52 research outputs found

    An interoperable ICT tool for asset and maintenance management -Advances in research –

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    Asset and maintenance management needs to store and use much information about the behaviour over time of different building materials, products and components. Service life planning and data capitalization from facility management are only the first steps for an efficient asset management because it is necessary to develop specific ICT tools for life cycle data use and sharing. Managing information related with actual maintenance works and inspection activity (condition assessment) allow handling Building Information Systems and this is fundamental in order to fit the reliability and service life evaluations for maintenance planning. For this reason, an ongoing research activity is developing some methods and tools for Service Life Planning and Management, which can be easily integrated by maintenance data to be used during planning, design, facility and maintenance activities. The aim is to develop an interoperable Life Cycle Management System (LCMS) platform where this kind of data are available and where different stakeholders can store and share information about building and constructed assets. The interoperable LCMS platform can be then used on actual maintenance works management to demonstrate the benefit as for economic (Life Cycle Costs) and environmental achievements (Life Cycle Assessment). This operation has been done according to the international standard for service life planning of building and constructed asset procedures ISO 15686, in particular in conformity with the fifth part on Life-cycle Costing, which allows a cost analysis of the entire building life cycle (maintenance included). Eventually, this ICT-tool is being developed using the standard IFC (Industrial Foundation Classes) of IAI (International Alliance for Interoperability) to define Building Information Models (BIM). In particular, interoperability will be guarantee by sharing file .ifcxml and therefore using eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML). Service life data, maintenance information, costs and each parameter for sustainability have in fact to be matched with Building Information Models attributes, upgrading BIM objects themselves in case of lack of some attributes. This database will be accessible online from a web platform, which is thought to become an interactive footbridge among different stakeholders. As the quantity of collected information will be huge, there are different views of the database according to the stakeholder profile: the aim is to facilitate its use, filtering only useful data for the considered stakeholder, but leaving the possibility to search, visualize and, possibly, modify any other information of the database. Hereafter the advances in research to structure this database and to enhance existing methods and tools for Life Cycle management are described

    The building materials’ and components’ database for an evidences-based design approach

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    The design process has always to meet, since the preliminary approaching step, every specific requirement which is foreseen for the building to realize. In a certain way, this operation represents an every time different prototype which varies according to the design demands for the considered room and the carried function, but also according to the used building materials: such an approach is already difficult by itself, but if we consider that at present the availability of technical information about building materials, components and systems is often incomplete or lost among many documents or even absent, it is evident that the designer’s activity becomes very uneven. That is the reason why, the definition of a database for building materials in which indicating each informative attribute to be considered becomes fundamental in order to: - provide a correct, univocal, clear and complete information for every building stakeholder; - help manufacturers to individualize the real needed information to join to their products, so to allow an easier comparison among products themselves and, as a consequence, to push towards a better quality of the entire building process (improving production, design, but also management). The paper deals with an analysis of the necessary information for designers and for maintenance planners, providing different levels of deepening according to the intended use. A particular attention will be paid on the so called “evidences-based design” which gives the opportunity to point out and to consider the most meaningful design matters, making an aware choice of building materials, components and systems. The International Service Life Data Base developed by CSTB with Politecnico di Milano will be reported as a tool for service life prediction, and buildings’ management

    Il manuale del certificatore energetico

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    L’efficienza energetica è un’importante sfida che vede nel mondo delle costruzioni la chiave di volta per la riduzione dei consumi e per l’ottenimento degli obiettivi di risparmio energetico: le ricadute sul fabbisogno energetico dell’edificio guidano ormai i progettisti in molte delle scelte relative agli interventi sia di nuova costruzione che sul costruito. Strumento per conoscere e valutare la capacità di un edificio di contenere i propri consumi, la certificazione energetica comprende serie tutte le attività che sono proprie della figura del certificatore energetico e che portano alla redazione dell’attestato, documento concepito per sintetizzare le principali informazioni sul comportamento energetico dell’edificio stesso e per evidenziare possibili interventi migliorativi delle prestazioni energetiche, con una valutazione costi-benefici. Dopo un’analisi delle disposizioni europee e nazionali in materia energetica e di certificazione degli edifici, il volume entra nel merito delle specifiche tecniche della serie UNI/TS 11300, strumento chiave per la valutazione della prestazione energetica degli edifici. Le prime due parti della serie, infatti, consentono il calcolo del fabbisogno energetico per la climatizzazione invernale e dunque la corretta progettazione di isolamento e impianti termici per il riscaldamento, riferimento dell’attuale certificazione energetica; la terza parte regolamenta la determinazione del fabbisogno di energia primaria e dei rendimenti per la climatizzazione estiva; mentre la parte IV - inerente il calcolo del fabbisogno di energia primaria per la climatizzazione invernale e per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria da pompe di calore, cogeneratori, sistemi solari termici e fotovoltaici, teleriscaldamento e biomasse - è in attesa di pubblicazione. Il volume offre quindi il quadro degli obiettivi della certificazione, la classificazione prevista, chiarisce i contenuti dell’ACE e illustra i compiti e le responsabilità del certificatore energetico. E’ poi dato un dettagliato e completo esempio di certificazione energetica di un edificio residenziale, che sviluppa analiticamente tutte le fasi e i calcoli che portano alla determinazione del fabbisogno di energia primaria. Infine, sono illustrate e chiarite tutte le norme regionali attualmente vigenti, che – in virtù del principio di cedevolezza - derogano a quanto stabilito a livello nazionale e contengono differenze nelle procedure di calcolo, nei criteri di accreditamento, nella modalità di certificazione energetica e nel layout stesso del certificato energetico Questo Manuale si presenta, quindi, come il testo globale di supporto al certificatore energetico, per tutte le fasi della sua attività e in qualsiasi regione italiana sia chiamato ad operare
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