189 research outputs found

    Widely tunable laser source for gas sensing applications

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    In gas detection systems based on a single absorption line, wide-range, precision-tunable, continuous-wave laser sources are desired in order to allow for accurate targeting and measuring absorption profiles of particular gas species. A widely tunable ring laser using an intra-cavity wavelength tuning mechanism based on asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometers has been realized in the form of a monolithic indium phosphide photonic integrated circuit following a generic photonic integration approach. Furthermore, such integration technology enables the possibility of a co-integration of multiple lasers on a single photonic chip and allowing a gas detection system to monitor a few gas species simultaneously

    Widely tunable monolithically integrated lasers using intracavity Mach-Zehnder interferometers

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    Using monolithic integration technology we have designed and fabricated tunable lasers in the 1.5 µm region with a demonstrated tuning range of 60 nm and single mode operation. This performance is achieved using intracavity tunable Mach-Zehnder interferometers that use voltage controlled phase modulators. In this paper we will discuss design considerations and advantages of such tunable lasers

    Dual 2.5 GHz ring mode-locked laser for Fourier transform spectroscopy

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    Dual 2.5 GHz ring mode-locked laser for Fourier transform spectroscopy

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    Increased bit rate direct modulation AMO-OFDM transmission by optical injection using monolithically integrated lasers

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    Experimental and simulation work, presented in this letter, demonstrates for the first time how the monolithic integration of two single-mode lasers in a master-slave configuration, can substantially increase the achievable bit rate of a direct modulation adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (AMO-OFDM) system. The Levin-Campello algorithm is applied to select the OFDM bit and power loading scheme used for each system configuration. Improvement in terms of data throughput due to injection is measured for several transmission distances with the improvement in performance presented in terms of error vector magnitude per OFDM subcarrier

    Recent advances in the photonic integration of mode-locked laser diodes

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    Mode-locked fiber and solid state lasers have played an essential role in several scientific and technological developments. The integration of mode-locked lasers on chips could enable their use in a wide range of applications. The advancement of semiconductor mode-locked laser diodes has been going on for several decades, but has recently seen the development of novel devices based on generic InP and III-V-on-silicon photonic integration platforms. These photonic integration platforms enable the use of standardized components and low-loss waveguides within the laser cavity, allowing for the design of advanced extended cavities. In this manuscript we give a review of these novel devices and compare their performance