8 research outputs found

    Влияние препаратов нейромедиаторного действия на течение глаукомного процесса

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    PURPOSE: To study the influence of Neuromidin on the glaucomatous process. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 88 patients (176 eyes) with primary glaucoma were surveyed. The patients’ distribution according to the stages was as follows: 70 eyes with moderate stage, 103 eyes with advanced and 3 eyes with the terminal stage of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) with compensated intraocular pressure (IOP). Eyes with the terminal stage were not included in the statistical analysis. 30 patients (60 eyes) of the control group received complex therapy (Emoxipine intramuscularly, Piracetam and Mildronate intravenously, Retinalaminum parabulbarly. The main group consisted of 58 patients (113 eyes) whose complex therapy also included Neuromidin 1 ml (15 mg) according to the following scheme: 10 intramuscular injections, then 1 tablet (20 mg) 2 times a day for 25 days as monotherapy against the background hypotensive drops (Timolol, Azopt, Azarga, Fotil, Cosopt, Alphagan-P). A standard set of tests was used in the study (viso- metry, tonometry, tonography, biomicroscopy, pachymetry, direct and inverse ophthalmoscopy, gonioscopy, static and kinetic perimetry) as well as the evaluation of the optic disc stereometric parameters with the use of Heidelberg Retinal Tomograph (HRT III). RESULTS: Expansion of the field of view and reduction of absolute and relative scotomas occurred in both groups, but when treated with Neuromidin, the field of view limits expanded up to 25 degrees further than in the control group. The research revealed an influence of Neuromidin on the state of intraocular fluid, rim volume and the cross-section of the retinal nerve fiber layer in patients with advanced stages of glaucoma. CONCLUSION: The effect can be explained by the fact that the drug stimulates the impulse conduction in nerve fibers and synapses. Cholinesterase inhibition induces the stimulation of the ciliary muscle and activation of the outflow of the intraocular fluid. Considering the decrease of the effect in 6 months, the treatment should be repeated twice a year.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучить влияние препарата нейромидин на течение глаукомного процесса. МЕТОДЫ. Обследованы 88 больных (176 глаз) с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ). По стадиям больные распределялись следующим образом: с развитой стадией 70 глаз, далекозашедшей - 103 глаза и 3 глаза с терминальной стадией ПОУГ с компенсированным внутриглазным давлением (ВГД). Глаза в терминальной стадии в статистический анализ не включались. В контрольной группе 30 больных (60 глаз) получали комплексную терапию (эмоксипин внутримышечно, пирацетам и милдронат внутривенно, ретиналамин парабульбарно). Основную группу составили 58 больных (113 глаз), которые наряду с этим лечением получали нейро- мидин 1 мл (15 мг) внутримышечно № 10, затем в течение 25 дней (20 мг) по 1 таблетке 2 раза в день, в качестве монотерапии на фоне гипотензивных капель (тимолол, азопт, азарга, фотил, косопт, альфаган Р). В работе использован стандартный комплекс исследований (визометрия, тонометрия, тонография, биомикроскопия, пахиметрия, прямая и обратная офтальмоскопия, гониоскопия, статическая и кинетическая периметрия) и оценка стереометрических параметров диска зрительного нерва (ДЗН) с помощью гейдельбергского ретинального томографа (HRT version III). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Расширение поля зрения, снижение количества абсолютных и относительных скотом имели место в обеих группах, но при лечении с нейромидином границы периферического поля зрения расширились на 25° больше, чем в контрольной группе. Отмечено влияние нейромидина на состояние оттока внутриглазной жидкости, объема нейроретинального ободка и поперечного сечения слоя нервных волокон сетчатки в развитой стадии глаукомы. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Полученный эффект можно объяснить тем, что препарат стимулирует проведение импульса по нервным волокнам и синапсам. Блокируя холинэстеразу, способствует возбуждению цилиарной мышцы и активации оттока водянистой влаги. Учитывая снижение эффекта через 6 месяцев, курс лечения необходимо повторять 2 раза в год


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    Aim was to study the effectiveness of neuromedin in the treatment of patients with primary glaucoma with compensated intraocular pressure (IOP). patients and methods. There were 40 patients (80 eyes): 10 eyes with early stage, 36 — advanced, 33 — advanced and 1 eye with end-stage glaucoma. IOP was offset by drops in the history of the 26 eyes underwent surgical treatment. Neuromedin was administered at 20 mg 2 times a day, 25 days. Efficacy was evaluated by visual status, fluid dynamics and morphometric parameters of the disk. results. Under the influence of neuromedin reduced the number of cattle and increased the number of zones with normal retinal sensitivity in the initial stage of 14.9%. In the advanced stage, the acuity improved to 66.6 per cent, in 33.3% of cases has not changed. In advanced stage, the visual acuity increased to 51.5% and 48.5% had not changed. In advanced stage, the effect is less pronounced: the number of livestock type 1 and 2 declined by 3.0±0.6 to 2.9±0.8% respectively, while the absolute number of livestock has not changed, the number of zones with normal sensitivity increased by 7.4±2,0%. Field of view is increased at all seeing eyes. Decreased true IOP, activation of the outflow chamber moisture. In initial and advanced stages significantly decreased the area of excavation, increased the area of the neuroretinal belt and the thickness of the retinal nerve fibers. In advanced stages it only changes the thickness of the retinal nerve fibers. More pronounced than in traditional therapy, the visual acuity improvement, the expansion of the field of view, the effect on retinal sensitivity and indicators HRT, probably due to a central action of neuromedin and activation of ganglion cells in a state of parabiosis. In recent years, in the literature there have been reports about the possible generality of the pathogenetic mechanisms of primary glaucoma and neurodegenerative diseases due to mitochondrial dysfunction, therefore, the positive dynamics of visual functions on the background of treatment with neuromedin can be explained by the ability of the drug to affect the energy potential of cells, to have a positive impact on cognitive function. Conclusion. Neuromedin has a positive impact on the state of visual functions, hydrodynamics and morphometric parameters of the disk

    Factors influencing corrosion of metal pipes in soils

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    Deterioration of buried metal pipes due to corrosive soil environment is a major issue worlwide. Although failures of buried pipe due to corrosive soil is an old problem, yet such failures are still uncontrollable even with the application of advanced corrosion protection technologies. Therefore, understanding factors causing corrosion of buried pipes is necessary. This article reviews factors causing corrosion of buried pipes in soils. Factors include moisture content, soil resistivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and microbial activity. Moreover, we discuss the influence of manufacturing method and the comparison of corrosion behaviour of cast iron, ductile and mild steel pipes. We found that corrosion rate of pipes increases with moisture contents up to the critical moisture value. Although pH affects corrosion, there is no relationship between corrosion and pH and the corrosion rates of buried pipes are inversely proportional to soil resistivity. Soils containing more organic matter show high resistivity. Dissolved oxygen in soil develops differential cell which accelerates corrosion of metallic pipe. Different types of bacteria present in soil develop biofilms on metallic pipes, which deteriorates pipes with time