1,281 research outputs found

    Effect of l-proline and l-tryptophan on somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Pusa 169)

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    Hyperuricemia and maternal outcome in pregnancy induced hypertension: prospective study in a tertiary care center in Mumbai, India

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    Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia are serious complications of pregnancy. They are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world and one of the leading causes for perinatal mortality also. It is the systemic disease affecting all vital organs including the fetus. Estimation of biochemical markers can give us the indication of the severity and prediction of the outcome. Serum uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism, amongst others like creatinine, LDH, transaminases. Methods: It was a type of prospective descriptive study. The present study was conducted in department of obstetrics and gynecology, Tertiary care hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Results: Pregnancy induced hypertension was most common in age group of 20-25 years, most common complication was preterm delivery which accounts for 43% of maternal complications. 60% of the cases with IUFD had serum uric acid level 8-8.9 mg/dl, 3% of the patients had HELLP syndrome. Conclusions: We found severity of complication associated with raise in serum uric acid levels.

    The number of privately treated tuberculosis cases in India: an estimation from drug sales data

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    Background Understanding the amount of tuberculosis managed by the private sector in India is crucial to understanding the true burden of the disease in the country, and thus globally. In the absence of quality surveillance data on privately treated patients, commercial drug sales data offer an empirical foundation for disease burden estimation. Methods We used a large, nationally representative commercial dataset on sales of 189 anti-tuberculosis products available in India to calculate the amount of anti-tuberculosis treatment in the private sector in 2013–14. We corrected estimates using validation studies that audited prescriptions against tuberculosis diagnosis, and estimated uncertainty using Monte Carlo simulation. To address implications for numbers of patients with tuberculosis, we explored varying assumptions for average duration of tuberculosis treatment and accuracy of private diagnosis. Findings There were 17·793 million patient-months (95% credible interval 16·709 million to 19·841 million) of anti-tuberculosis treatment in the private sector in 2014, twice as many as the public sector. If 40–60% of private-sector tuberculosis diagnoses are correct, and if private-sector tuberculosis treatment lasts on average 2–6 months, this implies that 1·19–5·34 million tuberculosis cases were treated in the private sector in 2014 alone. The midpoint of these ranges yields an estimate of 2·2 million cases, two to three times higher than currently assumed. Interpretation India's private sector is treating an enormous number of patients for tuberculosis, appreciably higher than has been previously recognised. Accordingly, there is a re-doubled need to address this burden and to strengthen surveillance. Tuberculosis burden estimates in India and worldwide require revision

    Studies on the growth and flowering of a short-day plant, Wolffia microscopica

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    As found earlier, supply of EDTA was obligatory for both flowering and satisfactory vegetative growth in Wolffia microscopica. It is now shown that the metal affecting growth and flowering is most probably iron. Omission of Fe but not of Cu, Zn, Mn and B from the medium markedly affects vegetative growth. There exists also a strong interaction between EDTA and Fe, one being largely inactive in the absence of the other. When Fe-EDDHA is substituted for Fe-citrate and EDTA in the medium, no great effect is seen in vegetative growth, but flowering takes place even under continuous light. Studies with 59Fe show that, in the medium containing Fe-EDDHA, Fe uptake is stimulated several-fold; this is apparently associated with the flowering condition

    Extraction and Purification of Organophosphorus hydrolase Enzyme from Soil Microorganism Pseudomonas diminuta

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    Synthetic organophosphorus compounds are highly toxic hence, widely used as pesticides, insecticides and chemical warfare agents. Organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) is an organophosphotriester hydrolyzing enzyme; effectively hydrolyze a range of organophosphate esters. The objective of the present study was extraction and purification of OPH enzyme from Pseudomonas diminuta bacteria (soil microorganism) and to study kinetic properties of the purified enzyme. Enzyme was extracted and purified from bacteria by ammonium sulphate precipitation and ion exchange chromatography. Purity of an enzyme was determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacryamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Purified OPH enzyme specific activity was found to be 27.7 fold of 32.8U/mg protein, molecular weight of 72 Kda and it is a homodimer since it has shown a single band in SDS-PAGE separation. Maximum activity of the free OPH enzyme was found at Optimum pH 7.5 and temperature 35oC with the incubation time of 10 min. Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) values of free OPH enzyme for methyl parathion as substrate was found to be 286.2μM and 2.5 μM/min respectively

    Functional recovery in a rare case of an adult patient with leucodystrophy

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    The adulthood leukodystrophy is an uncommon clinical condition. Physiotherapy treatment provided to this referred patient resulted in a significant functional recovery within a short span of time inspite of gross lesion. A 34-year-old male patient diagnosed as a case of leucodystrophy was referred for Physiotherapy after 2 years of initial diagnosis physiotherapy progress consisted of increasing muscle strength, reducing tightness and improving postural stability; also to improve mobility for 5 months. After taking the pre and post assessment values of MAS, FIST, mFRT and FIM, improvement through the post assessment values showed significant functional recovery within 5 months. Significant functional recovery after 2 years of diagnosis of leucodystrophy provides promising scope of physiotherapy in future cases of leucodystrophy
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