2,566 research outputs found

    Towards a unification of HRT and SCOZA

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    The Hierarchical Reference Theory (HRT) and the Self-Consistent Ornstein-Zernike Approximation (SCOZA) are two liquid state theories that both furnish a largely satisfactory description of the critical region as well as phase separation and the equation of state in general. Furthermore, there are a number of similarities that suggest the possibility of a unification of both theories. As a first step towards this goal we consider the problem of combining the lowest order gamma expansion result for the incorporation of a Fourier component of the interaction with the requirement of consistency between internal and free energies, leaving aside the compressibility relation. For simplicity we restrict ourselves to a simplified lattice gas that is expected to display the same qualitative behavior as more elaborate models. It turns out that the analytically tractable Mean Spherical Approximation is a solution to this problem, as are several of its generalizations. Analysis of the characteristic equations shows the potential for a practical scheme and yields necessary conditions any closure to the Ornstein Zernike relation must fulfill for the consistency problem to be well posed and to have a unique differentiable solution. These criteria are expected to remain valid for more general discrete and continuous systems, even if consistency with the compressibility route is also enforced where possible explicit solutions will require numerical evaluations.Comment: Minor changes in accordance with referee comment

    SCOZA for Monolayer Films

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    We show the way in which the self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approach (SCOZA) to obtaining structure factors and thermodynamics for Hamiltonian models can best be applied to two-dimensional systems such as thin films. We use the nearest-neighbor lattice gas on a square lattice as an illustrative example.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Market forces and airline safety: an empirical reevaluation

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    The recent publicity with regard to commercial airline accidents and near accidents has sparked new debate over the issue of safety in the industry under deregulation, with the main issue being the unregulated market\u27s ability to impose significant penalties for poor safety attitudes. This study shows that although there are large movements in the price of airline stocks subsequent to accidents, the market imposed costs do not provide a direct motivation for enhanced safety performance. Instead, the market\u27s reaction to airline accidents is based on the nature of airline stocks as short term investment tools. It is necessary, therefore, to continue to carefully evaluate the role of government in the promotion of airline safety in a deregulated environment. One cannot assert, without qualification, that free market forces, in and of themselves, will provide individual firms with the impetus to provide the socially optimal level of safety performance

    Mapping a Homopolymer onto a Model Fluid

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    We describe a linear homopolymer using a Grand Canonical ensemble formalism, a statistical representation that is very convenient for formal manipulations. We investigate the properties of a system where only next neighbor interactions and an external, confining, field are present, and then show how a general pair interaction can be introduced perturbatively, making use of a Mayer expansion. Through a diagrammatic analysis, we shall show how constitutive equations derived for the polymeric system are equivalent to the Ornstein-Zernike and P.Y. equations for a simple fluid, and find the implications of such a mapping for the simple situation of Van der Waals mean field model for the fluid.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Solution of the Percus-Yevick equation for hard discs

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    We solve the Percus-Yevick equation in two dimensions by reducing it to a set of simple integral equations. We numerically obtain both the pair correlation function and the equation of state for a hard disc fluid and find good agreement with available Monte-Carlo calculations. The present method of resolution may be generalized to any even dimension.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies for a three dimensional isotropic core-softened potential

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations and integral equations (Rogers-Young, Percus-Yevick and hypernetted chain closures) we investigate the thermodynamic of particles interacting with continuous core-softened intermolecular potential. Dynamic properties are also analyzed by the simulations. We show that, for a chosen shape of the potential, the density, at constant pressure, has a maximum for a certain temperature. The line of temperatures of maximum density (TMD) was determined in the pressure-temperature phase diagram. Similarly the diffusion constant at a constant temperature, DD, has a maximum at a density ρmax\rho_{max} and a minimum at a density ρmin<ρmax\rho_{min}<\rho_{max}. In the pressure-temperature phase-diagram the line of extrema in diffusivity is outside of TMD line. Although in this interparticle potential lacks directionality, this is the same behavior observed in SPC/E water.Comment: 16 page

    Evolution of collision numbers for a chaotic gas dynamics

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    We put forward a conjecture of recurrence for a gas of hard spheres that collide elastically in a finite volume. The dynamics consists of a sequence of instantaneous binary collisions. We study how the numbers of collisions of different pairs of particles grow as functions of time. We observe that these numbers can be represented as a time-integral of a function on the phase space. Assuming the results of the ergodic theory apply, we describe the evolution of the numbers by an effective Langevin dynamics. We use the facts that hold for these dynamics with probability one, in order to establish properties of a single trajectory of the system. We find that for any triplet of particles there will be an infinite sequence of moments of time, when the numbers of collisions of all three different pairs of the triplet will be equal. Moreover, any value of difference of collision numbers of pairs in the triplet will repeat indefinitely. On the other hand, for larger number of pairs there is but a finite number of repetitions. Thus the ergodic theory produces a limitation on the dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Liquid Transport Due to Light Scattering

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    Using experiments and theory, we show that light scattering by inhomogeneities in the index of refraction of a fluid can drive a large-scale flow. The experiment uses a near-critical, phase-separated liquid, which experiences large fluctuations in its index of refraction. A laser beam traversing the liquid produces a large-scale deformation of the interface and can cause a liquid jet to form. We demonstrate that the deformation is produced by a scattering-induced flow by obtaining good agreements between the measured deformations and those calculated assuming this mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters v2: Edited based on comments from referee

    Classification of minimal actions of a compact Kac algebra with amenable dual

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    We show the uniqueness of minimal actions of a compact Kac algebra with amenable dual on the AFD factor of type II1_1. This particularly implies the uniqueness of minimal actions of a compact group. Our main tools are a Rohlin type theorem, the 2-cohomology vanishing theorem, and the Evans-Kishimoto type intertwining argument.Comment: 68 pages, Introduction rewritten; minor correction

    Quantum criticality around metal-insulator transitions of strongly correlated electrons

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    Quantum criticality of metal-insulator transitions in correlated electron systems is shownto belong to an unconventional universality class with violation of Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson(GLW) scheme formulated for symmetry breaking transitions. This unconventionality arises from an emergent character of the quantum critical point, which appears at the marginal point between the Ising-type symmetry breaking at nonzero temperatures and the topological transition of the Fermi surface at zero temperature. We show that Hartree-Fock approximations of an extended Hubbard model on square latticesare capable of such metal-insulator transitions with unusual criticality under a preexisting symmetry breaking. The obtained universality is consistent with the scaling theory formulated for Mott transition and with a number of numerical results beyond the mean-field level, implying that the preexisting symmetry breaking is not necessarily required for the emergence of this unconventional universality. Examinations of fluctuation effects indicate that the obtained critical exponents remain essentially exact beyond the mean-field level. Detailed analyses on the criticality, containing diverging carrier density fluctuations around the marginal quantum critical point, are presented from microscopic calculations and reveal the nature as quantum critical "opalescence". Analyses on crossovers between GLW type at nonzero temperature and topological type at zero temperature show that the critical exponents observed in (V,Cr)2O3 and kappa-ET-type organic conductor provide us with evidences for the existence of the present marginal quantum criticality.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure