59,685 research outputs found

    Nuclear Reactions Rates Governing the Nucleosynthesis of Ti44

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    Large excesses of Ca44 in certain presolar graphite and silicon carbide grains give strong evidence for Ti44 production in supernovae. Furthermore, recent detection of the Ti44 gamma-line from the Cas A SNR by CGRO/COMPTEL shows that radioactive Ti44 is produced in supernovae. These make the Ti44 abundance an observable diagnostic of supernovae. Through use of a nuclear reaction network, we have systematically varied reaction rates and groups of reaction rates to experimentally identify those that govern Ti44 abundance in core-collapse supernova nucleosynthesis. We survey the nuclear-rate dependence by repeated calculations of the identical adiabatic expansion, with peak temperature and density chosen to be 5.5xE9 K and 1E7 g/cc, respectively, to approximate the conditions in detailed supernova models. We find that, for equal total numbers of neutrons and protons (eta=0), Ti44 production is most sensitive to the following reaction rates: Ti44(alpha,p)V47, alpha(2alpha,gamma)C12, Ti44(alpha,gamma)Cr48, V45(p,gamma)Cr46. We tabulate the most sensitive reactions in order of their importance to the Ti44 production near the standard values of currently accepted cross-sections, at both reduced reaction rate (0.01X) and at increased reaction rate (100X) relative to their standard values. Although most reactions retain their importance for eta > 0, that of V45(p,gamma)Cr46 drops rapidly for eta >= 0.0004. Other reactions assume greater significance at greater neutron excess: C12(alpha,gamma)O16, Ca40(alpha,gamma)Ti44, Al27(alpha,n)P30, Si30(alpha,n)S33. Because many of these rates are unknown experimentally, our results suggest the most important targets for future cross section measurements governing the value of this observable abundance.Comment: 37 pages, LaTex, 17 figures, 8 table

    Generation of GHZ and W states for stationary qubits in spin network via resonance scattering

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    We propose a simple scheme to establish entanglement among stationary qubits based on the mechanism of resonance scattering between them and a single-spin-flip wave packet in designed spin network. It is found that through the natural dynamical evolution of an incident single-spin-flip wave packet in a spin network and the subsequent measurement of the output single-spin-flip wave packet,multipartite entangled states among n stationary qubits, Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) and W states can be generated.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Field-Induced Ferromagnetic Order and Colossal Magnetoresistance in La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7: a ^{139}La NMR study

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    In order to gain insights into the origin of colossal magneto-resistance (CMR) in manganese oxides, we performed a ^{139}La NMR study in the double-layered compound La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7. We find that above the Curie temperature T_C=126 K, applying a magnetic field induces a long-range ferromagnetic order that persists up to T=330 K. The critical field at which the induced magnetic moment is saturated coincides with the field at which the CMR effect reaches to a maximum. Our results therefore indicate that the CMR observed above T_C in this compound is due to the field-induced ferromagnetism that produces a metallic state via the double exchange interaction

    TeV leptogenesis in Z-prime models and its collider probe

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    We show that the U(1)-prime models linked with the seesaw mechanism at TeV scale can lead to a successful baryogenesis through soft leptogenesis with a resonant behavior in the B parameter. Such a consideration constrains the Z-prime mass to be larger than 2-3 TeV depending on the seesaw scale and the spharelon rate. Together with multi-TeV Z-prime, large sneutrino-antisneutrino mixing and CP violating phenomena required by TeV leptogenesis could be searched for in future colliders by observing the distinct same-sign dilepton--dichargino as well as dislepton--diHiggs signatures.Comment: 10 pages with 2 figure

    Off-diagonal magnetoimpedance in field-annealed Co-based amorphous ribbons

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    The off-diagonal magnetoimpedance in field-annealed CoFeSiB amorphous ribbons was measured in the low-frequency range using a pick-up coil wound around the sample. The asymmetric two-peak behavior of the field dependence of the off-diagonal impedance was observed. The asymmetry is attributed to the formation of a hard magnetic crystalline phase at the ribbon surface. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of the surface impedance tensor. It is assumed that the ribbon consists of an inner amorphous region and surface crystalline layers. The coupling between the crystalline and amorphous phases is described through an effective bias field. A qualitative agreement between the calculated dependences and experimental data is demonstrated. The results obtained may be useful for development of weak magnetic-field sensors.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Observation of Heteronuclear Feshbach Resonances in a Bose-Fermi Mixture

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    Three magnetic-field induced heteronuclear Feshbach resonances were identified in collisions between bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K atoms in their absolute ground states. Strong inelastic loss from an optically trapped mixture was observed at the resonance positions of 492, 512, and 543 +/- 2 G. The magnetic-field locations of these resonances place a tight constraint on the triplet and singlet cross-species scattering lengths, yielding -281 +/- 15 Bohr and -54 +/- 12 Bohr, respectively. The width of the loss feature at 543 G is 3.7 +/- 1.5 G wide; this broad Feshbach resonance should enable experimental control of the interspecies interactions.Comment: revtex4 + 5 EPS figure
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