7 research outputs found

    Obtaining a fish minced feed by the method of cryoextrusion from frozen fish raw materials

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    Developed the technology of obtaining a fish minced feed (cryo minced fish feed) by the method of cryoextrusion using by the utility model extrusion of a piston-type cold working bodies for grinding the fish raw material in a frozen state. Justified the possibility of replacement in the standard technology of production the feed from the minced fish such technological operations as the defrosting and subsequent grinding of raw materials to the operation like a cold extrusion or cryoextrusion. Used the shape of the holes of the die for forcing the raw material in the form of “hourglass” with a diameter of 7 mm, the length of the process of pushing – 40 seconds. Determine the actual losses of raw material in the milling process meth of cryoextrusion ranging from 1% to 2.5%, including the losses when cutting block for the preparation of raw materials to piercing. It is established that the finished product – cryo minced fish feed, has a homogeneous grinding, juicy, crumbly texture, the temperature in the thickness of the product is not changed and equal to the temperature of raw materials before processing, that is minus 18 °C. Developed the principal technological scheme of obtaining the cryo minced fish feed by the method of cryoextrusion. The calculation of material balance in the production of beef has shown that the use of the new method will allow to increase the product yield up to 99%. Based on the studies of the chemical composition of fish and feed of mince obtained by traditional and developed methods established that the protein content in the cryo minced fish feed remains unchanged. Developed draft technical specifications for the production of cryo minced fish feed and technological instructions for the production of cryo minced fish feed for fodder purposes, and also prepared the application for the patent named “Obtaining cryo minced fish feed from the frozen fish by the method of cryoextrusion”