1,878 research outputs found

    Is nonhelical hydromagnetic turbulence peaked at small scales?

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    Nonhelical hydromagnetic turbulence without an imposed magnetic field is considered in the case where the magnetic Prandtl number is unity. The magnetic field is entirely due to dynamo action. The magnetic energy spectrum peaks at a wavenumber of about 5 times the minimum wavenumber in the domain, and not at the resistive scale, as has previously been argued. Throughout the inertial range the spectral magnetic energy exceeds the kinetic energy by a factor of about 2.5, and both spectra are approximately parallel. At first glance, the total energy spectrum seems to be close to k^{-3/2}, but there is a strong bottleneck effect and it is suggested that the asymptotic spectrum is k^{-5/3}. This is supported by the value of the second order structure function exponent that is found to be \zeta_2=0.70, suggesting a k^{-1.70} spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Stochastic Flux-Freezing and Magnetic Dynamo

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    We argue that magnetic flux-conservation in turbulent plasmas at high magnetic Reynolds numbers neither holds in the conventional sense nor is entirely broken, but instead is valid in a novel statistical sense associated to the "spontaneous stochasticity" of Lagrangian particle tra jectories. The latter phenomenon is due to the explosive separation of particles undergoing turbulent Richardson diffusion, which leads to a breakdown of Laplacian determinism for classical dynamics. We discuss empirical evidence for spontaneous stochasticity, including our own new numerical results. We then use a Lagrangian path-integral approach to establish stochastic flux-freezing for resistive hydromagnetic equations and to argue, based on the properties of Richardson diffusion, that flux-conservation must remain stochastic at infinite magnetic Reynolds number. As an important application of these results we consider the kinematic, fluctuation dynamo in non-helical, incompressible turbulence at unit magnetic Prandtl number. We present results on the Lagrangian dynamo mechanisms by a stochastic particle method which demonstrate a strong similarity between the Pr = 1 and Pr = 0 dynamos. Stochasticity of field-line motion is an essential ingredient of both. We finally consider briefly some consequences for nonlinear MHD turbulence, dynamo and reconnectionComment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Self-similar turbulent dynamo

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    The amplification of magnetic fields in a highly conducting fluid is studied numerically. During growth, the magnetic field is spatially intermittent: it does not uniformly fill the volume, but is concentrated in long thin folded structures. Contrary to a commonly held view, intermittency of the folded field does not increase indefinitely throughout the growth stage if diffusion is present. Instead, as we show, the probability-density function (PDF) of the field strength becomes self-similar. The normalized moments increase with magnetic Prandtl number in a powerlike fashion. We argue that the self-similarity is to be expected with a finite flow scale and system size. In the nonlinear saturated state, intermittency is reduced and the PDF is exponential. Parallels are noted with self-similar behavior recently observed for passive-scalar mixing and for map dynamos.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 5 figures; minor changes to match published versio

    Magnetic Field Amplification by Small-Scale Dynamo Action: Dependence on Turbulence Models and Reynolds and Prandtl Numbers

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    The small-scale dynamo is a process by which turbulent kinetic energy is converted into magnetic energy, and thus is expected to depend crucially on the nature of turbulence. In this work, we present a model for the small-scale dynamo that takes into account the slope of the turbulent velocity spectrum v(l) ~ l^theta, where l and v(l) are the size of a turbulent fluctuation and the typical velocity on that scale. The time evolution of the fluctuation component of the magnetic field, i.e., the small-scale field, is described by the Kazantsev equation. We solve this linear differential equation for its eigenvalues with the quantum-mechanical WKB-approximation. The validity of this method is estimated as a function of the magnetic Prandtl number Pm. We calculate the minimal magnetic Reynolds number for dynamo action, Rm_crit, using our model of the turbulent velocity correlation function. For Kolmogorov turbulence (theta=1/3), we find that the critical magnetic Reynolds number is approximately 110 and for Burgers turbulence (theta=1/2) approximately 2700. Furthermore, we derive that the growth rate of the small-scale magnetic field for a general type of turbulence is Gamma ~ Re^((1-theta)/(1+theta)) in the limit of infinite magnetic Prandtl numbers. For decreasing magnetic Prandtl number (down to Pm approximately larger than 10), the growth rate of the small-scale dynamo decreases. The details of this drop depend on the WKB-approximation, which becomes invalid for a magnetic Prandtl number of about unity.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures; published in Phys. Rev. E 201

    Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of 85Rb and 87Rb in an extremely thin cell

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    Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances have been measured in an extremely thin cell (ETC) for the D1 transition of rubidium in an atomic vapor of natural isotopic composition. All hyperfine transitions of both isotopes have been studied for a wide range of laser power densities, laser detunings, and ETC wall separations. Dark resonances in the laser induced fluorescence (LIF) were observed as expected when the ground state total angular momentum F_g was greater than or equal to the excited state total angular momentum F_e. Unlike the case of ordinary cells, the width and contrast of dark resonances formed in the ETC dramatically depended on the detuning of the laser from the exact atomic transition. A theoretical model based on the optical Bloch equations was applied to calculate the shapes of the resonance curves. The model averaged over the contributions from different atomic velocity groups, considered all neighboring hyperfine transitions, took into account the splitting and mixing of magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field, and included a detailed treatment of the coherence properties of the laser radiation. Such a theoretical approach had successfully described nonlinear magneto-optical resonances in ordinary vapor cells. Although the values of certain model parameters in the ETC differed significantly from the case of ordinary cells, the same physical processes were used to model both cases. However, to describe the resonances in the ETC, key parameters such as the transit relaxation rate and Doppler width had to be modified in accordance with the ETC's unique features. Agreement between the measured and calculated resonance curves was satisfactory for the ETC, though not as good as in the case of ordinary cells.Comment: v2: substantial changes and expanded theoretical model; 13 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Reconnection in a Weakly Stochastic Field

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    We examine the effect of weak, small scale magnetic field structure on the rate of reconnection in a strongly magnetized plasma. This affects the rate of reconnection by reducing the transverse scale for reconnection flows, and by allowing many independent flux reconnection events to occur simultaneously. Allowing only for the first effect and using Goldreich and Sridhar's model of strong turbulence in a magnetized plasma with negligible intermittency, we find that the lower limit for the reconnection speed is the Alfven speed times the Lundquist number to the power (-3/16). The upper limit on the reconnection speed is typically a large fraction of Alfven speed. We argue that generic reconnection in turbulent plasmas will normally occur at close to this upper limit. The fraction of magnetic energy that goes directly into electron heating scales as Lundquist number to the power (-2/5) and the thickness of the current sheet scales as the Lundquist number to the power (-3/5). A significant fraction of the magnetic energy goes into high frequency Alfven waves. We claim that the qualitative sense of these conclusions, that reconnection is fast even though current sheets are narrow, is almost independent of the local physics of reconnection and the nature of the turbulent cascade. As the consequence of this the Galactic and Solar dynamos are generically fast, i.e. do not depend on the plasma resistivity.Comment: Extended version accepted to ApJ, 44pages, 2 figure

    Bichromatic Slowing of Metastable Helium

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    We examine two approaches for significantly extending the velocity range of the optical bichromatic force (BCF), to make it useful for laser deceleration of atomic and molecular beams. First, we present experimental results and calculations for BCF deceleration of metastable helium using very large BCF detunings, and discuss the limitations of this approach. We consider in detail the constraints, both inherent and practical, that set the usable upper limit of the BCF. We then show that a more promising approach is to utilize a BCF profile with a relatively small velocity range in conjunction with chirped Doppler shifts, to keep the force resonant with the atoms as they are slowed. In an initial experimental test of this chirped BCF method, helium atoms are slowed by 370\sim 370 m/s using a BCF profile with a velocity width of 125\lesssim 125 m/s. Straightforward scaling of the present results indicates that a decelerator for He* capable of loading a magneto-optical trap (MOT) can yield a brightness comparable to a much larger Zeeman slower.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Published in Phys. Rev.

    Nonlinearity in a dynamo

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    Using a rotating flat layer heated from below as an example, we consider effects which lead to stabilizing an exponentially growing magnetic field in magnetostrophic convection in transition from the kinematic dynamo to the full non-linear dynamo. We present estimates of the energy redistribution over the spectrum and helicity quenching by the magnetic field. We also study the alignment of the velocity and magnetic fields. These regimes are similar to those in planetary dynamo simulations.Comment: Accepted to Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyna

    The imprint of large-scale flows on turbulence

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    We investigate the locality of interactions in hydrodynamic turbulence using data from a direct numerical simulation on a grid of 1024^3 points; the flow is forced with the Taylor-Green vortex. An inertial range for the energy is obtained in which the flux is constant and the spectrum follows an approximate Kolmogorov law. Nonlinear triadic interactions are dominated by their non-local components, involving widely separated scales. The resulting nonlinear transfer itself is local at each scale but the step in the energy cascade is independent of that scale and directly related to the integral scale of the flow. Interactions with large scales represent 20% of the total energy flux. Possible explanations for the deviation from self-similar models, the link between these findings and intermittency, and their consequences for modeling of turbulent flows are briefly discussed