57 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the interaction between TGF beta and nitric oxide in the mechanisms of progression of colon carcinoma

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    It is recognised that stromal cells determine cancer progression. We have previously shown that active TGFbeta produced by rat colon carcinoma cells modulated NO production in rat endothelial cells. To elucidate the role of TGFbeta and NO in the mechanisms of interaction of colon carcinoma cells with stromal cells and in cancer progression, we transfected REGb cells, a regressive colon carcinoma clone secreting latent TGFbeta, with a cDNA encoding for a constitutively-secreted active TGFbeta. Out of 20 injected rats only one tumour progressed, which was resected and sub-cultured (ReBeta cells). ReBeta cells secreted high levels of active TGFbeta. The adhesive properties of REGb and Rebeta cells to endothelial cells were similar, showing that the secretion of active TGFbeta is not involved in tumour cell adhesion to endothelial cells. ReBeta, but not REGb, cell culture supernatants inhibited cytokine-dependent NO secretion by endothelial cells, but inhibition of NO production was similar in co-cultures of REGb or ReBeta cells with endothelial cells. Therefore, secretion of active TGFbeta regulated endothelial NO synthase activity when tumour cells were distant from, but not in direct contact with, endothelial cells. However, only ReBeta cells inhibited cytokine-dependent secretion of NO in coculture with macrophages, indicating that the active-TGFbeta-NO axis confers an advantage for tumour cells in their interaction with macrophages rather than endothelial cells in cancer progression

    Tumour-derived and host-derived nitric oxide differentially regulate breast carcinoma metastasis to the lungs

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    To study the role of nitric oxide (NO) in lung metastasis of breast carcinoma, we isolated two cell clones (H and J) from the parental EMT-6 murine breast carcinoma cell line, based on their differential NO production. In vitro, EMT-6 J cells, but not EMT-6H cells, constitutively expressed inducible NO synthase (NOS II) and secreted high levels of NO. IL-1beta increased NO production in both clones, and TNF-alpha had a synergistic effect on IL-1beta-induced NO production, but NO production by EMT-6 J cells was always higher than by EMT-6H cells. Proliferation, survival and adhesion to lung-derived endothelial cells of both clones were similar and were not affected by NO. In vivo, both clones similarly located in the lungs of syngeneic mice 48 h after injection. However, EMT-6H cells were significantly more tumorigenic than EMT-6 J cells as assessed at later time points. Injection of EMT-6 J cells and simultaneous treatment of mice with aminoguanidine (AG), a NOS II inhibitor, significantly increased tumour formation. Injection of EMT-6H and EMT-6 J cells into NOS II-deficient mice resulted in a significant survival increase as compared with wild-type animals. Simultaneous administration of AG increased the death rate of NOS II-deficient mice injected with EMT-6 J cells. These results demonstrate that: (i) NO does not influence the early stages of tumour metastasis to the lungs and (ii) NOS II expression in tumour cells reduces, while NOS II expression in host cells enhances, tumour nodule development. In conclusion, the cellular origin and the local NO production are critical in the metastatic proces

    Temporal and spatial instability in neutral and adaptive (MHC) genetic variation in marginal salmon populations

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    The role of marginal populations for the long-term maintenance of species’ genetic diversity and evolutionary potential is particularly timely in view of the range shifts caused by climate change. The Centre-Periphery hypothesis predicts that marginal populations should bear reduced genetic diversity and have low evolutionary potential. We analysed temporal stability at neutral microsatellite and adaptive MHC genetic variation over five decades in four marginal Atlantic salmon populations located at the southern limit of the species’ distribution with a complicated demographic history, which includes stocking with foreign and native salmon for at least 2 decades. We found a temporal increase in neutral genetic variation, as well as temporal instability in population structuring, highlighting the importance of temporal analyses in studies that examine the genetic diversity of peripheral populations at the margins of the species’ range, particularly in face of climate change

    Baltic Salmon, Salmo salar, from Swedish River Lule Älv Is More Resistant to Furunculosis Compared to Rainbow Trout

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    BACKGROUND: Furunculosis, caused by Aeromonas salmonicida, continues to be a major health problem for the growing salmonid aquaculture. Despite effective vaccination programs regular outbreaks occur at the fish farms calling for repeated antibiotic treatment. We hypothesized that a difference in natural susceptibility to this disease might exist between Baltic salmon and the widely used rainbow trout. STUDY DESIGN: A cohabitation challenge model was applied to investigate the relative susceptibility to infection with A. salmonicida in rainbow trout and Baltic salmon. The course of infection was monitored daily over a 30-day period post challenge and the results were summarized in mortality curves. RESULTS: A. salmonicida was recovered from mortalities during the entire test period. At day 30 the survival was 6.2% and 34.0% for rainbow trout and Baltic salmon, respectively. Significant differences in susceptibility to A. salmonicida were demonstrated between the two salmonids and hazard ratio estimation between rainbow trout and Baltic salmon showed a 3.36 higher risk of dying from the infection in the former. CONCLUSION: The finding that Baltic salmon carries a high level of natural resistance to furunculosis might raise new possibilities for salmonid aquaculture in terms of minimizing disease outbreaks and the use of antibiotics

    Does Genetic Diversity Predict Health in Humans?

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    Genetic diversity, especially at genes important for immune functioning within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), has been associated with fitness-related traits, including disease resistance, in many species. Recently, genetic diversity has been associated with mate preferences in humans. Here we asked whether these preferences are adaptive in terms of obtaining healthier mates. We investigated whether genetic diversity (heterozygosity and standardized mean d2) at MHC and nonMHC microsatellite loci, predicted health in 153 individuals. Individuals with greater allelic diversity (d2) at nonMHC loci and at one MHC locus, linked to HLA-DRB1, reported fewer symptoms over a four-month period than individuals with lower d2. In contrast, there were no associations between MHC or nonMHC heterozygosity and health. NonMHC-d2 has previously been found to predict male preferences for female faces. Thus, the current findings suggest that nonMHC diversity may play a role in both natural and sexual selection acting on human populations

    Régulation du processus métastatique tumoral par l'oxyde nitrique (NO), le TGF-β el les cellules de l'hôte

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    RESUME Nous avons étudié le rôle de deux molécules, le Transfon-ning Growth Factor (TGF-β) et l'oxyde nitrique (NO), dans le processus métastatique. Deux clones tumoraux ont été sélectionnés à partir d'un carcinome du côlon pour leur différence de potentiel tumorigénique dans des rats syngéniques. La croissance tumorale du clone progressif PROb a été corrélée à sa capacité à sécréter le TGF-β actif Cependant, la transfection du clone régressif REGb, sécrétant du TGF-β latent, par une vecteur codant pour le TGF-β bio-actif n'a pas permis d'induire le développement tumoral. Les deux clones tumoraux présentent des activités des protéases MMP-2, APN et DPPIV identiques et qui ne semblent pas modifiées par le TGF-β. L'interaction des cellules tumorales avec l'endothélium et l'activité de la NO synthase (iNOS) responsable de la synthèse de NO sont impliqués dans la progression de nombreux cancers. Le clone PROb, mais pas le clone REGb, inhibe l'activation de la iNOS des cellules endothéliales par sa sécrétion de TGF-β actif Les deux clones montrent cependant des propriétés d'adhésion identiques aux cellules endothéliales et sont capables d'inhiber par contact cellulaire direct l'activation de la iNOS endothéliale. Ceci suggère que ces contacts directs pourraient créer un micro-environnement favorable à la conversion du TGF-β latent en TGF-β actif ou à d'autres interactions moléculaires pouvant réguler l'activation endothéliale. Par ailleurs, les deux clones activent des macrophages du système nerveux central, organe où ils ne forment pas de métastases, mais pas les macrophages circulants, illustrant des mécanismes différentiels et spécifiques dans l'activation de différents types de cellules immunitaires. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle du NO dans la dissémination métastatique, deux clones cellulaires différant par le taux d'activité de la iNOS ont été sélectionnés à partir de la lignée murine parentale de carcinome du sein EMT-6. Bien que le NO soit un inhibiteur potentiel de la prolifération cellulaire, les deux clones montrent des propriétés prolifératives identiques in vitro. Les cellules EMT-6H qui produisent peu de NO in vitro forment de nombreux nodules tumoraux pulmonaires in vivo corrélés à une mortalité significative des souris syngéniques injectées. Les cellules EMT-6J qui présentent une expression élevée de iNOS et de NO induisent de rares nodules tumoraux pulmonaires et peu de mortalité. Dans ce modèle, l'expression tumorale de NO semble donc défavoriser la croissance tumorale. Les deux clones cellulaires ont des propriétés identiques d'adhésion et de prolifération mesurées in vitro sur des cellules endothéliales primaires isolées de différents organes et in vivo par une colocalisation identique dans les poumons de souris syngéniques 48h après leur injection. Les cellules EMT-6H présentent une activité MMP-2 plus élevée alors que les activités des protéases APN et DPPIV sont identiques dans les deux clones cellulaires. Le TGF-β soluble ainsi que les fibroblastes primaires bloquent la prolifération des deux clones cellulaires. Cependant, l'activation préalable des fibroblastes par du TGF-β restaure partiellement la prolifération du clone EMT-6H mais pas celle du clone EMT-6J. Ces résultats montrent que le rôle de molécules telles que le TGF-β et le NO tumoral dans la progression tumorale doit être considéré dans un contexte d'interactions des cellules tumorales avec les différentes types cellulaires de l'hôte: en particulier, notre travail souligne que les macrophages et les fibroblastes sont déterminants dans la progression métastatique des carcinomes du côlon ou du sein. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC Les métastases tumorales, disséminées et intraitables par chirurgie, représentent un problème majeur dans le traitement clinique du cancer. Elles sont dues à des cellules tumorales qui ont migré de leur site tumoral primaire, circulé et survécu dans le système vasculaire de l'hôte, échappé au système immunitaire, adhéré à et survécu sur l'endothélium des vaisseaux, et envahi le tissu sous-jacent où elles ont proliféré. Cette capacité à former des métastases implique de nombreux facteurs dont certains ont été identifiés mais dont le rôle reste controversé dans les différentes études. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de l'oxyde nitrique (NO) et du facteur de croissance et de transformation cellulaire TGF-β. Dans les carcinomes du sein, l'expression des enzymes responsables de la synthèse de NO a été corrélée avec l'invasion tumorale mais aussi avec un pronostic favorable selon les études. Deux clones cellulaires ont été isolés à partir de la tumeur mammaire EMT-6 chez la souris. Le clone EMT-6H sécrète peu de NO et forme de nombreuses tumeurs dans les poumons des souris *entraînant leur décès. Le clone EMT-6J sécrète beaucoup de NO et ne se développe que peu dans les poumons. Dans ce modèle expérimental, le NO semble donc défavoriser la croissance tumorale. L'analyse des interactions avec les cellules de l'hôte rencontrées lors de la formation de métastases pulmonaires a montré que les deux clones cellulaires adhérent et prolifèrent de manière similaire sur les cellules endothéliales tapissant l'intérieur des vaisseaux sanguins. L'arrêt des cellules tumorales dans les poumons ne permet donc pas d'expliquer la différence de croissance tumorale. Cependant, le clone agressif EMT-6H présente une activité élevée d'une protéase (MMP-2) qui lui permettrait par la suite d'envahir le tissu pulmonaire. Par ailleurs, l'activation des fibroblastes du tissu pulmonaire par le TGF-β, une molécule observée dans des conditions inflammatoires, permet au clone agressif EMT-6H de proliférer mais inhibe la croissance du clone EMT-6J. Dans un modèle expérimental de carcinome du côlon, le TGF-β est considéré favorable à la croissance tumorale. Isolées à partir de la même tumeur initiale, deux lignées de cellules ont des comportements opposés lorsqu'elles sont injectées sous la peau des rats. La capacité de la lignée PROb à former des tumeurs a été corrélée à la sécrétion de TGF-β actif L'introduction du gène codant pour le TGF-β actif dans la lignée REGb, qui ne sécrète pas de TGF-β actif et ne forme pas de tumeurs chez le rat, ne restaure pas leur potentiel tumorigénique. Dans ce modèle, l'expression de TGF-β actif ne semble donc pas suffisante à la croissance tumorale. Les interactions avec différents types cellulaires de l'hôte ont été étudiées. Les deux lignées tumorales adhérent de manière similaire sur les cellules endothéliales et sont capables d'inhiber leur activation, un mécanisme qui pourrait participer à la destruction. Les deux lignées activent les cellules immunitaires du système nerveux central, un organe où elles ne forment pas de métastase. Ces résultats suggèrent que la sélection des cellules métastatiques ne s'effectue pas sur l'endothélium des vaisseaux sanguins mais à des étapes ultérieures dans le micro- environnement cellulaire du nouvel organe colonisé. SUMMARY Metastasis results from the migration of tumor cells from their primary tumor, circulation through the bloodstream, attachment to the endothelium, and invasion of the surrounding tissue where they create a microenvironnement favoring their growth. This multistep process implies various cellular interactions and molecules. Among those, we were interested in the role of the Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) and the nitric oxide (NO). Two cell lines were isolated from a rat colon tumor and assessed for their metastatic potential in vivo. The PROb cell line that expresses active TGF-β formed subcutaneous tumors in rats while the REGb cell line that expresses only latent TGF-β did not. Transfection of REGb cells with a plasmid encoding for the active form of TGF-β failed to restore their metastatic ability. Thus TGF-β secretion is not sufficient to induce colon carcinoma progression. Activities of various proteases such as APN, DPPIV and MMP were similar in both cell lines and were not regulated by TGF-β. Interactions with the endothelium as well as NO synthase activity (iNOS) and local NO concentrations are believed to be crucial steps in cancer metastasis. Coculture of the two clones with endothelial cells inhibited the cytokine-triggered activation of the iNOS enzyme in primary rat endothelial cells but only PROb cells were capable of increasing the expression of IL-6, a protumoral interleukin that may participate in the impairment of the anti-tumoral immune response of the host. Both cell lines exhibited potential to activate microglial cells but not bone marrow-derived macrophages, pointing to a differential regulation of specialized immune cells. To better understand the conflicting role of NO in breast cancer progression, two cell clones were selected from the murine tumorigenic cell line EMT-6 based on their iNOS activity and NO secretion. Although NO has been shown to inhibit cell proliferation, the two cell clones exhibited similar proliferation rates in vitro. The EMT-6H cells expressed little NO and grew actively in the lungs of syngenic mice, leading to their death. Opposite results were observed with the EMT-6J cells. In these in vivo conditions, NO seems to impair tumor growth. Both clones exhibited similar in vitro adhesive properties to primary endothelial cells isolated from various mouse organs and similar localization in the lungs of mice 48 hours after injection. Sustained metalloproteinase MMP-2 activity was detected in the tumorigenic EMT-6H clone, but not in the EMT-6J cells while other proteases such as APN and DPPIV showed no difference. These results suggested that the two clones differed in invasion steps following adhesion to the endothelium and that NO did not participate in previous steps. Consistent with this, both soluble TGF-β and supernatants of cultures of mouse primary lung fibroblasts inhibited the growth of the two clones. However, previous activation of these fibroblasts with TGF-β restored the growth of the tumorigenic EMT-6H cells, but not of EMT-6J cells. Altogether, these results indicate that the role of a given molecule, such as NO or TGF-β, must be considered in a context of interaction of tumor cells with host cells. They further imply that interaction of tumor cells with specialized immune cells and with stromal cells of the colonized organ, rather than with the endothelium, are critical in regulating metastasis

    Regulation of aminopeptidase A in human brain tumor vasculature: evidence for a role of transforming growth factor-beta

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    Angiotensin peptides are potent vasoconstrictors, cell growth factors, and neuromodulators in normal and pathological situations. To assess the potential role of the angiotensins in brain tumor-associated vessels, the expression of the enzymes of the angiotensin cascade were evaluated in these tumors. The production of these bioactive peptides is dependent on the activities of exopeptidases, including several aminopeptidases and carboxypeptidases, producing angiotensin (Ang) I, II, III, IV and Ang 1-7. Human cerebral parenchymal and glioblastoma cells expressed renin, and tumor vasculature, but not glioblastoma cells, expressed angiotensin-converting enzyme. High aminopeptidase A (APA) activity, but no aminopeptidase N/B activity, was observed in human brain tumor vasculature, suggesting a predominant production of Ang III. Grafting of rat glioma cells in rat brains yielded tumors with high APA and low aminopeptidase N/B activities in tumor vessels, confirming human results. Tumor growth and APA activity in tumor vessels were not affected by chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition. The brain-derived EC219 endothelial cells expressed high APA activity, which was not involved in endothelial cell proliferation, but was down-regulated by exposure of cells to transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) or to TGF beta-secreting tumor cells, suggesting a role for this peptide in the control of APA activity in cerebral vasculature. Thus, APA is a potential marker of chronic dysfunction, involving loss of TGF beta function, of the metabolic blood-brain barrier, but not of neovascularizatio

    Regulation of peptidase activity in a three-dimensional aggregate model of brain tumor vasculature.

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    The abnormal vascular system of brain cancers inappropriately expresses membrane proteins, including proteolytic enzymes, ultimately resulting in blood extravasation. The production of inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and nitric oxide, and tumor hypoxia have been implicated in these effects. We have previously shown that the activity of aminopeptidase A is increased in the abnormal vascular system of human and rat brain tumors. To study the mechanisms regulating the activities of peptidases in cerebral vasculature in brain tumors, we have developed a three-dimensional model of differentiated rat brain cells in aggregate cultures in which rat brain microvessels were incorporated. The secretion of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the culture medium of aggregates was used as an indicator of inflammatory activation. Addition to these aggregates of C6 glioma cell medium (C6-CM) conditioned under hypoxic or normoxic conditions or serum mimicked tumor-dependent hypoxia or conditions of dysfunction of brain tumor vasculature. Hypoxic and normoxic C6-CM, but not serum, regulated peptidase activity in aggregates, and in particular it increased the activity of aminopeptidase A determined using histoenzymography. Serum, but not C6-CM, increased IL-6 production, but did not increase aminopeptidase A activity in aggregates. Thus soluble glioma-derived factors, but not serum-derived factors, induce dysfunctions of cerebral vasculature by directly regulating the activity of peptidases, not involving inflammatory activation. Tumor hypoxia is not necessary to modulate peptidase activity