320 research outputs found

    Braneworld Cosmological Perturbation Theory at Low Energy

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    Homogeneous cosmology in the braneworld can be studied without solving bulk equations of motion explicitly. The reason is simply because the symmetry of the spacetime restricts possible corrections in the 4-dimensional effective equations of motion. It would be great if we could analyze cosmological perturbations without solving the bulk. For this purpose, we combine the geometrical approach and the low energy gradient expansion method to derive the 4-dimensional effective action. Given our effective action, the standard procedure to obtain the cosmological perturbation theory can be utilized and the temperature anisotropy of the cosmic background radiation can be computed without solving the bulk equations of motion explicitly.Comment: 10 pages, Based on a talk presented at ACRGR4, the 4th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Monash University, Melbourne, January 2004. To appear in the proceedings, in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Spacetime dynamics and baryogenesis in braneworld

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    We point out that the effective theory for the Randall-Sundrum braneworld models with bulk fields contains the baryon number violation process depending on the spacetime dynamics. Combining to the curvature-current interaction, the net baryon number observed today may be explained. The resultant baryon to entropy ratio is determined by the ratio of the Planck scales in four dimensional and five dimensional spacetime except for the parameter for CP violation.Comment: 8 pages, references adde

    Angular momentum at null infinity in higher dimensions

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    We define the angular momentum at null infinity in higher dimensions. The asymptotic symmetry at null infinity becomes the Poincare group in higher dimensions. This fact implies that the angular momentum can be defined without any ambiguities such as supertranslation in four dimensions. Indeed we can show that the angular momentum in our definition is transformed covariantly with respect to the Poincare group.Comment: 13 page

    Semiclassical instability of the brane-world: Randall-Sundrum bubbles

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    We discuss the semiclassical instability of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world model against a creation of a kind of Kaluza-Klein bubble. An example describing such a bubble space-time is constructed from the five-dimensional AdS-Schwarzschild metric. The induced geometry of the brane looks like the Einstein-Rosen bridge, which connects the positive and the negative tension branes. The bubble rapidly expands and there also form a trapped region around it.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, two references adde

    Proposal for an experiment to search for Randall-Sundrum type corrections to Newton's law of gravitation

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    String theory, as well as the string inspired brane-world models such as the Randall-Sundrum (RS) one, suggest a modification of Newton's law of gravitation at small distance scales. Search for modifications of standard gravity is an active field of research in this context. It is well known that short range corrections to gravity would violate the Newton-Birkhoff theorem. Based on calculations of RS type non-Newtonian forces for finite size spherical bodies, we propose a torsion balance based experiment to search for the effects of violation of this celebrated theorem valid in Newtonian gravity as well as the general theory of relativity. We explain the main principle behind the experiment and provide detailed calculations suggesting optimum values of the parameters of the experiment. The projected sensitivity is sufficient to probe the Randall-Sundrum parameter up to 10 microns.Comment: 4 pages and 5 figures, figures improved, minor clarifications and few references added, final version to appear in PRD (rapid communications

    Cosmology and two-body problem of D-branes

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    In this paper, we investigate the dynamics and the evolution of the scale factor of a probe Dp-brane which move in the background of source Dp-branes. Action of the probe brane is described by the Born-Infeld action and the interaction with the background R-R field. When the probe brane moves away from the source branes, it expands by power law, whose index depends on the dimension of the brane. If the energy density of the gauge field on the brane is subdominant, the expansion is decelerating irrespective of the dimension of the brane. On the other hand, when the probe brane is a Nambu-Goto brane, the energy density of the gauge field can be dominant, in which case accelerating expansion occurs for p≀4p \leq 4. The accelerating expansion stops when the brane has expanded sufficiently so that the energy density of the gauge field become subdominant.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, reference added, accepted for publication in PR

    D-braneworld cosmology

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    We discuss D-braneworld cosmology, that is, the brane is described by the Born-Infeld action. Compared with the usual Randall-Sundrum braneworld cosmology where the brane action is the Nambu-Goto one, we can see some drastic changes at the very early universe: (i)universe may experience the rapid accelerating phase (ii)the closed universe may avoid the initial singularity. We also briefly address the dynamics of the cosmology in the open string metric, which might be favorer than the induced metric from the view point of the D-brane.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, minor corrections, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Equivalence Between Space-Time-Matter and Brane-World Theories

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    We study the relationship between space-time-matter (STM) and brane theories. These two theories look very different at first sight, and have different motivation for the introduction of a large extra dimension. However, we show that they are equivalent to each other. First we demonstrate that STM predicts local and non-local high-energy corrections to general relativity in 4D, which are identical to those predicted by brane-world models. Secondly, we notice that in brane models the usual matter in 4D is a consequence of the dependence of five-dimensional metrics on the extra coordinate. If the 5D bulk metric is independent of the extra dimension, then the brane is void of matter. Thus, in brane theory matter and geometry are unified, which is exactly the paradigm proposed in STM. Consequently, these two 5D theories share the same concepts and predict the same physics. This is important not only from a theoretical point of view, but also in practice. We propose to use a combination of both methods to alleviate the difficult task of finding solutions on the brane. We show an explicit example that illustrate the feasibility of our proposal.Comment: Typos corrected, three references added. To appear in Mod. Phys. Let

    Self-similar cosmologies in 5D: spatially flat anisotropic models

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    In the context of theories of Kaluza-Klein type, with a large extra dimension, we study self-similar cosmological models in 5D that are homogeneous, anisotropic and spatially flat. The "ladder" to go between the physics in 5D and 4D is provided by Campbell-Maagard's embedding theorems. We show that the 5-dimensional field equations RAB=0R_{AB} = 0 determine the form of the similarity variable. There are three different possibilities: homothetic, conformal and "wave-like" solutions in 5D. We derive the most general homothetic and conformal solutions to the 5D field equations. They require the extra dimension to be spacelike, and are given in terms of one arbitrary function of the similarity variable and three parameters. The Riemann tensor in 5D is not zero, except in the isotropic limit, which corresponds to the case where the parameters are equal to each other. The solutions can be used as 5D embeddings for a great variety of 4D homogeneous cosmological models, with and without matter, including the Kasner universe. Since the extra dimension is spacelike, the 5D solutions are invariant under the exchange of spatial coordinates. Therefore they also embed a family of spatially {\it inhomogeneous} models in 4D. We show that these models can be interpreted as vacuum solutions in braneworld theory. Our work (I) generalizes the 5D embeddings used for the FLRW models; (II) shows that anisotropic cosmologies are, in general, curved in 5D, in contrast with FLRW models which can always be embedded in a 5D Riemann-flat (Minkowski) manifold; (III) reveals that anisotropic cosmologies can be curved and devoid of matter, both in 5D and 4D, even when the metric in 5D explicitly depends on the extra coordinate, which is quite different from the isotropic case.Comment: Typos corrected. Minor editorial changes and additions in the Introduction and Summary section

    Brane-World and Holography

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    We consider the brane-world in the holographic point of view. Bearing the realistic models in mind, the bulk massless scalar field is introduced. First of all, we find the constraint on the coupling of the scalar fields with the matter(not holographic CFT) on the brane. We show that the traceless part of the energy-momentum tensor of holographic CFT is a part of the bulk Weyl tensor. The trace part which comes from the trace-anomaly is corresponding to the ρ2\rho^2-term appeared in the generalized FRW equation in the brane-world.Comment: 4 pages, minor change
