707 research outputs found

    Unusual ferromagnetism in Ising and Potts model on semi-directed Barab\'asi-Albert networks

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    We check the existence of a spontaneous magnetisation of Ising and Potts spins on semi-directed Barabasi-Albert networks by Monte Carlo simulations. We verified that the magnetisation for different temperatures TT decays after a characteristic time Ï„(T)\tau(T), which we extrapolate to diverge at positive temperatures Tc(N)T_c(N) by a Vogel-Fulcher law, with Tc(N)T_c(N) increasing logarithmically with network size NN.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    The variable star population in the globular cluster NGC 6934

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    We report an analysis of new VV and II CCD time-series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6934. Through the Fourier decomposition of the RR Lyrae light curves, the mean values of [Fe/H] and the distance of the cluster were estimated, we found; [Fe/H]UVES_{UVES}=-1.48±\pm0.14 and dd=16.03±\pm0.42 kpc, and [Fe/H]UVES_{UVES}=-1.43±\pm0.11 and dd=15.91±\pm0.39 kpc, from the calibrations of RRab and RRc stars respectively. Independent distance estimations from SX Phe and SR stars are also discussed. Individual absolute magnitudes, radii and masses are also reported for RR Lyrae stars. We found 12 new variables: 4 RRab, 3 SX Phe, 2 W Virginis (CW)and 3 semi-regular (SR). The inter-mode or "either-or" region in the instability strip is shared by the RRab and RRc stars. This characteristic, observed only in some OoI clusters and never seen in an OoII, is discussed in terms of mass distribution in the ZAHB.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures, 6 table

    New variables in M5 (NGC 5904) and some identification corrections

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    We report twelve variables not previously detected in the globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904); one SX Phe and eleven semi-regular variables (SR). Their identifications, equatorial coordinates, ephemerides, and light curves are given. Furthermore, we have explored the light curves of a group of stars whose variability has not been confirmed and that are marked as probable non- variables in the CVSGC. Finally, we offer detailed identifications for some of the known variables in crowded regions that were misidentified in previous studies. We shall also address the cases of the cataclysmic variable or U Gem type V101 and of the variable blue straggler V159.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    Identification of metal-poor stars using the artificial neural network

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    Identification of metal-poor stars among field stars is extremely useful for studying the structure and evolution of the Galaxy and of external galaxies. We search for metal-poor stars using the artificial neural network (ANN) and extend its usage to determine absolute magnitudes. We have constructed a library of 167 medium-resolution stellar spectra (R ~ 1200) covering the stellar temperature range of 4200 to 8000 K, log g range of 0.5 to 5.0, and [Fe/H] range of -3.0 to +0.3 dex. This empirical spectral library was used to train ANNs, yielding an accuracy of 0.3 dex in [Fe/H], 200 K in temperature, and 0.3 dex in log g. We found that the independent calibrations of near-solar metallicity stars and metal-poor stars decreases the errors in T_eff and log g by nearly a factor of two. We calculated T_eff, log g, and [Fe/H] on a consistent scale for a large number of field stars and candidate metal-poor stars. We extended the application of this method to the calibration of absolute magnitudes using nearby stars with well-estimated parallaxes. A better calibration accuracy for M_V could be obtained by training separate ANNs for cool, warm, and metal-poor stars. The current accuracy of M_V calibration is (+-)0.3 mag. A list of newly identified metal-poor stars is presented. The M_V calibration procedure developed here is reddening-independent and hence may serve as a powerful tool in studying galactic structure.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 pages, 7 figure

    Spectroscopic analysis of four post-AGB candidates

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    We have done a detailed abundance analysis of four unexplored candidate post- Asymptotic Giant Branch(AGB) stars IRAS 13110 - 6629, IRAS 17579 - 3121, IRAS 18321 - 1401 and IRAS 18489 - 0629 using high resolution spectra. We have constructed Spectral Energy Distributions (SED) for these objects using the existing photometric data combined with infrared (IR) fluxes. For all sample stars, the SEDs exhibit double peaked energy distribution with well separated IR peaks showing the presence of dusty circumstellar material. The CNO abundances indicate the production of N via CN cycling, but observed [C/Fe] indicates the mixing of carbon produced by He burning by third dredge up although C/O ratio remains less that 1. A moderate DG effect is clearly seen for IRAS 18489 - 0629 and IRAS 17579 - 3121 while a large scatter observed in depletion plots for IRAS 18321 - 1401 and IRAS 13110 - 6629 indicate the presence of other processes affecting the observed abundance pattern.Comment: 15, pages, 5 tables, 9 Figures. Accepted in Revista Mexicana de Astronom\'ia y Astrof\'isica, Octuber issue 201

    Unveiling Vela - Time Variability of Na I D lines in the Direction of the Vela Supernova Remnant

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    High-resolution spectral profiles of Na I D lines from the interstellar medium towards 64 stars in the direction of the Vela supernova remnant are presented. This survey conducted mostly between 2011-12 complements an earlier survey of the same stars by Cha & Sembach done in the 1993-96 period. The interval of 15 to 18 years provides a base line to search for changes in the interstellar profiles. Dramatic disappearance of strong absorption components at low radial velocity is seen towards three stars - HD 63578, HD 68217, HD 76161 - over 15-18 years; HD 68217 and HD 76161 are associated with the Vela SNR but HD 63578 is likely associated with the wind bubble of g2 Velorum. The vanishing of these cold neutral clouds in the short time of 15 to 18 years needs some explanation. Other changes are seen in high-velocity Na D components.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures, 7 tables, accepted in MNRA

    Physical parameters of RR Lyrae stars in NGC 6171

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    We present an analysis of VI CCD time-series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6171. The main goal is to determine individual physical parameters for single-mode RR Lyrae stars present in the field of view of our images, by means of light curve Fourier decomposition and well-established calibrations and zero-points. This leads to the estimation of the mean values of the metallicity and distance for the parental cluster. From the RRab stars we find [Fe/H]ZW = -1.33 +- 0.12 and a distance d = 5.3 +- 0.3 kpc and from the RRc stars we find [Fe/H]ZW = -1.02 +- 0.19 and a distance d = 5.3 +- 0.2 kpc. Independent methods, such as the P-L relations for RRab and SX Phe stars enable the estimation of a weighted average distance to the cluster of 5.4 +- 0.1 kpc. We confirm the amplitude modulations of the Blazhko type of five RRab and the non-membership of V21 to the cluster. The colour-magnitude diagram is consistent with an age of 11 Gyrs. The distribution of RRab and RRc stars seems well segregated around the first overtone red edge of the instability strip. This positions NGC 6171 among OoI type clusters where the pulsating modes are neatly separated in the HB. We report two new irregular variables of the Lb type.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted on October 4, 201

    The Stellar parametrization using Artificial Neural Network

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    An update on recent methods for automated stellar parametrization is given. We present preliminary results of the ongoing program for rapid parametrization of field stars using medium resolution spectra obtained using Vainu Bappu Telescope at VBO, Kavalur, India. We have used Artificial Neural Network for estimating temperature, gravity, metallicity and absolute magnitude of the field stars. The network for each parameter is trained independently using a large number of calibrating stars. The trained network is used for estimating atmospheric parameters of unexplored field stars.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Astronomical Society of India Conference Series (ASICS). eds. P. Prugniel and H.P Sing

    Period changes in the RR Lyrae stars of NGC 6171 (M107)

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    Based on photometric data obtained between 1935 and 2017, O−CO-C diagrams were built for 22 RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster NGC 6171, leading to the discovery of secular period changes in 4 variables for which we have calculated their period change rates β\beta. In contrast we find that 82%82\% of the sample stars have stable periods over the last 82 years. For the stable period stars, the whole data base has been employed to refine their periods. Among the period changing stars, three (V10, V12 and V16) have decreasing periods larger than expected from stellar evolution. Despite these individual cases of significant period change rate, the golbal average of the measured period changes in the cluster is basically zero, in consonance with theoretical predictions for clusters with redder horizontal branches. The hitherto unpublished observations, now brought into public domain, are employed to calculate a set of times of maximum light which are used in the present analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, full Tables 2 and 4 will be electroni

    The curious case of PDS 11: a nearby, >10 Myr old, classical T Tauri binary system

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    We present results of our study of PDS 11 binary system, which belongs to a rare class of isolated, high galactic latitude T Tauri stars. Our spectroscopic analysis reveals that PDS 11 is a M2-M2 binary system with both components showing similar H-alpha emission strength. Both the components appear to be accreting, and are classical T Tauri stars. The lithium doublet Li I 6708 Angstrom, a signature of youth, is present in the spectrum of PDS 11A, but not in PDS 11B. From the application of lithium depletion boundary age-dating method and a comparison with the Li I 6708 equivalent width distribution of moving groups, we estimated an age of 10-15 Myr for PDS 11A. Comparison with pre-main sequence evolutionary models indicates that PDS 11A is a 0.4 solar mass T Tauri star at a distance of 114-131 pc. PDS 11 system does not appear to be associated with any known star forming regions or moving groups. PDS 11 is a new addition, after TWA 30 and LDS 5606, to the interesting class of old, dusty, wide binary classical T Tauri systems in which both components are actively accreting.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (13 pages, 10 figures
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