4 research outputs found

    Определение оптимальных параметров источника рентгеновского излучения на базе малогабаритного ускорителя электронов

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    Проведено моделирование спектров рентгеновского излучения, генерируемого электронами с энергией 4…10 МэВ в мишенях из различных материалов и разной толщины. Определены оптимальные параметры мишени-конвертора для использования ее в медицинских источниках монохроматического рентгеновского излучения на базе малогабаритных электронных ускорителей. Проведены оценки интенсивности излучения и сравнение источников на базе разных ускорителей

    Cardinality quantifiers in MLO over trees

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    We study an extension of monadic second-order logic of order with the uncountability quantifier “there exist uncountably many sets”. We prove that, over the class of finitely branching trees, this extension is equally expressive to plain monadic second-order logic of order. Additionally we find that the continuum hypothesis holds for classes of sets definable in monadic second-order logic over finitely branching trees, which is notable for not all of these classes are analytic. Our approach is based on Shelah’s composition method and uses basic results from descriptive set theory. The elimination result is constructive, yielding a decision procedure for the extended logic. Furthermore, by the well-known correspondence between monadic second-order logic and tree automata, our findings translate to analogous results on the extension of first-order logic by cardinality quantifiers over injectively presentable Rabin-automatic structures, generalizing the work of Kuske and Lohrey