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    In our work selected parameters of energetic metabolism in blood serum of pigs of Mangalica breed in two age categories: piglets (28–30 days old) and mature sows (14–18 months old) were evaluated. Based on the considering of the results of biochemical examinations different values in sucklings in comparison to mature sows were found, namely the total lipids (5,01 and 5,50 g/l), total cholesterol (1,64 and 1,42 mmol/l), HDL-cholesterol (0,92 and 1,00 mmol/l), triglycerids (0,71 and 0,42 mmol/l), and glucose levels (7,63 and 6,33 mmol/l). Our results corresponds with the values mentioned by other authors in mature sows. Provided examinations will help for identification of blood serum metabolites in pigs of different age categories and for specification of reference interval.U našem su radu ocijenjeni odabrani parametri energetskog metabolizma u serumu krvi svinja pasmine Mangalica u dvije dobne kategorije: praščići (28-30 dana starosti) i odrasle krmače (stare 14-18 mjeseci). Na temelju rezultata biokemijskih ispitivanja nađene su različite vrijednosti u sisajućim praščićima u usporedbi s odraslim krmačama, naime ukupni lipidi 5,01 i 5,50 g/l,u ukupnom kolesterolu (1,64 i 1,42 mol/l), HDL-kolesterolu (0,92 i 1,00mmol/l), trigliceridima (0,71 i 0,42 mmol/l) i razinama glukoze (7,63 i 6,33 mmol/l). Naši rezultati odgovaraju vrijednostima drugih autora u odraslih krmača. Ta će ispitivanja pomoći u identificiranju metabolita u krvnom serumu svinja različitih dobnih kategorija i u specifikaciji referentnog intervala