12 research outputs found


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    The study included patients with acute necrotic pancreatitis and confirmed biliary hypertension. The endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERSP) and endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) supplemented with lithoextrac- tion were conducted immediately. We concluded that in cases when intraduct pathology causes biliary hypertension and initial severity of patient's condition doesn't exceed 11 physiological status severity (PSS) scale conducting ERSP with EPST and lithoextraction is more preferable than drainage of gall bladder

    SMACS: a system of computer programs for probabilistic seismic analysis of structures and subsystems. Volume I. User's manual

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    The SMACS (Seismic Methodology Analysis Chain with Statistics) system of computer programs, one of the major computational tools of the Seismic Safety Margins Research Program (SSMRP), links the seismic input with the calculation of soil-structure interaction, major structure response, and subsystem response. The seismic input is defined by ensembles of acceleration time histories in three orthogonal directions. Soil-structure interaction and detailed structural response are then determined simultaneously, using the substructure approach to SSI as implemented in the CLASSI family of computer programs. The modus operandi of SMACS is to perform repeated deterministic analyses, each analysis simulating an earthquake occurrence. Parameter values for each simulation are sampled from assumed probability distributions according to a Latin hypercube experimental design. The user may specify values of the coefficients of variation (COV) for the distributions of the input variables. At the heart of the SMACS system is the computer program SMAX, which performs the repeated SSI response calculations for major structure and subsystem response. This report describes SMAX and the pre- and post-processor codes, used in conjunction with it, that comprise the SMACS system. (ACR

    Структуроутворення в стали після електролітноплазменной обробки

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    Structural formation in steel with 0.6% C after electroplating treatment was studied. Electrolyte and electrolytically-plasma heating parameters for quenching are selected. The structure and microhardness of steel is studied using light and scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction analysis.Исследовано структурообразование в стали с 0,6% С после электролитноплазменной обработки. Выбран электролит и параметры электролитноплазменного нагрева под закалку. Исследована структура и микротвердость стали с помощью методов световой и растровой электронной микроскопии и рентгеновского дифракционного анализа.Досліджено структуроутворення в стали з 0,6% С після електролітноплазменной обробки. Обрано електроліт і параметри електролітноплазменного нагрівання під загартування. Досліджено структуру та мікротвердість стали за допомогою методів світлової та растрової електронної мікроскопії та рентгенівського дифракційного аналізу