10 research outputs found


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    The paper lays out the position of Financial University experts on the issues set forth in the Development Strategy of Russia for the period of 2018-2024 named “Creating the Future: People, Technology, the State.” This program was prepared by the Center for Strategic Research. The experts at Financial University share the view of the Strategy authors that the increase in productivity, the introduction of new technologies, the modernization of existing industries and opening new advanced productions along with human capital investments, given the efficient state management, are the drivers of the modern economy. At the same time, the paper draws attention to a number of shortcomings and disparities in the Strategy presented.В статье представлена позиция экспертов Финансового университета по вопросам, изложенным в Стратегии развития России на период 2018-2024 гг. «Создавая будущее: люди, технологии, государство». Эта программа подготовлена Центром стратегических разработок. Эксперты Финансового университета разделяют точку зрения авторов Стратегии в том, что повышение производительности труда, внедрение новых технологий, модернизация существующих и открытие новых передовых производств в совокупности с инвестициями в человеческий капитал при эффективном управлении со стороны государства являются драйверами современной экономики. Вместе с тем в статье обращается внимание и на ряд недостатков и противоречий в представленной Стратегии


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    The years-long neglect of the interests of the real economy, particularly the non-oil sector interests, resulted in the formation of a speculative model of the Russian economy where the cash flows are circulating primarily in the financial sector. The current monetary policy that leaves aside the interests of the economic growth, the welfare growth and the employment fits quite well within this model. However, the low inflation cannot be regarded a goal in itself achieved through stifling the economic growth. The current crisis of the Russian economy has exposed the problem of the priority development of the domestic financial sector to the detriment of the real sector and the Russian economy as a whole. The speculative model of the economy developed in the past quarter-century has led to the disintegration of the financial and real sectors of the economy, which neither ensures the financial stability nor promotes the economic growth. Based on the research findings, the paper formulates proposals on how to prevent the “slippage” of the economy into an uncontrollable state and ensure its sustainable development, including the adjustment and coordination of the monetary, foreign exchange (forex) and fiscal policies of Russia.Многолетнее игнорирование интересов реального сектора экономики, особенно его несырьевого сектора, привело к формированию спекулятивной модели российской экономики, в которой денежные потоки циркулируют преимущественно в финансовом секторе. Такой модели соответствует и проводимая денежно-кредитная политика, за рамками которой остаются интересы экономического роста, роста благосостояния населения и его занятости. Вместе с тем достижение низкого уровня инфляции не может являться самоцелью, достигаемой за счет сдерживания экономического роста. Текущий кризис российской экономики обнажил проблемы приоритетного развития отечественного финансового сектора в ущерб интересам реального сектора и российской экономики в целом. Сформированная в прошедшую четверть века спекулятивная модель экономики страны привела к дезинтеграции финансового и реального секторов экономики, что не способствует ни достижению финансовой стабильности, ни обеспечению экономического роста. В статье на основе проведенного исследования сформулированы предложения по предотвращению «сползания» экономики в неуправляемое состояние и обеспечению ее устойчивого развития, включая корректировку и координацию денежно-кредитной, валютной и бюджетно-налоговой политик России

    Как придать импульс развитию российской экономики: приоритеты действий (предложения к Основным направлениям деятельности Правительства РФ до 2024 г.)

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    This report was prepared by the staff of the Institute for Economic Forecast of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. It gives suggestions to implement priority measures to facilitate the transfer the Russian economy to the direction defined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (est. May 7, 2018). The report also highlights priority directions of the economic policy, primarily in investment activity, development of the domestic market, as well as financial and organizational support for the suggested actions.В докладе, подготовленном сотрудниками Института народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН и Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации, представлены предложения по первоочередным мерам, способствующим переводу российской экономики на траекторию, определенную Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 07.05.2018. Выделены приоритетные направления  экономической политики, прежде всего, в инвестиционной деятельности, развитии внутреннего рынка, а также финансового и организационного обеспечения предлагаемых мер


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    The paper lays out the position of Financial University experts on the issues set forth in the Development Strategy of Russia for the period of 2018-2024 named “Creating the Future: People, Technology, the State.” This program was prepared by the Center for Strategic Research. The experts at Financial University share the view of the Strategy authors that the increase in productivity, the introduction of new technologies, the modernization of existing industries and opening new advanced productions along with human capital investments, given the efficient state management, are the drivers of the modern economy. At the same time, the paper draws attention to a number of shortcomings and disparities in the Strategy presented

    The Federal budget for the years 2019–2021: fiscal balance or economic growth? (conclusion on the draft Federal law No. 556362-7 “On the Federal budget for 2019 and the planning period 2020 and 2021”)

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    The authors present the results of the evaluation of the main provisions of the draft Federal budget regarding their compliance with the requirements of the budget legislation, and the documents of strategic planning of socio-economic development of Russia. At the same time, we concluded that the transition to a balanced budget and active accumulation of funds in the National Welfare Fund, along with a decrease in the dependence of the Federal budget on fluctuations in oil prices in world markets, will contribute to macroeconomic stability. However, the transition to a balanced budget is also due to the rejection of tax and budget incentives for the economy. We identified systemic problems and risks of the Federal budget for the medium and long-term. The authors also assessed the problems of implementation of the main provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 2018, No. 204 in the framework of the presented budget concept and budget policy


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    The years-long neglect of the interests of the real economy, particularly the non-oil sector interests, resulted in the formation of a speculative model of the Russian economy where the cash flows are circulating primarily in the financial sector. The current monetary policy that leaves aside the interests of the economic growth, the welfare growth and the employment fits quite well within this model. However, the low inflation cannot be regarded a goal in itself achieved through stifling the economic growth. The current crisis of the Russian economy has exposed the problem of the priority development of the domestic financial sector to the detriment of the real sector and the Russian economy as a whole. The speculative model of the economy developed in the past quarter-century has led to the disintegration of the financial and real sectors of the economy, which neither ensures the financial stability nor promotes the economic growth. Based on the research findings, the paper formulates proposals on how to prevent the “slippage” of the economy into an uncontrollable state and ensure its sustainable development, including the adjustment and coordination of the monetary, foreign exchange (forex) and fiscal policies of Russia

    Федеральный бюджет на 2019–2021 годы: сбалансированность или экономический рост? (заключение на проект федерального закона № 556362-7 «О федеральном бюджете на 2019 год и плановый период 2020 и 2021 годов»)

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    The authors present the results of the evaluation of the main provisions of the draft Federal budget regarding their compliance with the requirements of the budget legislation, and the documents of strategic planning of socio-economic development of Russia. At the same time, we concluded that the transition to a balanced budget and active accumulation of funds in the National Welfare Fund, along with a decrease in the dependence of the Federal budget on fluctuations in oil prices in world markets, will contribute to macroeconomic stability. However, the transition to a balanced budget is also due to the rejection of tax and budget incentives for the economy. We identified systemic problems and risks of the Federal budget for the medium and long-term. The authors also assessed the problems of implementation of the main provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 2018, No. 204 in the framework of the presented budget concept and budget policy.Представлены результаты оценки основных положений проекта федерального бюджета с точки зрения их соответствия как требованиям бюджетного законодательства, так и документам стратегического планирования социальноэкономического развития России. При этом сделан вывод о том, что переход к сбалансированному бюджету и активное накопление средств в Фонде национального благосостояния, наряду со снижением зависимости федерального бюджета от колебаний нефтяных цен на мировых рынках, будут способствовать повышению макроэкономической стабильности. Однако переход к сбалансированному бюджету происходит, в том числе, за счет отказа от налогового и бюджетного стимулирования экономики. Выявлены системные проблемы и риски федерального бюджета на средне- и долгосрочную перспективу. Дана оценка проблем реализации основных положений Указа Президента Российской Федерации от 07.05.2018 № 204 в рамках представленной концепции бюджета и бюджетной политики

    How to Boost the Development of the Russian Economy: Priority Actions (Suggestions for the Main Activities of the State until 2024)

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    This report was prepared by the staff of the Institute for Economic Forecast of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. It gives suggestions to implement priority measures to facilitate the transfer the Russian economy to the direction defined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (est. May 7, 2018). The report also highlights priority directions of the economic policy, primarily in investment activity, development of the domestic market, as well as financial and organizational support for the suggested actions