches its minimum radius up to the stage where a pressure wave forms and propagates outwards into the liquid. The motion up to the point where the minimum radius is attained, is found by solving the equations of motion both in the Lagrangian and in the characteristic forms. These are in good agreement with each other and also with the approximate theory of Gilmore which is demonstrated to be accurate over a wide range of Mach number. The liquid flow after the minimum radius has been attained is determined from a solution of the Lagrangian equations. It is shown that an acoustic approximation is quite valid for fairly high pressures and this fact is used to determine the peak intensity of the pressure wave at a distance from the center of collapse. It is estimated in the case of typical cavitation bubbles that such intensities are sufficient to cause cavitation damage

    Flow of vapour in a liquid enclosure

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    A solution is developed for the flow of a vapour in a liquid enclosure in which different portions of the liquid wall have different temperatures. It is shown that the vapour pressure is very nearly uniform in the enclosure, and an expression for the net vapour flux is deduced. This pressure and the net vapour flux are readily expressed in terms of the temperatures on the liquid boundary. Explicit results are given for simple liquid boundaries: two plane parallel walls at different temperatures and concentric spheres and cylinders at different temperatures. Some comments are also made regarding the effects of unsteady liquid temperatures and of motions of the boundaries. The hemispherical vapour cavity is also discussed because of its applicability to the nucleate boiling problem

    Viscous effects in Rayleigh-Taylor instability

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    A simple, physical approximation is developed for the effect of viscosity for stable interfacial waves and for the unstable interfacial waves which correspond to Rayleigh‐Taylor instability. The approximate picture is rigorously justified for the interface between a heavy fluid (e.g., water) and a light fluid (e.g., air) with negligible dynamic effect. The approximate picture may also be rigorously justified for the case of two fluids for which the differences in density and viscosity are small. The treatment of the interfacial waves may easily be extended to the case where one of the fluids has a small thickness; that is, the case in which one of the fluids is bounded by a free surface or by a rigid wall. The theory is used to give an explanation of the bioconvective patterns which have been observed with cultures of microorganisms which have negative geotaxis. Since such organisms tend to collect at the surface of a culture and since they are heavier than water, the conditions for Rayleigh‐Taylor instability are met. It is shown that the observed patterns are quite accurately explained by the theory. Similar observations with a viscous liquid loaded with small glass spheres are described. A behavior similar to the bioconvective patterns with microorganisms is found and the results are also explained quantitatively by Rayleigh‐Taylor instability theory for a continuous medium with viscosity

    Reply to comments on "General analysis of the stability of superposed fluids"

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    Previous results by Plesset and Hsieh on the effects of compressibility for Rayleigh–Taylor instability are shown to be valid, and an alternative brief deduction is given

    Reply to Comments of P. W. Smith, Jr.

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    In his comments on this subject, Smith has put emphasis on the special nature of the plane-wave solution in acoustic problems. It is perhaps unnecessary to defend the importance of the plane-wave solution in a linear theory

    Collapse of an initially spherical vapour cavity in the neighbourhood of a solid boundary

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    Vapour bubble collapse problems lacking spherical symmetry are solved here using a numerical method designed especially for these problems. Viscosity and compressibility in the liquid are neglected. Two specific cases of initially spherical bubbles collapsing near a plane solid wall were simulated: a bubble initially in contact with the wall, and a bubble initially half its radius from the wall at the closest point. It is shown that the bubble develops a jet directed towards the wall rather early in the collapse history. Free surface shapes and velocities are presented at various stages in the collapse. Velocities are scaled like (Δp/ρ)^½ where ρ is the density of the liquid and Δp is the constant difference between the ambient liquid pressure and the pressure in the cavity. For Δp/ρ=10^6cm^2/sec^2 ≈ 1 atm/density of water the jet had a speed of about 130m/sec in the first case and 170m/sec in the second when it struck the opposite side of the bubble. Such jet velocities are of a magnitude which can explain cavitation damage. The jet develops so early in the bubble collapse history that compressibility effects in the liquid and the vapour are not important

    Collapse of an initially spherical vapor cavity in the neighborhood of a solid boundary

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    Vapor bubble collapse problems lacking spherical symmetry are solved here using a numerical method designed especially for these problems. Viscosity and compressibility in the liquid are neglected. The method uses finite time steps and features an iterative technique for applying the boundary conditions at infinity directly to the liquid at a finite distance from the free surface. Two specific cases of initially spherical bubbles collapsing near a plane solid wall were simulated: a bubble initially in contact with the wall, and a bubble initially half its radius from the wall at the closest point. It is shown that the bubble develops a jet directed towards the wall rather early in the collapse history. Free surface shapes and velocities are presented at various stages in the collapse. Velocities are scaled like (Δp/ρ)^1/2 where ρ is the density of the liquid and Δp is the constant difference between the ambient liquid pressure and the pressure in the cavity. For Δp/ρ = 10^6 (cm/sec)^2 ~ 1 atm./density of water the jet had a speed of about 130 m/sec in the first case and 170 m/sec in the second when it struck the opposite side of the bubble. Such jet velocities are of a magnitude which can explain cavitation damage. The jet develops so early in the bubble collapse history that compressibility effects in the liquid and the vapor are not important

    Tensile Strength of Liquids

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    The theory of the tensile strength of a pure liquid is developed and it is shown that it predicts much larger tensile strengths than are observed. This theory is modified and extended under the supposition that liquids usually contain nuclei which are here taken to be solid particles. It is shown that the theory leads to more moderate predictions of tensile strength provided the solid particles are not wetted by the liquid. It is also shown that Brownian motion will serve as the mechanism whereby solid particles can remain in suspension in liquids