7 research outputs found

    Влияние погодных условий на урожайность и биохимический состав плодов арбуза

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    Relevance. A priority in the selection of watermelon is the creation of new competitive varieties that combine resistance to adverse stressors, high yield and excellent fruit quality. The purpose of this study is to show the influence of weather conditions on the growing season, yield and quality of watermelon fruits and the influence of growing conditions on the growth and development of watermelon plants.Materials and methods. The study used 5 varieties of watermelon included in the State Register and 2 new varieties, ready for transfer to the State Variety Test. During the research, all observations and counts were carried out in accordance with the State Variety Testing Methodology and the Field Experience Methodology.Results. In the process of research, it was found that the length of the growing season largely depends on the amount of precipitation and the sum of active temperatures, as well as on their distribution in interphase periods. It was noted that in the year with the highest rainfall, the growing season was the longest. Productivity for the analyzed period varies from 14.2 t / ha to 20.7 t / ha in the early group, from 19.4 t / ha to 24.9 t / ha in the average. The highest yields were recorded in 2017 with the least rainfall. Growing conditions had a significant impact on the quality of watermelon fruit: the solids content ranged from 9.4% to 12.8%, total sugar - from 7.70% to 11.35%.Актуальность. Приоритетным направлением в селекции арбуза является создание новых конкурентоспособных сортов, сочетающих устойчивость к неблагоприятным стрессорам, высокую урожайность и отличное качество плодов. Целью данного исследования является определение зависимости роста и развития растений арбуза, а также урожайности и биохимического состава плодов от погодных условий.Материалы и методы. В исследовании использовали 5 сортов арбуза, включенные в Госреестр и 2 новых сортообразца, готовых для передачи в Государственное сортоиспытание. В ходе исследований проводили все наблюдения и учеты в соответствии с Методикой государственного сортоиспытания и Методикой полевого опыта.Результаты. В процессе исследований было установлено, что длина вегетационного периода в значительной степени зависит от количества выпавших осадков и суммы активных температур, а также от распределения их в межфазные периоды. Отмечено, что в год с наибольшим количеством осадков вегетационный период был самый продолжительный. Урожайность за анализируемый период варьировала от 14,2 т/га до 20,7 т/га в ранней группе, от 19,4 т/га до 24,9 т/га – в средней. Наибольшая урожайность отмечена в 2017 году с наименьшим количеством осадков. Условия выращивания оказали существенное влияние и на биохимический состав плодов арбуза: содержание сухого вещества колеблется от 9,4% до 12,8%, общего сахара – от 7,70% до 11,35%


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    The main direction of breeding in melon farming is the creation of varieties with high potential for productivity. The research was conducted at the Bykovskaya experimental station in the Volgograd region. The aim of the research was to create a new competitive watermelon variety malachite, which has a complex of useful and economic characteristics, resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. The characteristic of the initial forms used for hybridization is given. The data of evaluation of the hybrid combination in all stages of the breeding process. According to the results of the 3-year competitive variety testing, the excess of the yield of watermelon malachite over the Sinchevsky standard averaged 1.5 t/ha. The dry matter content for all years of research was at the level of the standard and ranged from 11.4 to 12.4%. The final result of breeding work is the creation of mediumgrade watermelon malachite, which is in the state variety testing.Базовым направлением селекционной работы в бахчеводстве остается создание сортов с высоким потенциалом продуктивности. Исследования проводили на Быковской опытной станции в Волгоградской области. Цель исследований – создание конкурентоспособного сорта арбуза Малахит, обладающего комплексом хозяйственно полезных признаков, устойчивого к биотическим и абиотическим факторам среды. Дана характеристика исходных форм, использованных для гибридизации. Приведены данные оценки гибридной комбинации во всех этапах селекционного процесса. По результатам 3-х летнего конкурсного сортоиспытания превышение по урожайности сорта арбуза Малахит над стандартом Синчевский в среднем составило 1,5 т/га. Содержание сухого вещества по всем годам исследований было на уровне стандарта и составляло от 11,4 до 12,4%. В настоящее время сорт Малахит находится в Государственном сортоиспытании


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    Watermelon is one of the most common crops of medium melons. Biological peculiarities of cultivation of watermelon allow using global warming as a factor expanding the area for cultivation. Breeding work is carried out to develop new varieties and hybrids of watermelon suitable for cultivation in more Northern areas of the Russian Federation with a shorter vegetation period In Bykovskaya Melons and Gourds Experimental Breeding Station. To accomplish this goal the creation of new varieties of watermelon, early maturity with excellent taste, friendly fruit ripening, drought-resistant, suitable for intensive cultivation technology is carried out. Currently, the new early maturing variety of watermelon ‘Meteor’ with a growing period for 65-70 days and dry matter content to 12.0% has been transferred to the State Variety Trial. According to research results, comparative characteristics between new promising variety ‘Meteor’ and control variety ‘Zenith’ were given. The ‘Meteor exceeded the standard variety in yield ability by 19.0 сwt/ha. According to pathogen tests for complex resistance the ‘Meteor’ exceeded the control by 6.4 % for Fusarium, and scored at 0.8 against Anthracnose attack.Арбуз – одна из самых распространенных культур среды бахчевых. На Быковской бахчёвой селекционной опытной станции ведется селекционная работа по выведению новых сортов и гибридов арбуза, пригодных для выращивания в более северных районах РФ с более коротким периодом вегетации. Для выполнения этой задачи поставлена цель – создание нового сорта арбуза раннего срока созревания с отличными вкусовыми качествами, дружным созреванием плодов, засухоустойчивого, пригодного для интенсивной технологии выращивания. В настоящее время в Государственное сортоиспытание передан новый раннеспелый сорт арбуза Метеор с продолжительностью вегетационного периода 65-70 суток и содержанием сухого вещества до 12,0%. По результатам исследований дана сравнительная характеристика нового перспективного сорта арбуза Метеор и стандарта – сорта арбуза Зенит. Превышение по урожайности нового сорта составляет 19,0 ц/га. По испытанию на комплексную устойчивость к антракнозу и фузариозу сорт арбуза Метеор, превзошел стандарт на 6,4 %, по фузариозу и на 0,8 балла – по поражению антракнозом

    The influence of weather conditions on the yield and biochemical composition of watermelon

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    Relevance. A priority in the selection of watermelon is the creation of new competitive varieties that combine resistance to adverse stressors, high yield and excellent fruit quality. The purpose of this study is to show the influence of weather conditions on the growing season, yield and quality of watermelon fruits and the influence of growing conditions on the growth and development of watermelon plants.Materials and methods. The study used 5 varieties of watermelon included in the State Register and 2 new varieties, ready for transfer to the State Variety Test. During the research, all observations and counts were carried out in accordance with the State Variety Testing Methodology and the Field Experience Methodology.Results. In the process of research, it was found that the length of the growing season largely depends on the amount of precipitation and the sum of active temperatures, as well as on their distribution in interphase periods. It was noted that in the year with the highest rainfall, the growing season was the longest. Productivity for the analyzed period varies from 14.2 t / ha to 20.7 t / ha in the early group, from 19.4 t / ha to 24.9 t / ha in the average. The highest yields were recorded in 2017 with the least rainfall. Growing conditions had a significant impact on the quality of watermelon fruit: the solids content ranged from 9.4% to 12.8%, total sugar - from 7.70% to 11.35%


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    The main direction of breeding in melon farming is the creation of varieties with high potential for productivity. The research was conducted at the Bykovskaya experimental station in the Volgograd region. The aim of the research was to create a new competitive watermelon variety malachite, which has a complex of useful and economic characteristics, resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. The characteristic of the initial forms used for hybridization is given. The data of evaluation of the hybrid combination in all stages of the breeding process. According to the results of the 3-year competitive variety testing, the excess of the yield of watermelon malachite over the Sinchevsky standard averaged 1.5 t/ha. The dry matter content for all years of research was at the level of the standard and ranged from 11.4 to 12.4%. The final result of breeding work is the creation of mediumgrade watermelon malachite, which is in the state variety testing


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    Watermelon is one of the most common crops of medium melons. Biological peculiarities of cultivation of watermelon allow using global warming as a factor expanding the area for cultivation. Breeding work is carried out to develop new varieties and hybrids of watermelon suitable for cultivation in more Northern areas of the Russian Federation with a shorter vegetation period In Bykovskaya Melons and Gourds Experimental Breeding Station. To accomplish this goal the creation of new varieties of watermelon, early maturity with excellent taste, friendly fruit ripening, drought-resistant, suitable for intensive cultivation technology is carried out. Currently, the new early maturing variety of watermelon ‘Meteor’ with a growing period for 65-70 days and dry matter content to 12.0% has been transferred to the State Variety Trial. According to research results, comparative characteristics between new promising variety ‘Meteor’ and control variety ‘Zenith’ were given. The ‘Meteor exceeded the standard variety in yield ability by 19.0 сwt/ha. According to pathogen tests for complex resistance the ‘Meteor’ exceeded the control by 6.4 % for Fusarium, and scored at 0.8 against Anthracnose attack


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    Watermelon is one of the most common crops of medium melons. Biological peculiarities of cultivation of watermelon allow using global warming as a factor expanding the area for cultivation. Breeding work is carried out to develop new varieties and hybrids of watermelon suitable for cultivation in more Northern areas of the Russian Federation with a shorter vegetation period In Bykovskaya Melons and Gourds Experimental Breeding Station. To accomplish this goal the creation of new varieties of watermelon, early maturity with excellent taste, friendly fruit ripening, drought-resistant, suitable for intensive cultivation technology is carried out. Currently, the new early maturing variety of watermelon ‘Meteor’ with a growing period for 65-70 days and dry matter content to 12.0% has been transferred to the State Variety Trial. According to research results, comparative characteristics between new promising variety ‘Meteor’ and control variety ‘Zenith’ were given. The ‘Meteor exceeded the standard variety in yield ability by 19.0 сwt/ha. According to pathogen tests for complex resistance the ‘Meteor’ exceeded the control by 6.4 % for Fusarium, and scored at 0.8 against Anthracnose attack