58 research outputs found
Strong-Coupling Perturbation Theory of the Hubbard Model
The strong-coupling perturbation theory of the Hubbard model is presented and
carried out to order (t/U)^5 for the one-particle Green function in arbitrary
dimension. The spectral weight A(k,omega) is expressed as a Jacobi continued
fraction and compared with new Monte-Carlo data of the one-dimensional,
half-filled Hubbard model. Different regimes (insulator, conductor and
short-range antiferromagnet) are identified in the temperature--hopping
integral (T,t) plane. This work completes a first paper on the subject (Phys.
Rev. Lett. 80, 5389 (1998)) by providing details on diagrammatic rules and
higher-order results. In addition, the non half-filled case, infinite
resummations of diagrams and the double occupancy are discussed. Various tests
of the method are also presented.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figure
Cluster Perturbation Theory for Hubbard models
Cluster perturbation theory is a technique for calculating the spectral
weight of Hubbard models of strongly correlated electrons, which combines exact
diagonalizations on small clusters with strong-coupling perturbation theory at
leading order. It is exact in both the strong- and weak-coupling limits and
provides a good approximation to the spectral function at any wavevector.
Following the paper by S\'en\'echal et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 522
(2000)), we provide a more complete description and derivation of the method.
We illustrate some of its capabilities, in particular regarding the effect of
doping, the calculation of ground state energy and double occupancy, the
disappearance of the Fermi surface in the Hubbard model, and so on. The
method is applicable to any model with on-site repulsion only.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures (RevTeX 4
A strong-coupling expansion for the Hubbard model
We reconsider the strong-coupling expansion for the Hubbard model recently
introduced by Sarker and Pairault {\it et al.} By introducing slave particles
that act as projection operators onto the empty, singly occupied and doubly
occupied atomic states, the perturbation theory around the atomic limit
distinguishes between processes that do conserve or do not conserve the total
number of doubly occupied sites. This allows for a systematic expansion
that does not break down at low temperature ( being the intersite hopping
amplitude and the local Coulomb repulsion). The fermionic field becomes a
two-component field, which reflects the presence of the two Hubbard bands. The
single-particle propagator is naturally expressed as a function of a matrix self-energy. Furthermore, by introducing a time- and
space-fluctuating spin-quantization axis in the functional integral, we can
expand around a ``non-degenerate'' ground-state where each singly occupied site
has a well defined spin direction (which may fluctuate in time). This formalism
is used to derive the effective action of charge carriers in the lower Hubbard
band to first order in . We recover the action of the t-J model in the
spin-hole coherent-state path integral. We also compare our results with those
previously obtained by studying fluctuations around the large- Hartree-Fock
saddle point.Comment: 20 pages RevTex, 3 figure
A reliable Pade analytical continuation method based on a high accuracy symbolic computation algorithm
We critique a Pade analytic continuation method whereby a rational polynomial
function is fit to a set of input points by means of a single matrix inversion.
This procedure is accomplished to an extremely high accuracy using a novel
symbolic computation algorithm. As an example of this method in action we apply
it to the problem of determining the spectral function of a one-particle
thermal Green's function known only at a finite number of Matsubara frequencies
with two example self energies drawn from the T-matrix theory of the Hubbard
model. We present a systematic analysis of the effects of error in the input
points on the analytic continuation, and this leads us to propose a procedure
to test quantitatively the reliability of the resulting continuation, thus
eliminating the black magic label frequently attached to this procedure.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figs, revtex format; revised version includes
reference to anonymous ftp site containing example codes (MapleVr5.1
worksheets) displaying the implementation of the algorithm, including the
padematinv.m library packag
The spectral weight of the Hubbard model through cluster perturbation theory
We calculate the spectral weight of the one- and two-dimensional Hubbard
models, by performing exact diagonalizations of finite clusters and treating
inter-cluster hopping with perturbation theory. Even with relatively modest
clusters (e.g. 12 sites), the spectra thus obtained give an accurate
description of the exact results. Thus, spin-charge separation (i.e. an
extended spectral weight bounded by singularities) is clearly recognized in the
one-dimensional Hubbard model, and so is extended spectral weight in the
two-dimensional Hubbard model.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Many-body Theory vs Simulations for the pseudogap in the Hubbard model
The opening of a critical-fluctuation induced pseudogap (or precursor
pseudogap) in the one-particle spectral weight of the half-filled
two-dimensional Hubbard model is discussed. This pseudogap, appearing in our
Monte Carlo simulations, may be obtained from many-body techniques that use
Green functions and vertex corrections that are at the same level of
approximation. Self-consistent theories of the Eliashberg type (such as the
Fluctuation Exchange Approximation) use renormalized Green functions and bare
vertices in a context where there is no Migdal theorem. They do not find the
pseudogap, in quantitative and qualitative disagreement with simulations,
suggesting these methods are inadequate for this problem. Differences between
precursor pseudogaps and strong-coupling pseudogaps are also discussed.Comment: Accepted, Phys. Rev. B15 15Mar00. Expanded version of original
submission, Latex, 8 pages, epsfig, 5 eps figures (Last one new). Discussion
on fluctuation and strong coupling induced pseudogaps expande
Strong-Coupling Expansion for the Hubbard Model
A strong-coupling expansion for models of correlated electrons in any
dimension is presented. The method is applied to the Hubbard model in
dimensions and compared with numerical results in . Third order expansion
of the Green function suffices to exhibit both the Mott metal-insulator
transition and a low-temperature regime where antiferromagnetic correlations
are strong. It is predicted that some of the weak photoemission signals
observed in one-dimensional systems such as should become stronger as
temperature increases away from the spin-charge separated state.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 epsf figures include
Strong-coupling approach for strongly correlated electron systems
A perturbation theory scheme in terms of electron hopping, which is based on
the Wick theorem for Hubbard operators, is developed. Diagrammatic series
contain single-site vertices connected by hopping lines and it is shown that
for each vertex the problem splits into the subspaces with ``vacuum states''
determined by the diagonal Hubbard operators and only excitations around these
vacuum states are allowed. The rules to construct diagrams are proposed. In the
limit of infinite spatial dimensions the total auxiliary single-site problem
exactly splits into subspaces that allows to build an analytical
thermodynamically consistent approach for a Hubbard model. Some analytical
results are given for the simple approximations when the two-pole
(alloy-analogy solution) and four-pole (Hartree-Fock approximation) structure
for Green's function is obtained. Two poles describe contribution from the
Fermi-liquid component, which is dominant for small electron and hole
concentrations (``overdoped case'' of high-'s), whereas other two describe
contribution from the non-Fermi liquid and are dominant close to half-filling
(``underdoped case'').Comment: 14 pages, revtex, feynmf, 5 EPS figures, two-column PRB style,
published in PR
Quantum impurity solvers using a slave rotor representation
We introduce a representation of electron operators as a product of a
spin-carry ing fermion and of a phase variable dual to the total charge (slave
quantum rotor). Based on this representation, a new method is proposed for
solving multi-orbital Anderson quantum impurity models at finite interaction
strength U. It consists in a set of coupled integral equations for the
auxiliary field Green's functions, which can be derived from a controlled
saddle-point in the limit of a large number of field components. In contrast to
some finite-U extensions of the non-crossing approximation, the new method
provides a smooth interpolation between the atomic limit and the weak-coupling
limit, and does not display violation of causality at low-frequency. We
demonstrate that this impurity solver can be applied in the context of
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, at or close to half-filling. Good agreement with
established results on the Mott transition is found, and large values of the
orbital degeneracy can be investigated at low computational cost.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure
Electronic structure of the quasi-one-dimensional organic conductor TTF-TCNQ
We study the electronic structure of the quasi-one-dimensional organic
conductor TTF-TCNQ by means of density-functional band theory, Hubbard model
calculations, and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). The
experimental spectra reveal significant quantitative and qualitative
discrepancies to band theory. We demonstrate that the dispersive behavior as
well as the temperature-dependence of the spectra can be consistently explained
by the finite-energy physics of the one-dimensional Hubbard model at metallic
doping. The model description can even be made quantitative, if one accounts
for an enhanced hopping integral at the surface, most likely caused by a
relaxation of the topmost molecular layer. Within this interpretation the ARPES
data provide spectroscopic evidence for the existence of spin-charge separation
on an energy scale of the conduction band width. The failure of the
one-dimensional Hubbard model for the {\it low-energy} spectral behavior is
attributed to interchain coupling and the additional effect of electron-phonon
interaction.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
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